If the profile doesnt work for you dont use it simple as that i used it just fine and was happy with it
my char doesnt repair and sell, just stands near the npc doesnt even target him is it because of hb version or because of this profile ?
tried mordd's profile and had the same issue char goes near the vendor and stays there without targeting
There's a problem at Tanaris, Thistleshrub Valley (48-52) Location = <-8906.312, -2266.885, 9.475472> The mob always escapes.... and my mage doesn't get it....
Those dunemaul ogres in Tanaris would be your best bet for farming mageweave, Highest drop rate i've found in game so far.
Is it me or is Desolace WAY down on the amount of mobs? It seems when I used this for my Belf Priest, she couldn't take 3 steps in Desolace without pulling mobs. Now, my Shaman kills one mob then runs for 5 mins to find another one.
I switched over to the Undead 1-50 questing profile (on grind mode) until around level 36 then used another profile (can't remember the thread name...the profile is named horde4.xml) in Dustwallow Marsh until lvl 40. Then I switched back to this and am now cruising thru Feralas.
not sure if this is a profile related problem (i dont think so) or HB But the bot seems to always want to go repair to <0, 0, 0> in ferelas. I checked in the profile and the cord was OK and last week I ran this profile and it was running good
My hunter doesn't go to the trainer correctly when he levels. He goes to Orgrimmar but then goes to some random NPC named Kurgul instead of the hunter trainer. He just stands there for hours trying to train. Edit: I went to go train manually, and when I started the bot again he tried to train skills at the pet trainer next to me. I had to reload the profile before he would leave to go kill stuff again.
I have the undead questing profile. Having trouble in Desolace. Am at level 32, where do I go to grind out using the Undead profile till 36-37? Also do u have the profile horde4.xml (quite keen to try out dustwallow marsh)? Any way u could upload/link it? Can't find it in the search.
What I did was just fly to Tarren Mill, load up the Undead profile, put it in grind bot mode, and hit start. It ran to Arathi and was grinding on raptors and spiders. When it hit 36 and was dieing to the ogres I switched over to the other profile. I'll try to find the thread real quick. EDIT: Found it. Here's the link. http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread...-start-at-Durotar-and-untested-WSG-AB-profile The pack includes .mesh files for the old nav system but you can just ignore them. I added a few hotspots to the Dustwallow section...here's what mine looks like: Code: <SubProfile> <Name>Dustwallow Marsh</Name> <MinLevel>36</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>40</MaxLevel> <Mailboxes> <Mailbox X="-3157.476" Y="-2895.335" Z="33.68164" /> </Mailboxes> <Vendors> <Vendor Name="Krak" Entry="4883" Type="Repair" X="-3109" Y="-2868" Z="34.74897" /> </Vendors> <SubProfile> <MinLevel>36</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>40</MaxLevel> <Factions>48 22 14 </Factions> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="-2683.219" Y="-3533.695" Z="33.31664" /> <Hotspot X="-2705.979" Y="-3433.461" Z="33.26088" /> <Hotspot X="-2629.182" Y="-3518.441" Z="36.65677" /> <Hotspot X="-2608.711" Y="-3555.226" Z="51.28741" /> <Hotspot X="-2700.206" Y="-3574.363" Z="37.44731" /> <Hotspot X="-2750.721" Y="-3571.502" Z="33.57709" /> <Hotspot X="-2744.208" Y="-3533.975" Z="36.59224" /> <Hotspot X="-2732.579" Y="-3404.818" Z="34.73505" /> </Hotspots> </SubProfile> </SubProfile>
Ty mate. Got HB 1.9.3 w/e. That doesn't need a mesh right (not sure what 2.0 actually is). +Rep. Fantastic. Actually using the Horde.xml from that for tarren mill and dustwallow. Cheers again.
My bot wont switch to higher level mobs (Hes level 6 killing level 2s). Dwarf, 1-60 Gnome/Dwarf Alliance.
If you read the instructions, you'd know that this profile starts out in Mulgore. Either take your Orc to Mulgore and begin the profile (At Tauren starting place) or make a new Tauren character =)
It seems to be working fine, I'm on a level 8 mage, but the death rate is absolutely bad for me, I'm new to botting... lol . Idk what to do D: