Hi, i hope someone mind giving me some tips. Basically i sell gold as a private seller, and i use PayPal. Now for the first time Ive experienced someone has tried to claim back their money. Now this is still being reviewed by PayPal, but i hope to get it back as i have Skype logs + screenshot. But i understand this is a hard task for PayPal. Therefore i wonder if there are any good precautions i can do in order to safely sell gold with PayPal? And optionally if anyone got experience in a claim, that give me tips on what i should give / say to PayPal to get them in my favor. Best regards, Mauto
Try reading this to help protect yourself: WoW Scam Prevention I don't deal with Paypal as there are too many scams and Paypal are all to eager to leave sellers in a bad position than the scammer.
I watched the paypal post about preventing this. But its 2 years old, so does this work today? I know paypal/ebay have changed their views on virtual goods over the years.
Well what do you use then? Like a different service or a more direct option? Because i really want this to work out without having to experience this.
Depends where you live but I only deal with direct money brokers so there is no "reversal" on any transactions. If buyers don't like it then good because I won't get scammed ever again. Find your one local to where you live, remember its only real money when its in your hands.