Im not exactly sure on how this function works yet for buying and using food on my bot. Never really used it. So what exactly do I need to know to make this function work properly? Thanks.
I have food ID listed. He uses the food. And I have a set amount to 40... other than that. I do not know. I am not aware of any other way to enable it. I dont see any other function in settings for food?
Yeah I guess I should of posted a log from the start. sorry. I know better. One question for testing purposes should I just buy like 5 food and set it to 5 food ? thanks for your help
Alright here we go. A quick 5 min test log... Set food to 60 and he has no food. started farming and when his health was low he stops and waits for health to regen before continuing. This doesn't trigger him to go buy food. View attachment not buying food.txt
I changed profiles to someone elses quest profile and it worked. Didn't change anything. Not quite sure how that happened... View attachment 4340 2012-11-07 15.07.txt
its working properly with a quest profile. but with my GB2 custom farming profile it wont buy the food =/
Then it is a profile issue. Look at the profile that it is working on, and find what you are missing.
Yeah I figured. and I have been. the profile that it works on has nothing that mine does. even less than mine has... my profile has <Vendor Name="Lien the Maintainer" Entry="67178" Type="Food" X="1003.566" Y="3418.67" Z="256.6989" /> <Vendor Name="Chao of the Hundred Crabs" Entry="67181" Type="Food" X="-1186.608" Y="3196.364" Z="2.011154" /> sooo?...
I am still trying to fix this bug for myself. Would really like some insight and help on this please.. remade a new scenario and new log file. There is only one vendor in the profile now for food. <Vendor Name="Den Den" Entry="64319" Type="Food" X="-222.6754" Y="525.4271" Z="190.8914" /> <!-- Halfhill --> I put buy 60 food in bot and he just starts to farm. leave half hill without buying food. View attachment Bot wont buy food 2.0.txt If it is a profile issue. What function is my profile missing? Thanks
ugh I tried that and using food ID and changing vendor name and sat right beside the vendor... It just doesn't seem to work for me when I use gatherbuddy. for questing it works fine? View attachment bot wont buy food 3.0.txt