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  • BGbot and pvp is vry choppy in movement

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by kayes, May 21, 2011.

    1. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have tried both bots last few days, and the movement in some are very choppy. Also, the bot can never make up its mind where to go, so it have the typical "stop and turn, run back, stop and turn, keep on running" issue. It also stops on every click to move spot whic is really a "look, im a bot" issue.

      Is this only me, or does others have the same problem?

      I us several toons, resto druid, holy paladin, retribution paladin, Shadow priest, boomkin, and all have the same problems.

      My logs are too big to post, but if this is only on my side ill try some more tweaking, if not ill post logs.
    2. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    3. kagekongen

      kagekongen Member

      Jun 4, 2010
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      I'm afraid it's like this for everyone atm, so we can only hope and pray for more focus on stable PvP :d
    4. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can we get a feedback from any of the dev's regarding this issue? It's kinda sad to watch my toons in BG at the moment, and I am having so much fun topping the heal rank with my paladin with Ultimate paladin healer :S
    5. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I am just going to add more bugs here untill I get some answers I guess...

      - When the toon tries to move up in towers in AV it looks extremely retarded.
      - In the beginning of AV the toon dismounts and moves extremely bad
    6. swiftzoom

      swiftzoom New Member

      Jan 9, 2011
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      If you really want something fixed, you should follow these steps to help the devs out a bit.
      1)Create the error.
      2)Post the log.
      3)Take two screenshots (one of the map's location and one of the toons location(take care to remove any fragile information)).
      4)Post the two screenshots.
      5)Give a detailed description of the error and how to replicate it.

      Doing those greatly helps dev's to fix bugs as it helps them recreate the bug to fix it, if they can't recreate it... then they can't see the problem for themselves to see if they've even fixed it.

      For the beginning of AV, I don't have that problem, are you on Horde or Alliance? What settings do you use in BG Bot? I uncheck the box for select mounted players, have you tried that?
    7. K3ndl3

      K3ndl3 New Member

      Mar 6, 2011
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      I can vouch for this, PvP is a lot more choppy than before, even for ranged
    8. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes, I would do that, if the bugs was not this obvious. This bug on the other hand is VERY familiar and more than just me have the same issues. I made this post because the feedback from the dev's are rather poor. All we want is "we are aware of the situation, we are working on the issue, expect an update in X days" or "the issue is hard to work out, will take some time" atleast something. Feels like I am talking to a frikin wall sometimes, and poor Tony must be so fucking tired of me whining on MSN :S

      I don't even know why I bother posting sometimes, but I was many others want a product that atleast the basics are AFK'able.
    9. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Noticed same issues here.

      In bg moving backw and forw all the time.

      Mounting up and dismounting.

      Gets stuck a lot, on default profiles. And logs off then. Nice timewaster when ur not babysitting your bot.

      Moves through packs of fighting people like they are not even there and just follows a click to move set path.

      Not botting for long on this one, but behaviour like this made me spot all the other botters and makes me going to get spot to.

      Any eta on this, its a payed bot, would be nice to hear something.

      Yes i unchecked mounted players.

      Im using a mage ( horde ) with the last cc

      Using default profiles in random bgs.

      using it together with a grinding profile 68-80 from the forums.

      [23:48:54:748] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
      [23:48:55:63] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
      [23:48:55:63] Cleared POI
      [23:48:55:173] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
      [23:48:55:454] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
      [23:48:55:454] Cleared POI
      [23:48:55:574] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
      [23:48:55:820] Start/Stop button pressed.
      [23:48:55:829] Stop called!
      [23:48:55:829] Cleared POI - Reason FlightPaths.Reset()

      The above spammed for 2 hours... trying to learn a new fp.

      [23:49:18:139] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [23:50:30:23] Activity: Queuing for battleground
      [23:50:37:880] Activity: Waiting for BattlefieldPort

      No more movement, the sec it Q's up for a bg. Even tho its in mixed mode
      and has a active grinding profile.

      Sota, not hitting the demos, just moves the other way and follows click to move path, not even attacking alliance...c'mon
      Ports up tru a gate, even when demos are hitting the gate. Doesnt move no more when up in the gate where it ported 2.

      Soz to say, but i had free bots wich where easier to setup and more user friendly and
      ran for days in a row from first time started without hickups.

      Also i feel like the forums are a mess, might want to clean up the old stuff, maybe make the
      ui a bit user friendly, cause im getting a headache allr searching for stuff.

      This might look like a /rage, and not all should be in this post, but i bothered to post so all is here now.

      Just saying... you made this a payed bot... make it worth the money then... cause atm, im sitting 8 hours behind my pc, trying to find out if i can leave it alone.
      But everytime it turns out, leaving it overnight, wont lvl my char, only my electricity bill!

      8 hours and on 90 % of a lvl ( 70 -71 ) trying to figure out what im doing wrong.
      Last edited: May 23, 2011
    10. spense626

      spense626 New Member

      Mar 29, 2011
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      You pretty much hit it on the head, everything you are experiencing I am having the same exact issues.
    11. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      New bug:

      Click to move, wont stop to heal. Just follows the path being wtfpwned by "2 rogues and 1 dr00d" from behind.

      Edit: Unchecking mounted players does not work anymore.
    12. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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    13. Artking

      Artking New Member

      Jan 23, 2011
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      XD same here so for the moment I never play bgś with my toons
    14. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Any feedback on this yet?

      SO many bugs in pvp making it so obvious ur a bot.

      Im running at yellow gate courtyard atm to every corner in a square form.... while enemy comes in with demo's.

      Hell it even keeps spamming intelect buff for 20 times...why???

      Doesnt make me suspicious no? Didnt dare to leave this bot unatended... babysitting every step...

