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  • [A3 Inferno] Ultimate SkyHigh Farm

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Magi, Dec 15, 2012.

    1. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      let me take a look. I'll run through and kill everything in Sky, and then go run through it without any mobs and see if I get stuck. Sometimes an invisible monster can leave you standing "stuck" for 5 seconds or so (or more as those can come in groups of 3 -5 and are triggered by certain areas). Normally trinity would blacklist them though. Keep you posted.
    2. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Try reducing the Path Precision on these specific points (you can copy and paste my code):
      <TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="2705.372" y="3191.733" z="25.283" pathPrecision="2" name="Skycrown-05" navigation="true" />
      <TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="2717.79" y="3279.942" z="25.14622" pathPrecision="2" name="Skycrown-06" navigation="true" />
      <TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="2811.486" y="3293.608" z="25.283" pathPrecision="2" name="Skycrown-07" navigation="true" />
      I didn't get stuck myself, but some objects in skycrown like catapults and the torches can cause issues for bots if you rub up on them the wrong way. Not entirely sure why. If you find your toon constantly having issues there (my ww barb doesn't)...just remove points Skycrown-05, Skycrown-06 and Skycrown-07 and it will avoid that platform entirely.
    3. Not2Legit

      Not2Legit Member

      Jul 17, 2012
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      Awesome, that seemed to work, reducing the pathPercision. Thanks a lot.
    4. sikk

      sikk New Member

      Jan 26, 2013
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      any posibility of adding Stonefort to any of the profiles? maybe as a last point before leaving game?i think its even with, if not better density of mobs/elites/champs as skycrown battlements, maybe into the SkyHigh Raoha Version profile for the extra packs of loot + the key dude
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
    5. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      I'll look into it and see if it's worth doing. I'll have to reverse the order of skycrown as it wouldn't make sense to run it backwards if you're going to do stonefort. I'll give it a shot and see what happens.

      I had been messing with the new trinity random dungeon stuff and not entirely sure it makes a huge difference. My Max run still puts out consistently better numbers for me in the long run.

      I've been toying with a completely different approach to the random dungeons, which is a huge hit (and miss). When it works, it is the fastest you'll ever run through it. Only works 2/3rds of the time however right now. Might still be worth it to run, and if it gets stuck, just warp out and continue. Still toying with it.

      Gardettos has been manually plotting some of the maps which should be faster than any explore tag. It's a boat load of work and code, but at the end of the day if it works, I can't complain. I'm trying to achieve a similar effect with about 98% less code and keeping it stupid simple. We'll see how things go.
    6. sikk

      sikk New Member

      Jan 26, 2013
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      cool beans, might look slightly more human too instead of skipping the key dude, and hitting himlast with nothing else to hit, im not sure it was just a thought, whatever you choose to do is fine with me, im using max extended atm, not sure if its the 4 paragon levels, my new loot rules (ignoring all blues), or the profile but seems to be maybe 100-150k more gph, 3-6 xph,

      i would assume its due to my new rules, as its a straight run now instead of grabbing the odd blue 63 wep/armors
    7. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      A good run through the random dungeon areas will make improve G/Eph over the static max run, but consistently long term, it doesn't seem to perform as well. If we can keep the frenetic pace throughout while maintaining the "good" dungeon runs, we might be on to something. I'll see what stonefort has to offer though, could be a nice addition.
    8. Torasu

      Torasu New Member

      Jan 29, 2013
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      Magi a quick question. i have been using your profiles the entire bot time and will keep using them becuse i am very saticfied with them. But which profile do you think gives most eph?. i'm using your max profle (not extended) and as far as i can see max gives most eph? currently paragon 71 monk.
    9. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      for me, max gives me the most of everything *consistently*

      on a good run, the skyhigh extended and raoha versions can net you better xp...so if you get lucky and nail some good dungeons, you could do better than max. If you're going specifically for XP...stick with Max (not extended) and Skyhigh (regular or extended). The towers of the cursed I added in Raoha/Max Extended are good for loot, not for xp.

      I plan to do a shootout between the profiles once my paragon/gf levels off. Right now any profiles I run in the later half of a shootout would have an advantage since I would have paragon leveled a few times (not a huge advantage, but want to keep it fair)

      I should be able to do that soon as I reach the top tier paragon levels.
    10. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      If anyone running the Original SkyHigh Extended cut would like to do some test comparisons using the new trinity random dungeon exploration, give v.3 whirl:

      https://www.dropbox.com/s/bkdivgqzub5fu9a/Ultimate SkyHigh Extended v0.3.xml

      Interested to hear feedback on how it compares to v2. I've optimized movement code for Rakki/Core like my max versions which should speed things up, and Keeps will now do a "rrrix" clear of Keeps 2 (basically the big blocks and then leave) with the new trinity tag. Crater still looks for exit at this time but with trinityexplore.

      Let me know if you see an improvement or not. Currently running it and putting out some nice numbers, but I had a good keeps run. We'll see how it goes long term.
    11. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Saw that in Rakkis Bridge Store you were using the actor of the guy crawling on the ground. I found a more reliable way to figure out if it is the Bridge Stores w/ Elite or not

      <If condition="MarkerExistsAt(750770355, 1373.309, 587.0353, -22.31143, 20) and CurrentWorldId == 95804">

      Bridge Store w/ Elite and w/out have different Marker Hash's.

