Yes Indeed, my apologies. A lot of file names and methods have been changed lately, as I'm cleaning up the code to prepare for 5.2 so I can push updates fast. Once I wake up tomorrow, I'll wrap up 1.4.0 and hope I can push it too public. Together with the hub. , sorry if i've missed it in the thread , but been to busy to follow the last few pages. Whats up with this? Guess the settings folder on the SVN hasnt had its name updated? i just renamed and it worked fine.
Developer Copy 1.4.0 = Settings.cs Public Version 1.3.2 = MADSettings2.cs I've been cleaning up the code the last days, someone requested my settings -> but I'm on a higher version so it wasn't compatible.
hi loving this cc but do you think you could please make a feral pvp cc for areana my friend wants me to go feral for the new season to try and get a 2.2 or 2.4k raiting
i have noticed something with mad mira when you use settings for lfr or raid 10/25 it focus on tank healing even not assigend tho with lazyraider or tyrael is there a setting where we can focus on raid heals it self so far tried every setting in lfr and nothing every setting focusing on tank healing
*Focusing* hmmm, I guess U don't want to heal the tank ? 1] Decrease the Tank Priority 2] U could always Blacklist the tank though.
i wanna heal tanks aswell yes but raid damage taken by the raid and just standing there putting lb on tank and once and a while a revu on somone in raid while heavy damage is not that tho hehe
First of all, let me just say, this is a brilliant cc. I tested it out in LFR this week and its as good as advertised. That being said, I have a question regarding how lifebloom works. While using it in LFR, I noticed that it casts lifebloom on one of the two tanks designated as tanks by the LFR role system. However, when a tank switch happened during the fight, the bot would continue to cast lifebloom on the previous tank (the one that now is not tanking the boss). I was wondering if there was a way to make it switch to the other tank when this occurs. (All of the above occurred during LFR runs of MSV, running the preset configuration for LFR without any additional user modifications).
Yes, I've secretly been working on this already and it's inside 1.4.0. It Swaps the Lifebloom tank to the Tank tanking the Boss, but it's still in testing stage. I'll push 1.4.0 to public now, hasn't had much testing as the testers had very busy days.
Version 1.4.0 - Earlier Release [HR][/HR]- Tweaks, I forgot what I did.... too much perhaps - If you have "Glyph of Lifebloom" It will swap ur Lifebloom onto the right Tank. - Upon Update, Wipe ur folder and Settings -> Had Major Renaming -> Will cause errors otherwise.
WOW. The latest version is really working fast. It seems like you fixed all of the lag issues you were having. Great job. I am dominating the healing done in BGs with crap gear. The CR is still crashing when entering an arena with memory access violations. Perhaps it is trying to roll HOTs while the arena is loading. If I stop the CR and then enter and then start the CR I can get into the arena fine. Sometimes HB will crash though and sometimes I cant get HB running before we start fighting. It seems like symbioses is not working. I run it manually to get a defensive CD like deterrence but it never casts it and end up doing it manually.
Hmm yeah had been working on it for a while, recently enrolling updates to UCR Bestia too. The access violation's are mostly because it's either trying to retrieve the predicted health of people on loading screens. ( The Hold Composite reacts to slow, so it'll still attempt unfortunately ) Or u didn't start HB as administrator.
Do you think if I tried using the pause in Tyrael before joining the arena would solve the issue? I havent tried it yet.
Yeah I also get crashes when entering dungeons. I have to remember to stop HB. This is the only thing now that needs fixing.
Can someone who is having issues try pausing Tyrael before entering and see if this solves the issue as a workaround? This routine is so fast now that I can't cast tree form. Can we get it setup to a hotkey? Not a mode on / mode off but a check if GetAsyncKeysState != 0.
Upcoming in 5.2 patch Naturalist: This new passive learned at level 10 by Restoration Druids increases all healing done by the Druid by 10%. Wild Mushrooms will now gain 75% of the overhealing performed by the Druid?s Rejuvenation effects, up to a maximum of 100% of the Druid?s health in bonus healing, and growing larger as they do so. When Wild Mushroom: Bloom is cast, this bonus healing will be divided evenly amongst targets in the area of effect The mushroom thing would be a nice feature to have a look at, for this combat routine
I can confirm that pausing the routine in Tyrael does fix the crash on loading issues when joining something like Arena, BGs, or Hearthing, etc..