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  • [A3 - Inferno] Gardetto's Revenge

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gardettos, Jan 25, 2013.

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    1. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Started originally of the Ultimate SkyHigh but eventually turned into something quite different. A bot does not play like a human and is optimized with a bot in mind.I based the profile with four things being most important. Randomness, IPH, Exp/Hr, and Stability. I think this profile is the best of all those worlds by using the most up to date tools.

      Required Plugins
      At least Trinity 1.7.2 - It has to be at least version 1.7.2 or this profile will not work. I am currently using

      Required Quest
      7.3 Kill Azmodan

      The profile requires that you be able to hit resume and enter a game at the Azmodan Checkpoint.
      If you're not on the right quest when D3 starts, simply switch to 7.3 and hit "Start Game".
      Or load GardettosRev2.2RaF_XX_Starter.xml. It will simply start a new game at 7.3 Inferno than switch Core/Sky
      You can then start to run the profile from inside that game or you can exit the game and you'll be able to resume from the correct quest.
      Core/Sky will get the checkpoint for you if you don't have it.

      What it does:

      Since 1.07 you start in town. It will take portal to the Core checkpoint before Azmodan. Will clear to WP than take it Stonefort to Skycrown. Which will than clear to the exit to Town. From here on it gets quite random. Their are 4 base area's that are rotated to make 24 different variations the profile will run in. The base area's are

      1. Tower of the Damned to Crater 1
      2. Tower of the Cursed to Crater 2 to Heart of the Damned. Cursed and Heart of the Damned just do quick elite checks not full clears.
      3. Rakkis Crossing w/ Bridge Store that has elites to Field of Slaughter WP
      4. Keep 1, 2, 3. Quick elite check at 1 with full clears of Keep 3 and Keep 2.

      What makes this profile special:
      I really thought about everything that could happen when someone was using this profile. I built in death checkpoints for every single death checkpoint it crosses. So if you do die it will simply resume from where you died. For static area's such as Tower of the Damned, Skycrown, and Field of Slaughter. I used random rolls to really make the profile run different every single time. Tower of the Damned runs either clockwise or counter clockwise with random rolls determining if the bot either goes high or low. Field of Slaughter I made 3 different runs from the Rakkis WP to FoS WP. From the FoS WP to Rakkis there is 2 runs that look for the Frost Cave. Which it will clear and resume it's run. It will not clear the Ice Caves.

      But the problems with profiles are not with the static area's but the random ones. My first attempt was to simply map all possible outcomes. Which I successfully did with Keep 3. No one's Keep 3 will run as fast as mine. With Crater 1/2 and Keep 2 I took another approach. I pre-cache the exits of each of the locations. With Crater 1 and Crater 2 I simply WP in than WP out. With Crater 1 I take it to Tower of the Damned which it clears than goes up the stairs to Crater 1. Once inside Crater 1 the new TrinityExplore now knows the WP location and will move towards it. To improve this even more I utilized "Priority" scenes that will only exist along the path of the exit. I also used "Ignore" scenes of dead ends that the bot should never go down. With Crater 2 I used a similar tactic. When finding the Crater 2 exit though it goes to Heart of the Damned. At Heart of the Damned I simply just go up the first 2 flights of stairs and back down to Crater 2. Heart of the Damned is very underrated area. It produces some of my best IPH. With Keep 2, the bot WP's into Keep 1 and simply goes into Keep 2 than back out again. Do a quick elite check at Keep 1 than head off to Keep 3. Keep 3 is manually plotted through the use of IsSceneLoaded. Keep 2 I once again utilize Priority and Ignore scenes for the entrances and dead ends.

      This has been something I have been working on for some time now. It is rather time consuming to figure out all possible WP locations of the random area's but I did it anyway. When you mix in random rolls with 24 different base profiles it makes the most random profile while still producing excellent results. Core and Skycrown will almost always give you 5 stacks between them so after it doesn't matter which order you go in. If you look at the profile code and it looks long and confusing. It has to be this way to take into account everything that could happen. What if in Crater 1 a fireball from the ground shoots up and knocks you off the path? This will currently always get the bot stuck, nothing you can do about it. So Trinity reloads the Crater 1 profile but now you are at the Core checkpoint? It loads the Core/Sky profile and everything is right again. I tried to comment out as much as possible in the profiles to explain how and why I did certain things.

      Code: - Fixed a possible stuck location in Keep 1. Can download new one off Git or download new zip - Hopefully fixed possible but of the bot doing a Town Run inside of a while tag.
      1.8 - Made a lot changes to the code. Eliminated pre-caching of exits on Crater 1 and 2. 
      Fixed possible stucks in Skycrown, Keep 1, and Keep 3.
      Re-did Crater 2 from scratch. It is all manual now and should be very fast. 
      The bot will either start at Rakkis WP or the FoS WP on that run. If starting at FoS it will now check for the Frost Cave and will clear if there. If it is the IceFall cave it will skip it.
      1.8.1 - Fixed it where it was loading the wrong file in Keep 123 
      1.8.2 - I dunno how I ziped it wrong but it should actually be fixed now in 1.8.2
      1.8.3 - Found another WP location in Keep 1
      1.8.4 - Found another WP location in Keep 1. Hopefully the last one. I am up to 35 now 
      1.9 - Fixed stucks in Keep 3. Will run either Crater 2 to Cursed or Cursed to Crater 2 now. Reduced Crater 1 in the profile. Will only do it now when the bot is coming from Rakkis to Siege to Crater 1 to ToD or ToD to Crater 1 to Siege to Rakkis. Was one of the lower IPH areas.
      2.0 - Fixed stuff will work with 1.07
      2.1 - Changed the backup system of simply restarting the profile to loading the XX_Starter making a fresh game not one that resumes. Forced the bot also to get the core Checkpoint if it doesn't have it.
      2.2 - Fixed Frost Cave level 2 issue with Dungeon Stone. Removed path precision on Crater 2 since it was causing stucks. This should be the most stable version yet. 
      How to Use
      The only way I could make the profile rotate between the 24 possibilities is break them into 5 different profiles. Simply keep all the files in one folder. Trinity will handle all the loading of the profiles. CoreSky is the first one and will use resume from the Core checkpoint. It will get the checkpoint for you if you start a new game from the Kill Azmodan quest. If you want something as simple as possible and don't have the Core checkpoint. Just use the GardettosRev2.2RaF_XX_Starter.xml profile. It will simply start a new Inferno game at the Kill Azmodan quest and load Core/Sky which will than get the checkpoint. It will only be used once.

