Frost Mage CC for MoP How to use ? Download the zip file into your honorbuddy/Routines folder and unpack it there. To be done When my mage hit 87 and 90, adding more spells. GUI for tweaking settings. Talent you need Nether Tempest Enjoy and give feedback. SVN : My talents : Blazing speed, Ice Barrier, Ring of Frost, Greater Invisibility, Nether Tempest, Incanter's Ward. Will add more choices later on.
For use of trinkets, engi gloves, potions, life blood ..... Just use my plugin :
can you keep us updated? for example when you have hit 90 and have added all spells and what talents / glyphs are supported atm. thnx
tested for about 5 minutes lvl 90 with RoP talent not sure but I'm thinking T6 talents arent implemented in this? 2 problems 1 it will interrupt a spell it is casting to use a FoF or BF proc thats bad it should finish the cast then use the proc no point in cancelling its a GCD no matter what which becomes a dps loss over entire fight if you cancel 13 frostbolts thats 13 seconds of wasted dps time where a gcd was used to start a spell and then interrupted to use a proc. Other problem not as big of a deal it uses Fire Blast on CD im assuming this is ment for the glyph to detonate bomb with the Frost Bomb nerf its best to not use the glyph and let it timeout explode so the damage isnt reduced by 50%. Patch 5.1 Hotfixes - December 11 - World of Warcraft Edit: I'm a retard DL'ed this a week ago just now testing it sorry, I just read the 1st post and saw the need Nether Tempest talent note
guess this is discontinued aswell... we cant complain right... more then enough good frost mage pvp cc's
wait, wait, wait.... your not doing anything for a month, your last mage was high in the 80's and you was finishing as you went.... now you made a new one? soz if im not to exited....
My high mage is still lvl 88. It's not 1 of my priorities The more you write CC's the more you get new idea's to improve. I rewrote the mage CC from scratch to better perform. The best way to test it out is leveling a new toon, so you can follow up the different skills. I did the same with a hunter, paladin, monk, druid. That's why the mage CC was slacking. My main is a druid (Handnavi no longer develop his excellent druid CC). I put a lot of time in wrting my druid CC, and I don't release it for now, because i'm still improving it. When my main is VP capped, then I switch to my Monk until capped, then my Hunter, then my Paladin. It's a lot of time I spend to VP capping the toons. On the other hand, I can follow my CC's while doing dailies and lfr's. My monk is my 2nd best geared toon, and with my own CC, i'm always in the top 4 dps in lfr. (it's not that bad then ^^) It's by writing the monk CC from scratch and improve it to better perform that gives me better idea's and make me rewrite the hunter, paladin CC and make me to start coding a new druid CC. I also rewrote my priest CC and for the moment the testers of the beta have good words about it. You don't write a CC in 5 minutes and you see I was busy ^^ Before using HB, i never wrote a single line C# code. I was a PHP developper. I'm old school coder. Learned Cobol in the early 80's, Pascal, Perl. I was mainly working on unix platforms and did a alot of shell scripting. The unix idea is : don't make a program to do a lot of things, but make a program that do 1 thing good. That's why i don't make CC's for different specs into 1 CC. My experience with such CC's : it's lagging my screen as hell. CLU is 1 exemple. Made for all classes, all specs. Excellent work, great CC, but when using it with my druid my screen lags like hell and you can't react on events at the right time due to the lag. At start of MoP, there was nothing except CLU. That's the reason i was starting looking into the code, and start reading the C# code for newbies by CodeNameG. And so I found a new hobby
Wow man! I'm glad you enjoy it because it sounds like you've put a lot into it. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us. I just started leveling a mage and have noticed that Singular doesn't seem to do that well. I'm gonna give your CC a try.
How would you guys rate this CC for leveling a Frost Mage PVE at this point in time compared to Singular?
It amazes me, reading through this thread, and threads like this:, how a developer spends SO much time developing these things, mostly for FREE and then gets such non-supportive posts. It's no wonder that a lot of these (that had potential) just die away, and it is a miracle that people even keep developing new ones.