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  • Honorbuddy v2.5.9937.728

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Mar 12, 2014.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Honorbuddy v2.5.9937.728


      New features:
        * Character Manager
          - Auto Equip will now wait slightly before equipping items and rolling on items. (HB-381)
        * Core
          - Auto Equip and Talented has been rewritten and integrated with Honorbuddy. They should now work better, more efficiently and with less set up required. (HB-171)
      Api Changes:
          - ItemInfo.SellPrice should now be correct for all cases. (HB-450)
          - Fixed an issue where WoWUnit.HasAura(int) would return true for auras with ID 0. (HB-551)
      Bug fixes:
        * ArchaeologyBuddy
          - Fixed an issue where AB may get stuck forever while trying to loot bugged artifacts. (HB-537)
        * Character Manager
          - Auto Equip should no longer try to equip items that are unique equipped if we already have one equipped. (HB-375)
          - Classes should no longer roll need on items they can't use. (HB-399)
          - Improved logic for needing on loot rolls (HB-421)
          - Monks should now properly equip better weapons and roll on better weapons. (HB-426)
        * Core
          - Fixed an issue where the bot would write strange "FormatException" log messages. (HB-549)
          - Fixed an issue where mailboxes were not properly blacklisted. (HB-445)
          - Npc database has been updated which should contain all npcs in the world. (HB-567)
        * DungeonBuddy
          - Fixed an issue where bot would sometimes get stuck in Electrocutioner 6000 boss room in Gnomeregan (HB-354)
          - Tank will no-longer skip Tuten'kash in Razorfen Downs when 'Kill Optional Bosses' setting is enabled. (HB-368)
          - Slaves and workers in Slave Pens are no-longer chased after they start running. (HB-380)
          - Fixed an issue where followers would not interact with brazier in Blackrock Depths when they had a shadowtorch in bags. (HB-464)
          - Tank will now wait up to 7 seconds for followers to start drinking before pulling a boss if any of them have insufficient. Previous behavior had no limit on how long the tank would wait. (HB-468)
          - Fixed an issue where dungeonbuddy would run into a wall when trying to reach a vendor that can't be navigated to. (HB-555)
          - Fixed an issue where bot would idle at the Drahga Shadowburner encounter in Grim Batol. (HB-556)
          - Increase the avoidance radius of the 'Blight of Ozumat' polls that spawn at last boss in Thron of the Tides. (HB-557)
          - Tank will now complete the gauntlet event leading to last boss in Throne of the Tides faster (HB-559)
          - Fixed an issue in Wailing Caverns where bot would run back and forth while collecting serpentblooms for the quest 'Preemptive Methods'  (HB-560)
          - Tank will now always talk to Brann after Tribunal of Ages encounter is over in Halls of Stone (HB-561)
          - Dps will once again use harpoon launchers to shoot down Skadi in Utgarde Pinnacle (HB-562)
          - Tank will once again talk to Sinclari in the Violet Hold to start the encounter. (HB-563)
        * Navigation
          - The navigator's elevator logic has been improved. As a result Fizzcrank Airstrip elevator will now work properly. (HB-264)
        * QuestBehaviour
          - Fixed a bug with the InteractWith quest hehavior that occurred when the 'GossipOptions' was used and the NPC that was selected for interaction was in combat with the player (HB-536)
        * Questing
          - Fixed an issue with quest pickups where a "Could not find quest giver" error would be thrown up even while the quest giver is nearby (HB-541)
        * UI
          - Fixed an issue where quest data copied from Developer Tools was incorrect or incomplete. Additionally the 'GiverType="Item"' attribute is added to the <Pickup> tag whenever quest is started from an item. Also the UI will no-longer hang while retrieving data  (HB-508)

      Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

      Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      → For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used?the other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you. ←


      Reporting Bugs
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug.

    2. MaxMuster

      MaxMuster Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 30, 2012
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      these two bugs fixxed?

      HB-508 ("Developer Tools no longeer gets questgiver or turnin npcs")
      HB-530 ("Honorbuddy "attacking" enemy pets on PVE Realms").

      there is nothing in the change log
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
    3. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      HB-508 is fixed (last entry in changelog).
      HB-530 is still on our todo list (but marked with highest priority).
    4. MaxMuster

      MaxMuster Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 30, 2012
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      Thx for answer.

      Last Question: Can we Delete AutoEquip2 and Talented2 from the Plugin Folder?
    5. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes, you can safely delete them. They are only there to direct (confused) users into HB's settings.
    6. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      New AutoEquip will not replace heirloom items if they are still working (ie. if your toon is under level 85 or 80 for old heirlooms). If it replaced items you had with heirlooms, it means the heirloom was better from its point of view.
      If you feel this is wrong, can you equip your items again instead of your heirlooms, download the newest beta from here, and then send me the "AutoEquip" log that is produced after it has equipped the heirlooms again. This log file can be found in the same folder as your usual log files. I can then check and see why it is equipping the heirlooms.

