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  • TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Nov 16, 2012.

    1. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Old SS but the basics are solid.
    2. nevigrofnu

      nevigrofnu New Member

      Jun 5, 2011
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      That's what he did, unless your suggesting deleting the whole HB folder.

      Myself, I am heading back to a previous revision, this one lags far too much.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
    3. ebouster

      ebouster New Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      Which rev# is the good one then so i know which one to go back to and use???
    4. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tuanha asked me to remove the attachment as it is bugged and he is unable to access the forums for a day or so - february 1 2013
    5. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      You select only heal group 1 and 2, the healing output will reduce, that normal.

      I look into the code and there's no error. Combat Routine casting right spell every GCD.

      Are you sure you want to heal group 1 and 2 or just activate it by accident?

      PS: Just to make you guy clear, last few revision only add Load and Save Setting, nothing in heal logic touched, CR healing fine for me as before (because nothing change)
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
    6. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      Using Rev 277 works great
    7. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Im a 10 man guild.. I only have member in group 1 and 2
    8. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      i was using rev 303 + HB .525 i beleve the last few days and everything is running "fine" for me, once and for all forget tyrell, lazyrider on 100TPM with framelock ON does a better job AND without screen lag issues with at least THIS CR
      i have ilevel 487 and i'm usualy still top healer in LFR, if not its due to the fact a lot of healers have ilvl 500+ these days and in LFR they just spam heals, if needed or not
      so if i take away there overhealing i'm still nr1 sometimes 2 very close
      2 days ago i had a showdown with an other paladin healer while on skype with tuanha, the other pala had ilvl 509, he was nr1 but i was damm close on his tail and i had about 40% mana left average after a boss fight and he was trying not to go oom on the end :)
      remember i reforge to haste as a burst healer, so even while my crits ar not as high and my lower mastery gives less healing, i have a flash on 0.87 sec and divine light on 1.7 sec cast time when proxed and buffed, so even while other healers can do more (aoe) healing, i can squeeze in those most needed heals before most others can (and with intellect food and flask the crits ar not so bad anyway)
      if there are lots of other good healers arround and it looks like my toon is not going to do mutch, i just spamm light of dawn manualy when burst damage is imminent and there you go

      but, i do agree the fast reaction times of the whole bot is gone, and as stated before in this thread some lower revisions do have faster reaction times, heck i even have a VERY OLD version hanging arround on my wife's computer while she levels her paladin and i assure you, it will own all of you speed wise, but its not usable in pandaren dungeons and raids couse it misses all the hacks and features tuanha (tru for all developers) had to put in his (their) CR to get the stuff running there, hense i'm not talking about this CR alone, its everything around it, and when the internet connection to the HB auth servers is laggy the reaction time of the bot goes even lower, this is wat some of you might experiance from time to time, 1 moment it works great, the other moment its slow and you try to do all kinds of things and eventualy blame the CR while its not. some of you say its fast again after a reinstall of HB, while 15mins of wait time (coffee) and a delete of the compiled assembly folder (not only the content, but the whole folder) would 90% of the time be enough

      still, after saying these comforting words where the HB/CR slowness could come from, i would vote and gladly sponsor (again) the following: (it's more of a plee bargin i think)

      Tuanha, just for the healing spec (my bad i realy don't care for the dps part at this point)
      is it possible to rip your CR's appart and make a core edition for holy (mistweaver later on if the feedback is good)
      a core edition where everything that has nothing to do with healing and keeping your party up it's feet is striped out so the CR gets light again as was with your un paralelled CATA version used to be
      i know you continously try to optimise for speed, but i still have the feeling that in the road you took to make your CR more advanced and build in other spec, placing feature request after feature request in the CR's, witch most of the time is not needed if the user was willing to press a few buttons himself during the encounters, it is getting FAT and LAZY or to put it in an other perspective, it seems it THINK to mutch at what to do next given all the options it has to go through, and this sometimes results in a unncecairy death of a partymember.