      Tinnvec - Used some of his toggle targeting settings and box/tol
      Magi - Mostly for giving me the idea of using Skycrown and was the initial base of version 1.0.
      rrrix - He put in a lot of work into Trinity version 1.7.17. This profile would not be possible without his new TrinityExplore.

      Git Repository
      Will always have my up to date version of the profile. Currently private.

      Includes GardettosRev2.2RaF_00_Starter.xml for those who use a relogger such as YAR or ARelog.

      I honestly spend much more time on IRC vs the boards. It is easiest way to get a hold of me. This is actually where most of the developer's are at.

      Mibbit browser based client liked to #CIGGARC

      IRC Server: arg-irc.net
      Ports: 6667
      Group: Arg-IRC
      Last edited: Mar 2, 2013
    2. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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    3. rrrix

      rrrix DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 11, 2010
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    4. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      AW: [A3 - Inferno] Gardetto's Revenge

      This sounds really good.
    5. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      0 - Fixed a possible stuck location in Keep 1. Can download new one off Git or download new zip

    6. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      can't wait to test!
    7. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Think you might have a rogue while tag...did a town run in Keeps 2...then game quit. See log:

      Attached Files:

    8. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Here is the issue I believe...perfect timing lol:

      <While condition="CurrentWorldId == 75434">								
      				<UsePortal questId="101758" stepId="1" portalMarkerHash="-1699330856" destinationWorldId="93104" interactRange="30" />
      My toon found the door, and did a town run right at the spot before going through the door....I'm surprised that hasn't happened to me before on my profiles because I do the same thing heh.
    9. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Don't think that was the right log. rrrix just set me a log that something similar happened. The bot failed to pickup where it left off after a town run. It was also near perfect timing when the bot was in the process of taking a WP. I don't know even know how it would be possible to fix or prevent something like this from happening. Would like to see the real log cause this is a town run issue not a profile. If the bot does come back to a <While> command after a Town Run than I am not sure what to do. Cause the entire reason I have to use <While> commands is DB has issues with portals/changing Worlds. Will talk to Nesox about it tomorrow.
    10. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      It's the correct log, check where I do my town routine...after the routine it quits.

      Here is what I do...I've had this happen before on my stuff (doing something different) and I believe this would fix it:

      <While condition="CurrentWorldId == 75434 or Me.IsInTown">
         <If condition="CurrentWorldId == 75434">								
            <UsePortal questId="101758" stepId="1" portalMarkerHash="-1699330856" destinationWorldId="93104" interactRange="30" />
         <If condition="Me.IsInTown">								
            <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="1000" />
      I mean you don't probably even need any code for the town, but this will ensure the while tag isn't exited if you do a townrun...which is what happened. I'm sure of it.

      I had this issue running While tags for exploring dungeons to make it keep exploring until it found an exit. I believe Tinnvec does this (or did) for Tinnkaizer and I added town in as well to make sure a town run wouldn't screw it up...this fixed it for that particular instance.

      The likelyhood of this happening though, has to be extremely low as this is the first time I've seen it happening when going to use a door.
    11. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      I attempted to fix it and put up . Hard to fix a bug you have never seen happen in thousands of bot hours.
    12. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      I hear ya...going to update mine as well.
    13. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Just hard to believe you are rrrix got a similar bug at the same time almost. Something I have never seen in 1000's of hour of botting.
    14. Nyaaro

      Nyaaro New Member

      Oct 2, 2012
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      While running the profile, one of my bots got stuck at the entrance to keep depths 2. It peeked into keep depths 2, then tried to return to keep depths 1 over and over again. "[19:30:43.864 N] [Trinity]At Keep Level 2 to pre-load exit cache for later. Back to Keep 1" kept spamming the log. I clicked the door eventually back to keep depths 1 and it then ran the profile normally by waypointing into keep depths 3.

      While typing this, a 2nd bot got stuck and ended up doing the same exact thing.
    15. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Try and post your logs
    16. aionskyg

      aionskyg Banned

      Sep 3, 2012
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      What are the required plugins ?

    17. Mystery^^

      Mystery^^ New Member

      Jan 23, 2013
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      sound great! thank man
    18. motsmots

      motsmots Member

      Jan 19, 2011
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      YAR wont work I assume?
    19. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Works fine. I put instructions on the first page about reloggers
    20. barbarian6

      barbarian6 New Member

      Nov 28, 2012
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      what is Your IPH with this profile on 1.17 trinity? cause mine dropped about 100items.

      I use RadsAtom, is it a problem?
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