      Heirlooms are automatically replaced once they stop working if we get an item that is better.
    7. MaxMuster

      MaxMuster Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 30, 2012
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      Yes thats right, for AutoEquip we need a Option to Select the Weapon Styles we want.
      For Example Cast: Two-Hand or One-Hand with Off-Hand
      For Example Assasination Rogue: Only Dagger

    8. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is an oversight. Assassination rogues need daggers to execute some of their key rotation spells, is that correct? What about other rogue specs?
      This will be addressed in a later update. I don't expect any settings to be necessary.
      Weapon styles use sensible defaults. For casters it can switch between two-hander or one hander + off hand, depending on what is available and what combination scores the best.
      Other classes use what you would expect them to use. In our testing we found no reason to expose weapon style in the UI.
    9. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Only casters will switch between two handers and one hander + off hand. For classes that use their weapons, there is unfortunately no good way to compare different styles that will give sensible results, so for these we are forced to use one weapon style. This weapon style will be what the player has equipped (so fury warriors will dual wield 2-handers if the player has 2-handers already, otherwise it will dual wield one handers).
      Assassination rogues need daggers in both hands while subtlety rogues need a dagger in main hand, and any weapon in off hand. Combat can use anything. Is that correct?
    10. MaxMuster

      MaxMuster Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 30, 2012
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      What is with Fury Warrior? They can Equip 2 x 1 Hand or 1 x 2 Hand.
      Same for Frost DKs...2 x 1 Hand or 1 x 2 Hand...and for Windwalker Monk the same...2 x 1 Hand or 1 x 2 Hand...
    11. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As I said, for those cases, it will use the users preference.
    12. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Combat should use any type of one handed weapon for both main hand and off hand. As far as I'm aware, this is how the behavior should be for combat rogues.
    13. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Are you sure you're using latest version of the script for this dungeon?
      Perhaps you have the 'Custom Scripts Path' option set and it's using an older script version? I ran the instance about 5 to 6 times several days ago without any stucks here.
    14. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I pushed a beta with a fix to this issue. You can grab it here.
    15. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Please post a log.
    16. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I don't know, but even if they don't, is that energy proc enough to warrant only using daggers? I can add support to weight sets so they take speed into account, but I don't know if it matters much.
      I do know for assassination you need daggers to use Mutilate, so assassination rogues definitely need to only equip daggers; I'm just not sure about the two other specs.

      Can you download the beta and use that, and if it happens again, send me the log and the AutoEquip log as well (found in the same folder as the regular log - it's only created on beta builds).

      Yes, they can be safely deleted, and will be sooner or later.
    17. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      This is the equipment guidance from Icy Veins with regard to rogues.

      As an Assassination Rogue, you will always want to use Daggers in both your Main-hand and Off-hand slots. Your most damaging weapon should always be in your Main-hand slot (unless it only fits in an Off-hand slot).

      As a Combat Rogue, you will always want to have a 2.6 speed weapon in your Main-hand slot.
      In your Off-hand slot, you can use a Dagger or a 2.6 speed weapon (the latter being viable thanks to [​IMG] Combat Potency).

      If you are dual-wielding 2.6 speed weapons, then your most damaging weapon should always be in your Main-hand slot (unless it only fits in an Off-hand slot).

      As a Subtlety Rogue, you will always want to use Daggers in both your Main-hand and Off-hand slots. Your most damaging weapon should always be in your Main-hand slot (unless it only fits in an Off-hand slot).

      Hope that helps.
    18. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      ^All the way, this.

      On another note, as for the "new and improved" AutoEquip 2 and Talented being integrated into HB, what do the weight set developers do when they want to make their own weight sets like they did with the old AE2? I took a look at the new .xml files and they have both Talented and AE2 weights combined into a single .xml file. Are the developed weight sets from places like MaxDPS.com, AskMrRobot.com, and other places not compatible anymore? Also, could you post a list of updated weight set tags, such as the <DPS> tag, etc?
    19. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is very specialized and for end game raiding; for leveling, who cares if their combat rogue is using a 2.6 main hand weapon.
      I will change rogue logic to always use two daggers for assassination/subtlety, but use any two one-handers for combat. From my research it does look like subtlety can viably use any two one-handers with a hemorrhage spec though, so I'm not too sure about that one.
    20. MaiN

      MaiN Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      They make a new class profile (which is the new term for the combined talent trees and weights). The current weight sets are from AskMrRobot.com, I believe. They need some adjustments for leveling though (stamina should be weighed as survivability is important), which is on my todo list.
      As for weight set tags, they are always available here: Styx.CommonBot.CharacterManagement.WeighableStatType. We use the names of the enum members as the tag names.

      EDIT: Also, multiple class profiles for the same specs are supported. They are selectable from the settings window.
      EDIT 2: I misunderstood your question about the currently developed weight sets. No, they are no compatible anymore, but they should pretty easily be convertible to the new class profile system. If you do not specify a talent tree in a class profile, HB will not select talents for you.
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
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