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  • Honorbuddy v3.0.16209.858

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Sep 23, 2016.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Honorbuddy v3.0.16209.858
      (for patch


      New features:
        * Singular
          - All DPS and Tank specs will now use their artifact weapons. New settings have been added to toggle the UseWhen of them. (HB-3134)
          - Applied forum user Elpargo's Blood Death Knight rotation fixes and improvements. #post2299302 (HB-3185)
      Bug fixes:
        * ArchaeologyBuddy
          - Should properly find locations of Legion digsites now. (HB-3187)
        * Core
          - Fixed an issue where Honorbuddy would fail to recognize that some mobs were not in line-of-sight (HB-3164)
        * DungeonBuddy
          - Now properly interacts with Altar of the Keepers and Archaedas in Uldaman. (HB-3203)
          - Followers now move off the ritual table if the boss Zevrim Thornhoof in Dire Maul - Warpwood Quarter teleports them there during the fight (HB-3226)
        * Flightor
          - Fixed an issue where accidentally flying inside an indoor area would cause Flightor to get stuck at trying to mount endlessly (HB-3182)
          - Fixed an issue where trying to fly to a close destination might result in being stuck. (HB-3197)
        * Singular
          - Fire Mages will no longer stand around doing nothing if the current target is crowd controlled. (HB-3221)
          - Demonology Warlocks will no longer spam summoning Doomguard if the Grimoire of Supremacy talent is chosen. (HB-3222)
          - Fixed an issue where druids might deny cancelling aquatic form for combat. (HB-3191)

      [SIZE=+1]Reporting Bugs[/SIZE]
      Please report confirmed HBcore bugs to THIS thread!
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots or profiles that may be useful in tracking down the bug.
      Here are other threads where it may be appropriate to report your problem, instead of here:

      Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

      Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used. Other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you.
      Ref: Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung


      Comprehensive Changelogs can be found here:

      Is it safe to bot?
      Topic thoroughly discussed here: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:Is Botting Safe?
      Will you be supporting a 64-bit version of Honorbuddy in this release?
      No. The game developer continues to ship a 32-bit WoWclient. We've had this discussion many times in the past, and the answer is "no, not until its absolutely needed". Here are two posts to get you started:
      Don't know how to launch a 32-bit WoWclient? This article sorts the problem for you:

      [SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE]
      Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
      Posts are archived according to the following rules:

      • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
        Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
        We are simply keeping this thread clean.
      • This thread is for confirmed HBcore bug reports only.
        You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
        If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.
      • We will only look into bugs reported against the version of Honorbuddy represented by this thread.
        Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.
      • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.
      • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
        We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
        Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.
      • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.
      • This is not a discussion thread.
        If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.
      • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.

    2. Dmpk

      Dmpk Member Legendary

      Jul 11, 2016
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      Party bot is extremely laggy and near unplayable.
      Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    3. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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    Thread Status:
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