      New TrinityExplore is better for sure. Finally got Frost Caves to work right. But I think I am going to continue manually mapping random areas if possible. Crater 2 is mapped and working. Crater 1 I know how to map but not sure if worth it or not. Have not really found a pattern for Keep 2 though.
    12. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      ah cool...I'll pop that in there. Yeah crater 2 seems to be a problem for exploring, but I tested your mapped version and it worked great (didn't even have to cache the WP it looked like)

      Nice work! I might have to steal it lol. I'm trying to get simple pathing to your cached entrances to work. Depending on the dungeon, it can walk all the way from exit to entrance (and vice versa) with a single path super quick. Even in Keeps 2. It does get stuck though 1/3rd of the time...so trying to figure out how best to handle that. Kinda been toying with that because when it does work, it's beautiful. Even if it gets stuck halfway...you could probably just warp out and continue on. Just trying to think of ways to go fast with minimal effort haha
    13. chenjie

      chenjie New Member

      Aug 4, 2012
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      [02:43:40.253 N] Demonbuddy v1.0.1309.298 started
      [02:43:40.286 N] Logging in...
      [02:43:41.449 N] Attached to Diablo III with pid: 7940
      [02:43:41.465 N] Flashing window
      [02:44:24.203 N] Failed to load profile: Element TrinityMoveTo is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<TrinityMoveTo questId="101758" stepId="1" x="1161.597" y="686.7165" z="0.1" pathPrecision="10" name="Arreat Core-1" navigation="true" />) Line 21
      [02:44:24.263 N] Chose Trinity as your combat routine.

      I using Arelog .TrinityPlugin-
      I was add the profile in Arelog. need some help.thanks
    14. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      That was my original plan with Keep 2. I ran Keep 2 from the Breach to Keep 1 exit. I found if you could get past the first and second scene than with just UsePortal you could get there most of the time. Was super fast 90% of the time but was not reliable enough. All scenes are the same size, 240 by 240. X is up and down. It gets larger when you go south. Y is left to right and gets larger when you go east. Crater 1 and 2 follow a reliable pattern with how their scenes are laid out. Keep 2 is tricky though. I normally just do runs over and over again till I figure out a pattern.
    15. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      You need to use the relog file I attached to the OP. Just download that relog version, and then modify that xml file to load whatever profile you plan to use (by default it's set to the Original SkyHigh).
    16. MittWho

      MittWho New Member

      Jan 29, 2013
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      I'm running into several "stuck moments" using the extended version. How do I tell you of these? screen shots, log?
    17. Not2Legit

      Not2Legit Member

      Jul 17, 2012
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      Profile: Ultimate Skyhigh Max Extended v1.1
      Location: Tower of the Cursed, Level 2, at entrance to Level 1
      Issue: Stuck, it runs against the wall, frantically, it does so until I move it myself.
      Last Log: [20:57:15.625 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_ArchTall_Orange-14795
      Picture: Sticks here
      When it resumes proper path: I have to run it down the stairs and diagonal from the stuck point.
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
    18. Torasu

      Torasu New Member

      Jan 29, 2013
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      I have noticed that almost every game with skyhigh max that i backtrack up on the stairs in stonefort. if there is mobs there my char goes to kill them and then run down the stairs and in skycrown. but when there are no mobs the my char just run up the stairs and stands still there for a while and then run down the stairs and into skycrown.
    19. Magi

      Magi New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      sounds like a kill/loot radius issue. Try replacing this part of the profile:

      <!-- ********* -->
      <!-- Stonefort -->
      <!-- Door to Skycrown Battlements -->
      <While condition="CurrentWorldId == 93099">
         <!-- Toggle Targeting -->
         <ToggleTargeting questId="101758" stepId="1" combat="False" looting="False" lootRadius="20" killRadius="20" />
         <UseObject questId="1" actorId="176002" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="81019" />
      		<!-- ******************** -->
      		<!-- Skycrown Battlements -->
      		<If condition="CurrentWorldId == 81019">
      			<!-- Toggle Targeting -->
      			<ToggleTargeting questId="101758" stepId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="90" killRadius="60" />
      			<TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="2719.076" y="2689.84" z="25.43893" pathPrecision="10" name="Skycrown-01" navigation="true" />
      Not2Legit - As for Tower stuck, let me look at that one. I haven't gotten myself stuff, but their is an randomDistance tag in there and perhaps it placed a point someplace you couldn't reach in that instance. That particular map spawns 2 different maps so might take a bit to get the right one to spawn (I think I can tell from your pic)

      Mittwho - If you find a legitimate stuck, please stop the bot and attach a log (from your DB folder logs directory) and let me know which map it happened. If you can attach a pic too, even better, but the log should be able to tell me what's up.
    20. Torasu

      Torasu New Member

      Jan 29, 2013
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      Thx man that fixed it :), another question is i got 29% exp gem on helm, hellfire ring and 22% exp leoric ring and paragon lvl 73. is these stats good or bad with this much +exp% ?? i also got 99k+ dps 304AR 35% MS. this is all from skyhigh max btw (not extended) or is there a profile that can give me more eph??
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 58h 45m 14s
      Total deaths: 119 [2,03 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 144 [2,45 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 1627,68 million [27,7 million per hour]

      And this is my last recent log.

      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 4h 53m 18s
      Total deaths: 6 [1,23 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 15 [3,07 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 149,44 million [30,57 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 2248,66 Thousand [459,98 Thousand per hour]
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2013

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