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  • [Stable] Honorbuddy - Flying mount check disabled for lifetime users

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nesox, Jan 4, 2011.

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    1. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      MAJOR CHANGE - Lifetime users will now have flight checks disabled. This enables flying mounts to be used. There is currently no built-in support for flight. However, it will come eventually.
      ADD - Honorbuddy will now automatically bring the WoW window to the normal window state, if minimized. We do not support WoW being minimized on certain versions of Windows, so this is to avoid bug reports.
      ADD - If tag Condition has another method - IsQuestCompleted(questId) - Will return true/false depending on the completion of a quest.
      ADD - Me.RawComboPoints - returns the current combo points, regardless of target. [Requested]
      ADD - If a CustomBehavior fails to compile, HB will now display it in the log and stop running.
      ADD - CustomForcedBehavior now has a new property: Element, this is the element in the profile. You can use it to iterate all the child elements and whatnot.
      ADD - Priest Discipline weight set added to AutoEquip
      ADD - WoWPartyMember - This API is for querying party/raid member statuses and other info. (Only useful for members 'out of range' of the object manager) Use StyxWoW.Me.RaidMemberInfos to retrieve a list.
      FIX - No longer runs the combat behavior unless there are valid targets in the targetlist. eg; won't get stuck in combat if ure flagged for combat but you have no targets.
      FIX - If an expression is unable to compile it now stops HB with an error.
      FIX - Will now select the proper quest reward when turning in quests according to the weights it's using.
      FIX - Will no longer try to take a flightpath... to itself. (If the start and end flightpaths are the same, it'll ignore taking one)
      FIX - Now properly ignores 'enemy' flight masters
      FIX - Consumable.GetBestFood/Drink should now return certain conjured items.
      FIX - BotEvents.Player.OnLevelUp will no longer fire if your level hasn't changed by +1. (Solves issues with the event firing with a new level of 0)
      FIX - UseItemOn/WaitTimer/InteractWith/TalkToAndListenToStory questbehaviors has been updated.
      FIX - InteractWith updated.
      FIX - Will now cancel any shapeshift form on druids before mounting. (This fixes a bug with WoW not cancelling it for us before mounting)
      FIX - Selecting quest rewards, if the best itemscore is 0 it selects the item that sells for the most
      FIX - MountHelper.Mounts list is now cached, to avoid potential lockups for users with a lot of mounts.
      FIX - MountHelper was incorrectly classifying certain mounts.
      FIX - If a QuestBehavior fails to compile Honorbuddy now stops.
      FIX - If a Quest needs a quest override Honorbuddy now stops instead of running to the center of the continent.
      FIX - CustomForcedBehavior.Args no longer contain the 'File' argument
      FIX - Single-mesh instances were not showing properly in tilemaps, so they would not be updated properly when new meshes were available.
      FIX - A fix for incorrectly assuming maps were tiled, when in fact, they were not. (Related to the above fix)
      CHANGE - Changed the way Fly POIs are displayed. Will now show the reason for the Fly POI and, if applicable, the ending flightpath
      CHANGE - LocalPlayer.Copper/Silver/Gold are now ulong's. (Changed from ints) Characters can now carry 1M gold. Required change to account for this.
      * Some mobs may show as being far away, when in fact, they are not
      * Navigator may sometimes not load the tile underneath you, when first starting the bot.
      * QuestManager.GetCompletedQuests might return an incorrect value causing the bot to try to pickup the first quest when questing even tho it's already done 
      For Bugreports! Make sure you make a new account unless you already got one:
      Buddy Bugtracker Main Page

      [SIZE=3][COLOR=red]If you are getting this exception:
      Invalid Executor, Styx.Helpers.CharacterSettings threw an exception, or 
      [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Error - Endscene hook failed: Value cannot be null.
      Parameter name: EndSceneProc passed to Executor constructor was invalid, or[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=red]something similiar to that.
      Then you need to do this /run print(GetCVar('gxApi'))[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=red]open the chatbox in wow copy paste that press enter. 
      If it prints D3D9 ure all good if it says D3D11 you have to open your Config.wtf file and edit this row: 
      SET gxApi "D3D11"[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=red]Make sure it looks like this:
      [/COLOR][COLOR=red]SET gxApi "D3D9"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]
      This Version includes Instancebuddy, do not use the old IB - it won't work.

      In order to use Hb your WoW client must be fully (100%) patched

      Download Here:


      Starting from the next Honorbuddy release and for all future releases its required to post your bug reports on our Bugtracker tool.

      That means that we wont accept bug reports on forum
      The Hb release tread will remain locked

      link:Buddy Bugtracker Main Page

      So,in order to be able to use this tool you have to register

      1)Press the big blue "Open a new account" button
      and then you have to fill in your email here


      2)Next step is to visit your inbox for our confirmation email


      3)Go back at Bugtracker's main page fill your info and you will be able to see this


      4)in order to create a new bug report you have to choose the "New" option
      this action will lead you to product selection page


      you have to choose
      Honorbuddy [v2]: Honorbuddy 2
      if you want to report an Hb bug
      Third Party Utilities
      if you want to report an Instancebuddy bug

      5)now you are able to see this page(if your selection was Hb2)

      or this(if your selection was Third Party Utilities)

      6)Final steps are to give us as more information as possible about the bug
      what steps we have to follow in order to reproduce it on our machines
      and your log as attachment

      and then hit the Submit button :)

      link:Buddy Bugtracker Main Page
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2011
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