Mogu'shan - Gekkan This might be obvious to most people but... Word of warning if you are experimenting with CR's and interupts - anything with a knockback style interupt (alla Typhoon for the Druids)...not a good idea around the Gekkan encounter!!! The lizzard trash above the encounter gets knocked off the rail down to the bottom and aggro's Gekkan. At first I was like - F* Yah! SWEET!!! Which quickly turned to - ah uh oh!
In Gates of the setting sun there are two major problems. 1. In the first fight against Saboteur Kip'tilak you will almost always reset the fight by running to close to one of the walls of the instance. Setting the room coordinates as a bit smaller would probably fix this. 2. Having only one center location makes it very hard for the bot to get out of the vicious fluids. Leading to it almost standing there all the time. If it was possible to have to spots instead and move to the one furthest away it would make it easier also for the melees that never get to do anything in this fight. Code: ScriptHelpers.CreateRunAwayFromBad(ctx => StyxWoW.Me.IsTank() && !_pickupSwarmers && boss != null && boss.IsValid && boss.CurrentTargetGuid == Me.Guid, () => kiteCenterLoc, 46, 17, u => u.Entry == viscosFluidStalkerId && boss != null && boss.IsValid && boss.Location.DistanceSqr(u.Location) < 4 && boss.HasAura("Viscous Fluid") && boss.Auras["Viscous Fluid"].StackCount >= 3); Setting the RunAway code to 16 instead seemed to help. Since I don't know what all the parameters are I am just assuming that that is the distance from the center of the fluid. If possible calculating the center of all the fluids and setting that as your runaway distance and center might also make the fight a lot easier. Code: ScriptHelpers.CreateRunAwayFromBad(ctx => Me.IsDps() && !(boss.IsSafelyFacing(Me) && boss.Distance < 12), 16, viscosFluidStalkerId);
It would be great with a freeze/stun that you can use in certain fights like casting repentance on one of the adds in the Gekkan fight.
In the Xin weaponmaster fight the bots will run from the spininng weapons and a zig zag pattern through the knives.
Summary: Bots enter and then stops. My hunter and pala works fine Class: DK CustomClass: Frost Role: DPS Queue Type: Random HC Party Mode: Off Dungeon: Stormstout Brewery
also where can I find custom scripts that might work for the heroics since the default ones don't really work at all.
Is there any way to make the bot stop taking quests inside dungeons? It always gets stuck with picking up the quests
Yup, they need to move away as if it's a conal damage (not try to be in between the streams) or jump while moving thru it. Edit: there isn't a problem standing in between if this was the only thing to worry about. Problems rise when bot needs to move to heal or deal with a LOS issue AND twirling axes / ring of fire / xins conal AOE attack / stacking damage
I'm unable to auto-que as a paladin tank, not sure what's wrong ... anyone has any ideas? or do i need to post logs?
Summary: Bot behaves strangely, spinning in place. Sometimes can not come up to the dais to the boss. This is happening on a area before the Wise Mari in the Temple of the Jade Serpent. Class: Warlock CustomClass: Singular Role: DPS Queue Type: Random Queue Party Mode: Off Dungeon: Heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent
Does anyone have the issue where you are in a dugneon but your party is too far away for you to heal them due to LOS? It happens when you are in combat and that disables the bot to move closer to heal at least. Solution to this?
I am using Taunhamonk atm. I configed it to the exact instructions and for DB. I wish there was a easy fix plugin for this. Thought about Requesting a plugin in the plugin/request section while ago. What we are all really after is a dungeon we don't have to baby at all so we can farm VP JP. I guess. EDIT: Second question, does this issue meet any top issue with the HB team atm? Anyone know? Seeing how popular DB is and all. Another problem being my CC or could be HB runs non stop away from the group as if it doesn't know it's letting my toon go for a jog.
I have a suggestion for DungeonBot config. As i have 5 chars farming instances, one of them is an enchanter. I need a "never loot" option in the tab lootmode ( Bosses only , always). Cause i want the enchanter to have all the BoP items from bosses. Is that possible ?
Are you using Tuanha's normal monk or the paid-for special edition? The normal one doesn't have movement logic and isn't supported for DB.
Jade serpent is messed up mesh wise. Others have done some of the leg work to pinpoint issues, but I don't think anything has been updated yet. I get through jade serpent by taking control of the tank. There are like...gaps in the mesh - best way I can describe how it feels. Once I engage some trash or the boss DB takes over. Then when the group gets stuck again, I repeat. Once you reach boss #3, everything goes fine till the end. Boss ecounters go super smooth with the bots - you just have to push the guys there.
Since you have all 5 on the team just set "pass on loot" in the wow interface on 4 of them, then also set autoequip2 in plugins not to roll for those 4. By setting it this way you don't have to wait for loot rolls to expire. I run this way so 1 toon gets all the gear, then I stop bot and trade it to who I want every once in a while. Also I believe you can set "roll disenchant" in Autoequip2 for your enchanter...though I haven't tested that - so not sure how it works. prepared - after a while the looting kinda gets funky. I've ran for a few hours where loots won't get passed on by the bots. At this point the roll must expire before the loot will go out...but it DOES eventually go where you want it.