Last night someone asked me to farm him cobalt ore so i was like alright, grabbed a good cobalt profile and let it run last night Harvest Report: [7:40:29 AM:727]: Deaths: 2 [7:40:29 AM:744]: Cobalt Deposit: 391 [7:40:29 AM:762]: Rich Cobalt Deposit: 24 [7:40:29 AM:778]: Saronite Deposit: 1 [7:40:29 AM:795]: 416 nodes gathered in 8 hours 0 minutes 43 seconds. I ended up having like 1400 ore and sold 60+ stacks at 35/g a stack <3333 Thanks Dev team and GB!
Yup since there's less cobalt farmer's Just missing out on icethorn/lichbloom/titanium w/e...logged on with 700g today 2 hours later i'm at 3k