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  • You guys dont get it...

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Cipro, Jan 29, 2013.

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    1. Kungen

      Kungen Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Why dont you just setup a program so people can sell there profiles and HB take a cut per sale same goes for plugins/routines etc

      if they free they free but if people want to charge they should be able to but you can take a cut.
    2. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You are absolutely correct, once again, we like it when users get paid for their work.

      I can give you here few names of Devs, that started as HB users and are now paid DEVs by Bossland GmbH:

      Tony, Kickazz, CnG, nathfoth, Nighvoltz

      thats what i could write down in 10 secs, we do have a lot more of them
    3. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Why should we take a Cut of their income ? I do not see us doing it, neither do we have a German E-Banking-Licence to do it this way.

      The only thing that i can imagine of, is allowing paid advertisement, but we did not do it since we started in 2009.
    4. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      As Bossland pointed out, we're not really worried about "paid" versions, we're worried about advertising. (Especially for things like Zygor)

      We have the rule about "no paid versions" because of a few developers who purposely gimped their free version to drive sales. If that's what you want to do, feel free. But not on our site. Plain and simple. As many developers already know (especially TuanHA) we're pretty lax on enforcing the rule if the developer is ensuring the free version continues to work, and work well.

      TuanHA's stuff will be put back up once the advertisements are removed. That's all there is to it.
    5. mdterp71

      mdterp71 New Member

      Nov 14, 2012
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      Way to cripple your users. When your decide to slam your own banhammer on a thread, you're also effecting your customers who may have had issues going on there and now are left out in the cold. Read this type of stuff before with Gatherit and others and it's getting old - bout to move on to your competition...later and hope this gets settled soon.
    6. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Way to read the last few posts...
    7. Ama

      Ama New Member

      Jun 6, 2011
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      You guys need to stop complaining. Tuanha's routines wont be gone forever and you can still update the svn.

      The staff actions aren't what chase the best devs away. Crappy users do. Want to have a thriving community with lots of devs? Try supporting them! No, not with money... Take this time to try out some other works that may be lesser known and give some feedback. You may find out that there are some decent routines out there and its not "Tuanha or GTFO". Tuanha collaborated with the CLU dev team for a while, so it isn't like hes the king dev or anything.

      The rule change against paid routines was a good change. Paid routines caused a rift between the devs. Some devs gave their knowledge freely for the betterment of the community, others took that knowledge and charged users for it. Said users stopped supporting the community and focused more on the routines that they had invested in.

      Do you think experienced devs are going to continue spending hours of their free time developing more advanced solutions, while other devs take their ideas and manipulate users into giving them money? No they wont. Stop whining. Go try out some random routines by someone you've never heard of, then give them some feedback so they can improve.
    8. mdterp71

      mdterp71 New Member

      Nov 14, 2012
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      SMH - Read my post and this is another negative thing about this community. Nothing but slamming each other. My main point was the effect of closing a thread. So how about making a comment next time that the community can benefit from.
    9. Revodon

      Revodon Member

      Jan 28, 2012
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      Buddy if you would've read Bosslands and Apocs posts... They weren't bashing anyone.

      Get off your high horse and relax. This community isn't negative, I've been with them for idk how long. We are just trying to get the facts straight.
    10. mdterp71

      mdterp71 New Member

      Nov 14, 2012
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      OMG> I never said Bossland/Apoc were bashing anyone - Jesus... I said this COMMUNITY continually bashes other users that make posts. My other comment was in regards of removing a very long thread that had information that some of us use. Not on a high horse and wipe the brown stuff off your nose.
    11. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The thread is not deleted, its temporary gone.
    12. mdterp71

      mdterp71 New Member

      Nov 14, 2012
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      I understand that, but it's not here now - that is all I'm saying. Moving on and I really hope this can get all worked out.
    13. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      1) Advertisements should not be free - Agreed. Nothing in life is free. Someone paid a price for everything.
      2) Free versions were gimped - Potentially, but it gives the community an idea of what can be accomplished
      3) Having Bossland GmbH open up a "Sell Your Premium Products" - Disagreed
      4) Paid Advertisements - Agreed, if they are controlled, and not intrusive to the average user (you already know this Bossland)
      5) 3rd party devs get hired - Very few, but for good reason. If you hire a bad programmer you get slow-running projects.

