This message is intended only for the writer of the profile. The functionality is not affected. I've just tested it and it works perfectly with the latest version of HB. if you should have problems with the quests, eg a loop of "behavior done", then please use my QB-fix.
plz add options use Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat - Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat - Item - World of Warcraft (I'm working on a solution for this already, but I'm currently busy with my work.) and Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm - Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm - Item - World of Warcraft
picked up all the quests and started on 'jagged abalone'. flew into the water and did nothing. all it did was repeat a 3sec wait. any fix for this?
How to report a bug: describing the error as precisely it is attache your Log maybe attache a screenshot
Plugin oder Profilerweiterung ? Gibt es ne M?glichkeit beim bot durch ein Plugin die Fischerausr?stung (Angel/Hut) und das aufschmieren der Verzauberungen wie Helles Schmuckst?ck um die Angelfertigkeiten automatisch beim durchlaufen desProfils zu benutzen? kann man sowas ins Profil mit einbauen?
Ich bin derzeit dabei ein Update zu schreiben, dies wird aber nur gegen einen Spendenbeitrag von ca. 1€ zug?nglich sein... so sieht zumindest der derzeitige Plan aus.
the bot always seem to get stuck whenever he wants to vendor/mail something. i added coordinates into the main xml file, but i don't know how permanent of the solution it is with the is where i added it, is there a better place or am i just doing something else wrong? Code: <SubRoutine SubRoutineName="Sell"> <SellItemAction Sell="All" NpcEntry="0" Location="-1468.139, -258.6262, 0.1325637" SellItemType="Greys" ItemID="" Count="0" /> <SellItemAction Sell="All" NpcEntry="0" Location="-1468.139, -258.6262, 0.1325637" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="19299,19221,19222,19304,74822,19225,86057,19223,19306,73260,81175,81175,44940,19300,44941,19224,88532" Count="0" /> </SubRoutine> <SubRoutine SubRoutineName="Mail"> <MailItemAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Meat" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Cloth" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="MetalStone" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Enchanting" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Leather" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Herb" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Meat" Mail="All" UseCategory="False" ItemID="83064,89639,78883" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="Armor" SubCategoryType="WoWItemArmorClass" SubCategory="None" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> <MailItemAction Category="Weapon" SubCategoryType="WoWItemWeaponClass" SubCategory="None" Mail="All" UseCategory="True" ItemID="" Amount="0" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="-1523.838, -242.0612, 15.21233" /> </SubRoutine> oh- the vendor is nat and the mailbox is the one @ anglers
didn't work, here's my log: View attachment 3704 2013-01-03 22.51.txt edit: completely closed out, ran the qbot fix again, and it's working
If anyone else is having this problem, this happened to me today (even though it worked many times before). I shut down WOW and HB and restarted it, and it still just swam there in the water not going after any of the abalones. Here's how I fixed it: Shut down WOW and HB. Delete your Honorbuddy/Cache/ folder Delete your Wow/Cache/ folder And it might also be a good idea to delete your log folder too since that can grow to gigabytes if you don't do it for a long time. That fixed it, now he's questing and fishing happily again. GREAT job with this profile Corny, this is one of the few that are truly AFK every single day! p.s. If doing all the above STILL doesn't fix it, then my only other suggestion is to find where your meshes are being stored, and delete the whole "HawaiiMainLand" folder. This will force HB to download new meshes. The problem is with the mesh, not the profile.
Any chance we an get a profile for Nat's Daily fishes that fishes from Pools? As of 5.1 all 3 fish can be caught from pools, which GREATLY increase the likelihood of catching the fish (since you never get junk).
Can you teach me how to change your profile to use AutoAngler paths? Or, do these help? View attachment [AutoAngler] Spinefish Alpha.xml View attachment [AutoAngler] Flying Tiger Gourami.xml View attachment [AutoAngler] Mimic Octopus.xml
take a look @ section for quest with ID="30698" just copy&paste and delete old entrys for Nats quests in additional u could add AA-settings like me, so u can activate to fish in pools, or activate water-walk
First of all thanks a lot for the profile. Flawless I must say. My questions is if its possible to make it just go after the Nat Pagle quests once we are exalted with the Anglers or will it always to do the Qs first? Thanks