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  • [Release] Honorbuddy

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nesox, Apr 12, 2011.

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    1. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • EquipMe has replaced AutoEquip.
      • StuckHandler has been reworked, if you are stuck for too long in the same spot it will exit the game.
      • The default values for restocking food/drinks have been set to 0. (Down from 60)
      • QuestBot will no longer kill every mob within its path, while mounted. This cuts down the 'grind across the zone' behaviors on far quests, or 'talk to this person in the other zone' quests. - This may break some profiles that relied on the behavior. However, they should have accounted for it to begin with!
      • IStuckHandler is no longer a property of the Navigator class. Instead, it is now a property of the INavigationProvider. Since the stuck handling should be dealt with via the nav provider. (Decoupling the logic causes too many issues to be relied on)
      Bug Fixes

      • Will no longer try to buy food/drinks if you have less than 1 gold
      • Will no longer buy food/water if you already have more than enough of said items in your bag. (This applies to being at the restock vendor)
      • After killing a mob, when pulling multiple mobs, HB will no longer wait 1-2 between kills, to switch to a new target. It will still wait after killing the final mob. (To wait on loot flags) - This assumes loot mobs is turned on!
      • Random crashes when zoning should be resolved.
      • Stuck handler now 'resets' its state after looting, mounting, loading tiles, and other misc actions. This prevents it from thinking its stuck while doing something.
      • Added support for new Sandy Bridge CPU's with integrated graphics / NvidiaCoProcManager
      • Will never try to repair your gear unless you have sufficent funds.
      • BgBot now stops moving if moving before trying to grab a banner.
      • Mount.Dismount() should land before dismounting, if you're on a flying mount.
      • Using the IoC teleporter is working again.
      • GetClosestVendor is working properly, (was returning the repair npc on train runs when using SetVendor tags)
      • IfNodes/Else clause's should work properly when put in 'While' nodes now.

      • Talented should be able to select the major tree now, even when the talent frame is not visible.
      • EquipMe has replaced AutoEquip.

      • Battlegrounds.BattlefieldInstanceRunTime - Returns the time since the battleground started.
      • When HB is minimized, the context menu (available from right-clicking the HB icon in the system tray) now provides an "Exit HB" option.
      • Profile.XmlElement - exposes the raw XElement that composes the profile. (Note: For SubProfiles, this will be SubProfile, not HBProfile elements!)
      • DisableRepair / EnableRepair tags added for the questorder.
      • Vendors.RepairDisabled - Setting this to true disables all repair runs unti it's set back to false.
      • StyxWoW.Me.Totems - returns info about any totems currently placed.
      • StyxWoW.Me.GetTotemBarSpells(int) - Returns a list of spells, currently on your totem bars. (Takes 0-3 for which totem bar slot to use.)
      • Misc enums, and other such stuff to compliment the totem support.
      • TargetMinLevel, TargetMaxLevel added for Quest overrides. example below:
      • Code:
         <Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="28577" KillCount="10">
            <Hotspot X="2045.651" Y="-5755.138" Z="98.59373" />
            <Hotspot X="1961.975" Y="-5762" Z="102.5041" />
            <Hotspot X="1884.566" Y="-5831.351" Z="101.4175" />
            <Hotspot X="1899.357" Y="-5907.45" Z="101.7827" />
            <Hotspot X="2002.96" Y="-5903.604" Z="103.8897" />
      Quest Behaviors

      • USERSETTINGS Now supports a new "Grind" preset which sets:
        * GroundMountFarmingMode = false
        * KillBetweenHotspots = true
        * PullDistance = 50
        * UseMount = false
        <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" Preset="Grind" />
        <!-- some kind of grindy Objective or perhaps a GrindTo />
        <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" Preset="UserOriginal" />
      • RUNMACRO - New optional attribute, GoalText, allows profile writer
        to populate HB's "Current Goal" area with meaningful text.
      • WAITTIMER - Now displays the full expiration time--not just the seconds field. New optional attribute, GoalText, allows profile writer
        to populate HB's "Current Goal" area with meaningful text.
        Two 'magic' tokens are allowed in the GoalText--"{TimeRemaining}"
        and "{TimeDuration}". WaitTimer will substitute meaningful information
        for these tokens. Also supports a VariantTime attribute.
        The value of this attribute will be converted to a random number of milliseconds,
        then added to the WaitTime. This allows the profile writer to make certain actions
        look more human-like by not executing sequential actions on fixed duration delays.
      • FLYTO - now automatically sets the PullDistance to 1.
        The PullDistance is restored to its original value when:
        1) the behavior completes normally
        2) Honorbuddy is stopped
        Now (temporarily) turns off all forms of harvesting to prevent undesirable dismounts.
        The harvesting will be restored to original settings when the behavior completes, or
        Honorbuddy is stopped.
      • ESCORT - Now (temporarily) turns off all forms of harvesting to prevent distractions while escorting.
        The harvesting will be restored to original settings when the behavior completes, or
        Honrbuddy is stopped.


      • AB should always prioritize looting artifacts over anything now.
      • There has been internal structure rework. AB will work better.


      • Collecting rich nodes is fixed now.
      • Lots of improvements for Druids.
      • Reaching nodes should be alot smoother for all races.


      • Farming mode has been reworked
      • Stratholme - Service Entrance is working now.
      • There has been some tweaks at tanking behavior
      • IB now temporarily saves hotspots in a file. In case of a crash or if the bot is stopped, It automatically loads temp hotspots back, so it won't stop from hotspot #1.


      • Added support for Profile settings, read the document for more info and also look at herb/mining 1-525 version 2 to see an example of usage.
      • Reverted to previous mail retrieval behavior, might be some slower but it's more stable.
      • Numerous minor bug-fixes
      • Fixed the 'unable to find Tripper.Tools.dll" error
      • Professionbuddy now remembers its running status between sessions and no longer stops when Honorbuddy is stopped, This will allow Professionbuddy to work with reloggers
      • Fixed an error in 1-300 herb profile.
      • Fixed a string to float conversion error on machines running windows with non english regional settings.
      [SIZE=3][COLOR=red]If you are getting this exception:
      Invalid Executor, Styx.Helpers.CharacterSettings threw an exception, or 
      [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Error - Endscene hook failed: Value cannot be null.
      Parameter name: EndSceneProc passed to Executor constructor was invalid, or[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=red]something similiar to that.
      Then you need to do this /run print(GetCVar('gxApi'))[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=red]open the chatbox in wow copy paste that press enter. 
      If it prints D3D9 ure all good if it says D3D11 you have to open your Config.wtf file and edit this row: 
      SET gxApi "D3D11"[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=red]Make sure it looks like this:
      [/COLOR][COLOR=red]SET gxApi "D3D9"[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]
      This Version includes ArchaeologyBuddy, Gatherbuddy2 and Instancebuddy do not use the old AB/GB2/IB - they won't work.
      In order to use Hb your WoW client must be fully (100%) patched

      Download Here:
      Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
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