Thanks for answer Alxaw. I had check the code myself and i didnt see anything wrong, but i have poor coding skill... I'm using Tyrael to run this Routine. I'm not sure, but in the logs it seems to have some sort of issues with this routine and tyrael. I put an example of the Safeguard issue and Tyrael. View attachment Warenalog.txt
It seems it might be a targeting issue with Tyrael. Could you do me a favor and try it with lazyraider?
Did 10 arena matches with Lazyraider. The issue with Safeguard didnt occurred, it only try to use it on my arena partner.
Update on my experience with this Routine. This week got a positive ratio of 37-10 in 2's. My gear is still crap, almost all honor and heroic 463 weapon and my coordination in CD's and CC's with my partner isnt the best. Loving the logic on the code. Dont know if still any issues. View attachment WarenaLog2.txt
thanks for the notice on the safeguard. i didnt catch that when I did games last week but I did notice some funny business at times and this was probably the issue. I suppose I will use LazyRaider this week until we confirm exactly what is wrong. BTW, i have done all my games and testing on Tyrael up until this point and I am a fan.
If anyone is using Tyrael or Lazyraider for that matter I recommend you try this routine at 200 TPS. While maybe this might be my imagination there seems to be a big difference in DPS, as much as 25%. My quick test could have been RNG but the routine feels snappier at 200 TPS and I recommend you try it if you have not yet.
As most warriors in competitive PvP sit in D stance the entire time, is there a way to switch between which stance you are in? Thanks, great CC!
Hello, I have a little arena with the CC, it was really great! But I saw even in the code that "MassSpellReflect" is never use! Can it be possible that it is use like "Spell Reflect" when someone try to sheep, hex,.. You or Friands ? And I am not sure now, I have to try more but the CC is not super react for Kick. "If anyone is using Tyrael or Lazyraider for that matter I recommend you try this routine at 200 TPS." <= Maybe because it is set to 60 TPS, I will try later! In the code maybe it is better for the condition to always begin with “SpellManager.CanCast”, because some time you check for example “EnemyDistance8.Count()” in first so that can make in run time very heavy the code no ?
It is only starting to cast pummel when there is XX ms left on current cast to avoid fake casting. I am adding a setting in 1.0.5 to make it easier to change that time if it is not fast enough.
I released 1.0.5. Some new stuff in there. -Fixed safeguard/Tyrael issue by adding a check for is in raid or party. -Added Heroic Throw totem smashing for Spirit Link and Tremor. Help me test that. -Started some code to automatically heroic leap/spell reflect freezing traps but its not working so I need some help on that. Check out the unit scan it is doing as maybe that is where the problem is. -Added setting to choose whether you want to stance dance or not. -Added setting to easily change time left on cast before interrupt. -Other stuff I can't remember.
Nice ! I will try this for my next arena session And about the MassSpellReflect and priority of “SpellManager.CanCast” ? Thanks for your work, Love it !
FYI, i made that change however, Mass Spell Reflect is not implemented at the this time. You could add it to the routine pretty easily but it has not been tested and the composite in common.cs might not work as is.
I rewrote the Interrupt code yesterday and it is NOT working! I have not been able to figure it out yet. I had someone else look at it as well and they did not see any issues. Here is an example of the code. It seems to be an issue perhaps with the unitscan EnemyCastingDistance10 as it never makes it to the Logging.Write("Test") when im attacking someone who is casting. I removed the !IsCrowdControlled portion of the check and it still does not work. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. #6093056 - Pastie
[h=2]Vanguard - The Lights Justice- Zomg, EzRet! [/h]Is what you wanna do. Just for warriors. Set that up as a paid version and you got money
Added 1.0.6. Rewrote and fixed the interrupt code. It is now using pummel/shockwave/disrupting shout pretty well and the interrupt delays are working as intended. I highly recommend you upgrade for this. One of the problems is I always have a portion I am working on so I am not releasing as frequently. I added some hunter scatter shot code to try and eat traps. It is largely untested and you can disable it in settings if you run into problems.