      On a different note - I'd like to address Motivating 3rd party devs!
      Compensation in other forms for "helpful" 3rd party devs
      I have received a small form of compensation, and that was awesome. It made me want to develop a lot more, faster, and better projects for the community.
      Not everyone has to be paid, or hired. There are other ways to please your developer community.
      Offer those who put in a lot of time/effort an extra Hb key or two (they don't cost much, and if you carefully distribute free keys there would be hardly more strain on your auth servers).
      Other forms of compensation are out there, and I know you can think of some if you wanted.

      Now this compensation would not be from the users of the project, but from Bossland GmbH on the basis that the 3rd party dev has contributed a large amount of time and effort to create something that they freely distribute for the benefit of all of YOUR users.
      The users did not come here to buy our projects, they came here to buy Honorbuddy.
      On that line, there should not be Paid versions available on tbf.
      Since they already paid they should have access to quality products that work within your product.

      Helping to motivate your 3rd party devs will get you much more quality projects available to said users.
      Don't go overboard, but at least try to drive and motivate your community to create things for one another.

      Users who wish to sell things, can do so, just not here. (Unless you do the paid advertising, but again, non-intrusive)z

      This user is what I would call average. Not everyone sells gold, so they don't get income out of botting.
      They should be able to have a quality botting experience without paying a single cent more.

      Those who sell gold, and want that extra stuff to make it easier/faster/better to make income, could find it before, but it's a lot harder for them now.
      Again, not saying free advertising, but it's more difficult now for users who want that paid stuff to find.
      Along those same lines, I had never heard of Honorbuddy prior to finding a friend in town who sold gold, and I asked him what he used, and then here I was.

      Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
    14. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      I still haven't seen any logical explanation as to why it's not allowed to link to the same free product on my own website (where they can get automatic updates). Or even link to a thread on my own forums that explain a solution to a question asked on here.

      Oh yeah, and another thing.. I'm not even allowed to have my avatar? It didn't even have an URL in it.
      Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
    15. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      This is exactly the problem and I couldn't agree more.
    16. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      "I still do not get it, why can i not display gold website links in my new created WOW UI that i published on Curse"

      Do you get it now ? Its about keeping the forum free of advertisements.

      Explain me please, why do the users need to come to your forum, to be able to get an automated update ? I do not see it.

      And why should they ask questions there ? Since you posted your product here.
    17. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There are people you can not discuss with, Botanist.

      I made myself clear, i gave the order today, to close it down, because of the advertisements in our Honorbuddy UI.
    18. turbo

      turbo New Member

      Apr 6, 2010
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      I think this is great, I really don't want to have to go to any other website ever in order to get help, updates or downloads for anything related to honorbuddy. I really like this forum and its users and anything to keep the community centered in one place is a plus in my opinion.
    19. madman

      madman New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The irony-meter in some of these posts are way off the charts! I've gotta agree with Ama thou, nothing scares away potential third party devs like the community here, but sadly thats a pretty common thing in any community where the larger part are consumers who aren't used to contribute.

      no1knowsy brings forth some very valid points here as well, theres no question that third party developers are pulling a lot of the weight around here, and some form of motivation given by the official devs would help a lot rather than expecting the community to supply it themselves.

      I can't really say i have any good suggestions for what it could be but I've seen other sites do monthly prices for best contributions, where the prizes can be anything from an actual prize to just an official acknowledgement on the main page with the runner ups mentioned as well. I'm not sure what would work best here, but anything is better than nothing ;)
    20. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      How about you people get this sorted behind the curtains, like a good company does.

      I like to adress that the amount of good cc's... are a rare breed lately on the forum.
      Not only that, but the amount thats discontinued, others starting a new project again and leaving a old one
      abandoned... isnt something we as users are looking for aswell. If something is working, keep it updated?
      We like you for your cc's, not cause you love to start builing a new platform or how you call it and let us test
      for months again be4 it works.

      How about you get this unfucked, behind the curtains, as it should be, and provide something we can use again
      without the need of bashing people making a buck on they're effort.

      This is something we as users, shouldnt even be able to read, this is none of our concern, fix it.

      Try finding a frost mage pvp for example, and theres more.... the only reason i switch mains so much is cause the
      cc's suck after a while for being not updated.

      And dont come with singular... plz.. that cc sucks in any way... no offense, but it lacks so much not een 20 pages of error
      logs could fix that.

      Just remember, this bot aint nothing without good cc's. Come straight why you take this all down, cause it cant be about a
      zygor link tbh. Free ad bs... plz,... get real ... ty
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