      most of the time i have my manual flash heal ready to boost the hp of an almost fallen member as the CR is not responding or is very slow to respond when members are falling below 30% hp or so, but i still wonder why the CR did not do it? the flash was available, i could use it myself, but instead it stood there, like it was thinking what to do next, "shall i devine shield, hand of protection, sacrifice maybe, o wait, the health is now so low, i should lay on hands... maybe... ehh, wait, whats this, the user gave a flash away :) ahh thats wat i'm supposed to do, lets help him and bring the partymember back to full life"
      after my initial flash the CR does take over immidiatly to top the member off to full health

      Dont get me wrong, you know i love the CR and your work, it works 98% of the time and i know a BOT cant do all of the work and a user must always keep control, the CR is there to assist us, it's just that i can see the CR is struggeling to perform once things get a bit more complicated, and partymembers are getting close to death and the CR has more and more options to go through to make a desission.
      5m dungeon and challenge mode it works great, 10m it gets triky, but your last changes to the emergency heals have done a great job in improving this, its the 25m and up it struggles with on the the low partymember hp

      so yeah, a core healing edition witch in the end only looks at a rotation and priority list, nothing more, designed only for l90 pve and pvp healing, a core edition whitch can be used to easily put a healing rotation in for other healing classes sinds its only a file with ability's and spell id's (okee, thats a wish hint ;)) with a very simple gui that, with the help of some (community) presets loads the appropriate pve or pvp settings and only a few minor tweaks witch might be usefull to adjust given the situation or encounter couse lets face it, most settings does not need adjusting, on or off is mostly fine for the healer spells and other settings can be hard prefix on percentage as in, lay on hands as an example, below 15% is fine by me and in pve only on tank and use hand of protection on casters instead followed by a instand heal if available, some abilitys does not need a hp setting, divine protection for example, use on incoming magic damage, not when a member is on a certain percent, devotion aura, same thing, use when a boss or enemy pvp'er casts something that is appropiate to use it, dont wait on a certain hp, there can be more examples but the point is, it does not need to be complicated, it needs to be fast and appropriate for us raiders and arena players
      ppl, who are not willing to play but want to farm or want more control and movement can always fall back to your "all in one" CR

      my 50cents and crap my spelling, it took me over 3 hours to write this :p

    9. Ronso

      Ronso Member

      Jan 31, 2012
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      May god hear you mocbar...
      I remember a CR called... HolyCow? That was... insane. Healing DS 25hc like a walk in the park.
    10. nevigrofnu

      nevigrofnu New Member

      Jun 5, 2011
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      Couldn't ask for a better post mocbar - I'm sure more feel the same way as I do about this :)
    11. nevigrofnu

      nevigrofnu New Member

      Jun 5, 2011
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      Hope so, giving it a go :)
    12. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      HolyCow... yeah, non Taurens can use also ;) i remember those days ... hmmm
    13. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank you Mocbar,

      A new LIGHTWEIGHT rotation for Holy Paladin PvE have been added to latest svn.

      It's called LIGHTWEIGHT because all unnecessary spell have been removed (no attack spell, no pvp spell)

      The rotation consist of only 40 conditions (the full pvp rotation is 150 conditions xD) => should be a lot faster.

      The rotation auto activated if you are in Holy and in raid/dungeon group.

      Please update to svn revison 308 and let me know.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
    14. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      thnx for this update so now it wil use dps spels to as healer in raids?
    15. james7360

      james7360 New Member

      Jul 13, 2010
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      no..... did you read it?
      "It's called LIGHTWEIGHT because all necessary spell have been removed (no attack spell, no pvp spell)"
    16. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      crap me :) this is fast, you ware secretly working on this for weeks now :p werent you ...
      ill give it a go when i get home from buying some food and drink and i will bunker myself in the whole weekend to test all your changes in all CR's
    17. ghost666

      ghost666 New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      new HB new tuanha, and i just alaerwen configs. but im still not doing and light of dawn. what could be the problem ?
    18. ghost666

      ghost666 New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      does public get LIGHTWEIGHT to ?
    19. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i think so but a bit later because we donaters get it quicker
    20. tyrchast

      tyrchast Member

      Oct 8, 2012
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      Omg the new Lightweight update.. I have no words for it!
      It's fucking amazing, litterly!
      The CC has faster response when it comes to quick healing then I have, topping heal meters by far!
      Thank you so much Tuanha, this made my day! :D

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