Here you are Borean Tundra Huge Run Tested for herbs and nodes I hope that you will like it Enjoy for this profile choose CIRCLE path mode from GB options
Works beautifully! Went few rounds without getting stuck! Thanks for the profile! Always love your profiles!
Running this for 45mins or so, great profile, another 10mins or so and i can move onto sholazor basin, thanks for the upload
I would like to report an annoying flaw. I afk bot this profile while i go to bed, in the morning i come back an find that the toon using this bot has flew out pst the riplash ruins an beyond thus dieing from fatigue. it set to rez at spirit healer but doesnt instead it run back out there an gets stuck in the ruins
can anyone post the realy need blacknodes for this profile?. If anyone have this nodes please post it. Thanks
The bot always tries to repair at Nesingwary's camp in Sholazar and doesn't manage to find its way back after that. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Mines doing the same thing as the above poster.. trying to use this to level my DK but always ends up stuck above sholozar repair camp when I'm doing borean.. I'll post a log next time, just restarted bot and it overwrote debug