title says it all. http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged-in/blizzard-awarded-88m-in-server-suit/1407941 Please do not post any polls related to this thread and no flaming. It's just something read while you bot Morga
If Blizz wanted to stop private servers, or gold selling, believe me, they could. It's a multi-billion dollar company. This is old news for them. She will also appeal this and get it down to $3-10 million.
Even then depending on how long they had their server up 3-10 mil is A LOT of money prolly gunna bankrupt her.
She deserves it, Blizzard would not have cared if she would have used the money as donations to a charity or to keep the server up. Instead she used it for personal gain as income.
Oh i didn't know that, then screw her. If i was making that money i'd keep like 5% and rest would be used to keep server going and improving it and donate it and what not, because going against a huge corporation like blizzard is a scary thought knowing how hard they can hit.
Ouch... Been waiting for this day for a while, read a fair bit about Alyson and her interesting take on donations...!
Another reason I hate blizzard. They/she wasn't using any of blizzard's networks and bnetd was an imitation of their crap. Fuck blizzard.
Only reason I still play this game is to 3 shot people at 80 who think they are "elite." Especially palladins. >.> I love like maybe 6 shotting pallys w/ my dk when i'm fully decked out against a fully decked out pally.