Hey, maybe someone here knows if world of Warcraft benefits from HyperThreading (4 real and 4 virtual cores) I want to run like 20x World of Warcraft + HonorBuddy and im looking for a CPU that can handle this. Here are 2 of my favourites: i5 3570k Xeon E3 1230V2 i5 the all-in-one wonder that fits for nearly everyone and a Xeon ServerCPU with HT that can compete with an i7. I was looking throught bnat forums but pf course all i found was a maybe outdatet info - WoW can handle up 3 cores?! Greetings PS if this isn the correct subforum just move it and sorry then
I'd go i7 or maybe a AMD 8350 for the 8 actual cores (i7 is quad core with HT so 8 in theory). i5 won't run 20 unless you use some hack to do so.
i5's CAN handle 20x WoW - a friend got that CPU and he can load up 20 (or was it 25?) WoWs? i7 is too expensive (thats why i like the Xeon) and AMD 8250... AMD's drawback is that for games intel is better and the test of the 8350 told me that he is maybe not that good?! Anyway - i need further information about WoW and HyperThreading and stuff like that - Thanks for your answer Teveel
AMD is fine unless you plan on running all those wow clients at good resolution, performance gap is minimal if you run 20+ bots then you are running them at low res/size for min client size. Only thing with AMD 8350 is higher running costs as they eat more watts per hour but on the bonus side much cheaper than i7 these days. Never heard of anyone using a Xeon for botting lately so, anyway what you hear about Intel v AMD for games performance is when running one game at max settings then you might see FPS difference of 10-15fps but when you go over 60 fps you don't even see difference so it makes no difference and for multibotting it is silly to compare that stat.
Xeon's are built for server tasks, for instance VMware 'n such. It's not designed for gaming, which is why an i7-3930k is better for multi wowing rather than a Xeon CPU.
I'm pretty sure xeon CPU is a winner for MULTIBOTTING with serious HyperThreading. It will also work great even under stress and high temperature, wont require much cooling. Its almost same price as the i5 but did you checked motherboard prices? Not all ivy-bridge MoBo supports xeon processors. *Edit: Seems there are even budget MoBos that you can use with that xeon!! [Solved] Xeon E3-1230 V2 on H61 board - asrock - Motherboards-Memory Btw would you update me with the situation if you decide to go with the xeon processor?
ASRock > H77 Pro4/MVP is my choice CPU support list ASRock > H77 Pro4/MVP Im pretty sure too the xeon cpu will do their job better than an i5 would but im not sure 100% More people who are more experienced wold be great
i5-2500k OC'd to 4.1ghz 1 bot = 3-5% CPU used. That's 4 cores and no HT. You would need atleast 8gb of ram just to run the bots. I'd say get 16gb, its cheap enough
I have an i5-2500k, NOt OC'd, so 3.3ghz, 8gig ram Running 9 bots + HB smooth with possibility of doing something else (movie, music, WoW x1 @ full grphics) Running 11 to 12 bots, But can't do much or I get crashes. @ all: I'm also looking for a new/extra computer, My preference goes out to an i7 or the amd, why would you pick the xeon? If you all of a sudden want to stop botting, or can't anymore, who knows, you can't do much with the xeon. If you have the i7 or the amd, you can also use it to play the newest games on max.
i7 is way too over priced for gaming, stick with the i5 its the best performance for its price @OP Sorry cant really say much about servers cause I have not messed with them at all and dont know the full capabilities, pros/cons, and enough info on them to give you a detailed answer. Hopefully another person with experience can come up with something for you
Why shouldnt it be possible to ply using a Xeon CPU? Ofc i buy 16GB Ram thats no question On my Notebook with an i7 and 12GB RAM (max.) there can run up to 15 Bots Friend of me can handle 20 (or 25?) with his i5 I think HyperThreading is important and when it comes to pure gaming the xeon can mess up with an i5
Avoid the Xeon, its a server based CPU. You would be much better off with an i7 or amd 8350. The i5 doesn't support HT, while you can run multiple instances of WoW and an i5 you will find its not anywhere near an i7 . Alternative you could go with an AMD 8350 which is cheaper than an i7 and performs well at multi tasking. I'm not going to lie and say its better than Intel's latest i7's but it would perform well enough. Real world you would struggle to see the difference with the human eye too.