I'm trying to get HB and a Kicks profile working properly. The issue I'm having is the character does nothing except auto attack. I've had great success with a different character, on a different computer but not so much at the moment with this one. Anyway details.. Furry Warrior - Night Elf - Level 47. I'll attach the log file. Any help would be a great help. View attachment 13-09-2011_12_29 AM 5028 Log.txt
i had major problems as fury between 30-50 iwth singular default, i edited the config to keep using the battle stance rotation until 50 and it worked fine. or like tony said, use fpswares the problem is something to do with the zerker stance pre-intercept, i think it still wants to open with charge but cant because its in zerker. not 100% though, i don't code
use updated singular. FPSware's Warrior CC is very outdated and not at all worth using at the moment. He is planning a rewrite in the next few months. Honor Buddy has a bug that most everyone has noticed, but for some reason won't get fixed. It occasionally will get attacked by a mob but it won't target the mob. It will just get beat on until it dies.
it's working fine for me. Mine does use abilities like thunder clap, cleave and such... Not that it helps you alot, but it's possible to make it work.
The log says you stopped the bot 3 seconds after initializing, so ofcourse it wont fight if it's not started