"The underlying provider failed on Open." It almost seems like the old authentication errors with a new look. It provides that message in the console and logs out HB. Causing me to wake up to logged out accounts.
Getting this error aswell, stopped 2 times last hour. After the first stop, I had to restart both WoW and the HB client. Because of an authentication failure (HB said I used up all my sessions 1/1, though I didn't run a single session at the time, a restart fixed this). Second time it stopped, I hit Start Bot again and it got running. Didn't happen to me yesterday though. (have been using the bot since yesterday) No other errors in my logs.
The log. Error occurs at the end of the log (obviously). Using a clean install of the latest version.
Got the same error. Tried to use the bug submitter and it too crashed (with an unhandeled thread exception). What now?
Haven't been able to figure out what triggers it. Have 3 bots running, all freshly re-installed and getting this error every 30-60 minutes on one of them. Gonna switch back to GB1, hope you guys figure it out.