So title speaks it, today i was perm banned on my MAIN account, which in past 2months has received two 3hour (BGBuddy) bans and now a permanent ban (Quest Botting). I was quest botting my toon and suddenly was disconnected and banned permanently (99% supervised for 4hrs). I have sent in an e-mail requesting for it to be over turned but i am not sure this will work. My two botting accounts are still ingame and botting. Any tips? What does the bold part of the e-mail mean?
means either you or someone else made a report for harassment and when they checked up on your account they found that you were also botting.
No, that means a player reported you for botting. I had the same thing happen to me because I was on a pvp server and my guy kept killing a lower level toon XD It's just a 72 hour ban on him though. I have a guy that unbans wow accounts for a living, give me a private message and I'll hook you up with him.
Naah harrasment means you've been cursing to someone or you've been harrassing someone if you don't know what the word means Let me google that for you