Well seeing as on my server copper is very high and theres hardly any on the AH and the fact that Im only level 30 I thought that I could farm copper/ tin for some gold but the issue is there is no profile for Durotar at all. Ive done searches but all that comes up is profiles for ally, anyone know of any?
Just make one using Zaprecorder but I would say don't bother doing this unless you really absolutely need gold, its best to at least get a flying mount before starting a gathering prof as at 30 you will be stuck with the slow land mount and you really won't make much in the scheme of things. Just keep levelling then look at gathering profs, you earn plenty of gold from questing/instances for levelling purposes anyway. Once you are on a flying mount check prices again but I reckon you'll find better gold per hour doing other things once you reach higher levels.
Sure there is one, look: <HBProfile> <!-- Run Bot in Quest Mode --> <Name>Herb and Mining 1-300 Horde ground</Name> <MinDurability>0.3</MinDurability> <MinFreeBagSlots>2</MinFreeBagSlots> <SellGrey>True</SellGrey> <SellWhite>True</SellWhite> <SellGreen>False</SellGreen> <MailWhite>False</MailWhite> <MailGreen>True</MailGreen> <MailBlue>True</MailBlue> <MailPurple>True</MailPurple> <MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <Mailboxes> <!-- Durotar --> <Mailbox X="321.8162" Y="-4707.742" Z="14.555" /> </Mailboxes> <Vendors> <!-- Durotar --> <Vendor Name="Ghrawt" Entry="3165" Type="Repair" X="362.1046" Y="-4763.842" Z="12.46935" /> </Vendors> <Blackspots> <!-- Forest Song Alliance camp --> <Blackspot X="2967.899" Y="-3290.422" Z="157.8666" Radius="61.13169" /> <!-- Ashenvale alliance druid npc --> <Blackspot X="1761.225" Y="-2649.768" Z="105.3705" Radius="25.04349" /> <!-- Org --> <Blackspot X="1918.384" Y="-4584.305" Z="38.08955" Radius="2.488826" /> <Blackspot X="1904.622" Y="-4611.38" Z="38.08939" Radius="2.925328" /> <Blackspot X="1945.513" Y="-4697.564" Z="36.01491" Radius="5.738221" /> <Blackspot X="1955.528" Y="-4720.438" Z="37.65824" Radius="2.542814" /> <Blackspot X="1909.309" Y="-4678.926" Z="35.30098" Radius="1.203703" /> <Blackspot X="1904.355" Y="-4509.64" Z="26.82976" Radius="3.579645" /> <Blackspot X="1736.511" Y="-4442.859" Z="39.60423" Radius="1.832101" /> </Blackspots> <QuestOrder> <SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> <Name>Durotar Mining and Herb 1-50</Name> <LootRadius>100</LootRadius> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="226.5481" Y="-4960.051" Z="14.39176" /> <Hotspot X="140.2605" Y="-4649.878" Z="23.3554" /> <Hotspot X="-3.559398" Y="-4665.697" Z="39.00121" /> <Hotspot X="-152.7559" Y="-4646.651" Z="38.97042" /> <Hotspot X="-377.432" Y="-4694.922" Z="42.70164" /> <Hotspot X="-471.0599" Y="-4650.417" Z="44.29048" /> <Hotspot X="-721.6679" Y="-4693.072" Z="37.22851" /> <Hotspot X="-732.9247" Y="-4610.409" Z="43.03048" /> <Hotspot X="-834.6677" Y="-4586.037" Z="51.23519" /> <Hotspot X="-984.7738" Y="-4764.663" Z="12.97954" /> <Hotspot X="-822.198" Y="-4798.747" Z="24.14064" /> <Hotspot X="-894.8483" Y="-4890.216" Z="10.03536" /> <Hotspot X="-660.2412" Y="-5083.522" Z="19.87173" /> <Hotspot X="-674.7885" Y="-4902.28" Z="29.67629" /> <Hotspot X="-597.8583" Y="-4924.442" Z="35.66864" /> <Hotspot X="-76.55823" Y="-4987.988" Z="18.53954" /> <Hotspot X="64.29607" Y="-4932.028" Z="17.33877" /> <Hotspot X="186.7195" Y="-5049.994" Z="2.992226" /> </Hotspots> </GrindArea> </SetGrindArea> <GrindTo Condition="(Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Herbalism).CurrentValue >= 525) && (Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Mining).CurrentValue >= 525)" /> </QuestOrder> </HBProfile> Its an altered Version of the profile found in the professionbuddy folder, took me 30 seconds to alter it, so try it.
Durotar is pretty bugged using Gatherbuddy2 and thus a flight mount (or in any case Flightor): it will let you fly over the node and never reach it, as most of the veins are under a rock roof.
Yeah saw that too, its a pain. :/ This is why i posted a ground profile with the use of the Questing Bot.
Give this a shot. It's also for herbing, and I haven't tested it extensively, but it seems to be doing an okay job with my druid. Feedback would also be appreciated, since this is the first profile I've ever uploaded Full disclaimer: I built it using a converted Pirox profile (pretty much just stole the nodes) and Botanist's Elwynn profile (pretty much just replaced the mailbox and vendor with the Horde Durotar version). P.S: You can ignore the "2" in the filename - delete it if you like. It was my second attempt, put it in the same folder, but didn't want to delete the first (failed) one for... posterity, I guess.
That is not surprising in the slightest, since the profile is nearly a year old and both HB and WoW have gone through countless updates since I put it up... Christ, I don't even play anymore If Swiny is still supporting his profile generator I recommend using that.