      Would be nice to get some feedback here about whats wrong... thought id bot a new char... would be no.15 at 85... but this

      gives me more stress then leveling by hand would ever give me....

      thinking of it.. all those "kids"i always thought found it "kewl"to buf 50 times at the start of an AV... now i see, they where honorbuddy users...

      This means the problem has been around for some time... no?
      Last edited: May 24, 2011
    15. swiftzoom

      swiftzoom New Member

      Jan 9, 2011
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      It's a bot, a VI per-say, no amount of programming could make it flawless, if it gets caught on something, it makes it obvious your a bot.

      I'm guessing your doing SoTA, that one's been buggy for since BG Bot was released, it still needs some fixing up to do.

      That to me would sound like a CC issue, not a BG Bot/PvP issue as I've never encountered that. I have encountered it spamming dispells, but again, that was the CC I had used and it had an option to use it or not.

      BG Bot isn't stopping you from leveling toons, there are multiple ways to bot up toons.
      Read my prior post in this thread and you'll have more bugs fixed and less people whining about them. You paid for this bot, but it still needs help along the way to becoming perfect.

      For the most part, thats the kids who spam spells who are real players to try and lag out people with crappy computers.

      I don't have much of a problem with this bot, however when I run across something. I stop what I'm doing and take maybe 10 or 20 minutes out of my day to try to recreate the bug as many times as I can and log information about it so that the devs can fix it when they get around to it. If the devs can't replicate the bug, they can't fix the bug. Not only that, but there's a priority list of bugs. You gotta start with the highest priority and work your way down for the most part, I've been there and done that before in the past.
      If you've got 8 hours a day to baby-sit your bot and it's worse then hand-leveling, then perhaps you can help the devs out by recoding the profile(or some of the profile) to work bug-free and submit it to them so they can include it in the next patch.
      I'm not coming off as an attack, I just see a lot of people complain about bugs but they rarely give any decent information attached as to replicate it, what class/CC/race/faction they were using at the time.

      Also, there's only a fix when there's a new version released. So continuing to complain about something isn't really going to fix it(Neither will complaining about devs not answering you, they're busy with a RL and writing code for this program, coding isn't a walk in the park), submit the bug and wait for the next version, maybe it'll be fixed... maybe it's already fixed in the new release, you don't know.
    16. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It pisses me of thet senoiur users of HB/booting expect others to recongize issues between HB core, CC's, plugin's, user error's bugs's and what not.
      Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2011
    17. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Seniour, sorry for spelling like a ..................
    18. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      ALthough i agree with some things you said and let me thank you for your response, i do think some of the things the bot does, shouldnt be there from the start.

      For example, correct me if im wrong, but the bot started out as a pvp bot, thats why the name. All the other things where implemented after it.

      If the bot runs in any bg, and just follows its click to move pathing, and runs or drives tru fighting groups of players, then that for a start is allready a big bug.

      It targets them, as u can see in the list, but it is not dismounting to fight em. Can clearly do 3 laps of ab, 5 laps of wsg or 2-3 laps of eots be4 ever attacking something.

      I called it a bug, but i feel the bot is not doing what its supposed to do in a bg, and thats fight people to stay in combat. All it does is drive around in the hope someone attacks it.

      So whats the prio in this bot then? Drive around in the hope to be attacked or drive - seeing enemy player - dismount and attack?

      I do understand that the bot needs to be developed more but i do know to that this bot isnt new, and as said be4, i dont understand the way the bot works, or it just doesnt do what is needed.

      I mean, look at how grinding works, the bot drives around or walks, sees a target and attacks it, shouldnt it be the same in a bg then?

      The buff spamming i mentioned, lagging out people with crappy pc... c'mon you realy believe that. I did put buffing off now, as i know now its a CC issue, same as dispelling.

      Im just trying to point out here, i dont feel like i should be delivering logs about the basic stuff the bot should do from the start allr. Theres a standard package being delivered and it doesnt work. Thats just weird.

      If you get other bugs then normal behaviour you could expect from a bot, i agree on reporting them and helping out. Behaviour in a bg, should be same as on grinding for example. Not ride till being attacked.

      I always try to play a game - spot the bot - to see wich are obviously botting, i can spot em miles away, and now im one of em... on a paid bot for crying out loud. I know programming aint flawless... but again, basic 101 bot stuff

      is not working and imo, it should!

      You say i could bot in another way. Sure... professions are maxed, and not grindable, so xp from that is not working. I tried the dungeon buddy. After 3-4 dungeons, seeing the movement, not jumping after a tank off a "cliff" and running

      around like a 2 yr old on steroids doesnt convince me i can leave it alone. I even fell off the cliff at 2nd boss in nexus. After coming in, it says, no tank available so lets go to last place "where we died" and it runs off again and again...

      Lets do grinding then, where the bot drives around more then it kills. Archeology then... might be nice.. but i need to play for a fly plugin... the way this bot behaves now, im not even considering paying more to try that out.

      This might feel like a rant or rage, but its not, if you feel things are offensive, then it must be the language barrier since english aint my first language.
      Last edited: May 24, 2011
    19. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      lets clear the things a bit

      first of all,everyone is free to post his opinion(nothing to do with the post count etc)

      good critisism is always welcome

      also we have to clear what is bugged on Hb itself and what not

      as an example

      thas clearly a CC issue

      i know that some off you are pissed off
      we respect that you want the bugs fixed but also we want from you to make proper bug reports

      there are 2 options

      1)Our Bugzilla

      Bugzilla Main Page

      2)On Support section (including full logs as attachment)
    20. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      grinding mode and Bg/PvP modes are totally diff things
      no,the targeting process is not the same

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