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  • Honorbuddy 2.5.6785.532

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Feb 7, 2013.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Honorbuddy 2.5.6785.532


      * Several Talent Builds for Talented2 has been updated to be more useful for botting with emphasis on survival and passive bonuses.
      * Player owned pets are now completely removed from targeting filters.
      * Added support for recent profiles and loading profiles of web.
      * Fixed a bug allowing you to attempt to sell items when the vendor frame is not open.
      * Increased to delay in the vendor behaviors since it has been causing issues for high latency users.
      * Fixed Developer Tools not opening half the time
      * Fixed where the bot would crash after zoning then start/stopping it
      * Settings now save the moment you toggle them even when the bot is running
      * RaidBot updated to reflect new HotkeysManager
      * Grind Profiles now accept MobIDs to be used for a specific mob for example <MobIDs>834</MobIDs>

      * Added DistanceToUnit(id) function for profile conditions.
      * Some issues with GetCompletedQuests has been fixed where it was returning false information.

      * Romantic Baskets (Picnic basket item) are now properly ignored in battlegrounds.
      * Arathi Basin logic changed slightly. It will now prioritize attacking enemy captured flags before being in a group and "biggest fight"

      * Added temporary digsite blacklisting. Will now blacklist a digsite for 2 hours if a fragment has failed to been looted more then 10 times.

      * New, better implementation of hotkeys added. Use HotkeysManager to handle any hotkey requirements.
      * Updated code to correctly identify spells if none were known, rather than printing out 'SpellId(0, "unknown")'.

      Flightor (Flying Navigation used in AB and GB2)
      * Now does more checks to properly unstuck in absurb places.
      * Now handles invisible walls properly.
      * Outland bounds has been remade to avoid issues with Twilight Nether.
      * Now handles ghost runs better.

      * Gatherbuddy will now fully stop before using an object to prevent it from flying away and coming back multiple times.
      * A delay has been added to Hearth and Exit behavior to allow WoW load after hearthstone before killing it.

      Quest Behaviors
      * New behavior "Breaking the Emperor's Shield" has been added.
      * New behavior GetOutOfGroundEffectAndAuras has been added.
      * New behavior EscortGroup has been added.
      * A lot of behaviors have been renamed and been put to SpecificQuests folder. Make sure you update Kick's profiles to avoid any issues.
      * InteractWith will now blacklist targets it is unable to navigate to
      * InteractWith will now Face Targets before interacting
      * Fixed a small distance check bug in NoControlVehicle.


      * General
      change- User Interface - configuration form may be left open allowing use of HonorBuddy Stop / Start
      without having to close
      change- Melee DPS - will now avoid moving to rear of certain bosses with tail sweeps (Ghaz'an, Keristrasza, Cyanigosa, Murozond, etc.)
      change- revision to some log output in Debug mode.  Be sure to set Debug Logging to true in Class Config if you are experiencing an issue you would like researched
      change- names added to log window for spells cast on Pet will have the Pet Owners name as well to differentiate
      fixed - target check for no target or dead target while in combat now correctly switches to agro mob.  previously switched to any nearby target in combat
      change- revision to Dismount behavior output additional state information when debug mode is on
      fixed - exception occurring to some melee classes when moving behind current target for attack
      change- valid targets check now factors in threat 
      fixed - issue with canceled casts due to move.  this was a biproduct of allowing cast of spell to begin during latency window at end of current spell cast (also referred to as fast casting, allowing for lag, queueing spells, etc.)  this was most noticeable at the start of rest for classes that heal before eating/drinking as well as at times when mounting.
      fixed - cast on location/ground spells were at times leaving spell pending on cursor when target was out of range, dead, etc
      fixed - was inadvertenly cancelling First Aid cast after 6 seconds.  Now correctly waits 8 secondds for Bandages to apply
      fixed - obscure Ranged class movement issue which was causing Healers and Ranged DPS to sometimes stand in place.  This was most noticeable when questing and character would not chase a fleeing mob and in instances where healer would not move towards a tank requiring healing that was just out of range
      change- refactored Cast and Heal composites to single Cast composite.  this will effect any derivate works which use the Heal composite
      change- replaced use of optional boolean parameter to indicate allowLagTolerance now uses LagTolerance enum
      *new* - Temporary Suspend Movement ability now detects if you are typing into chat window or other frame and ignores temporary movement hotkey presses (which are typically letters)
      * Death Knight
      change- All Specs - Death Grip is not cast in Normal or Battleground contexts if movement is disabled.  This includes temporary movement disable as well as complete movement disable (via toggle or use of LazyRaider, etc.)
      fixed - All Specs - issues where combat buffs/self-heals  were applied late or not at all
      * Druid
      fixed - Balance - revamped PVP spell priority; fixes issues with refreshing DoTs; refined Typhoon to not cast due to a Ranged class in melee range
      change- Balance - PVP spell healing behavior now buffs Rejuvenation early in Combat for improved survivability
      fixed - Balance - Instance rotation issue where Singular saw another players Moonfire DoT on target so didn't refresh
      fixed - Balance - Instance rotation where DoTs need to be overwritten at beginning of an eclipse was only casting if not present
      *new* - Feral - recognizes shapeshift errors that occur while Questing.  Will leave form and suppress going back in form for 60 seconds.  This allows questing profiles which retry to use quest items or perform actions which fail while in shapeshift form to succeed with no special coding.
      fixed - All Specs - Innervate of self now shows correct message in log file
      change - Feral - will additionally cast Berserk when not in instance and target either expected to live 20 seconds or multiple targets
      fixed - Feral - AOE range check changed to account for hitbox size
      fixed - All Specs - Rejuvenation should now renew more quickly when falling off
      * Hunter 
      fixed - All Specs - Readiness now correctly cast when Rapid Fire buff has expired and is on cooldown
      * Mage
      change- Fire - now casts combustion or Inferno Blast if procs are up, otherwise Pyroblast when pulling
      fixed - Fire - Normal context cast of Inferno Blast did not check for Fire immune mobs
      fixed - Frost - correctly resummons Water Elemental duing combat if it dies
      change- Frost - will not try to build a 3 stack of Frostbolt on mobs expected to die quickly (less than 20 secs) when Solo
      fixed - All Specs - Evocation cast was checking for Invocation aura rather than Invoker's Energy
      fixed - Fire - Normal Context now correctly casts Frost spells on Fire immune mobs
      fixed - Frost - Normal Context now correctly casts Fire spells on Frost immune mobs
      fixed - All Specs - issues with spell priority and aura recognition for Normal and Instance contexts
      *new* - All Specs - interrupt support (Counterspell)
      *new* - All Specs - support for Spellsteal with settings to control
      fixed - All Specs - Flamestrike now correctly cast on ground rather than leaving as pending spell on cursor
      *new* - All Specs - rework of logic for Normal and Instance contexts; PVP is unchanged and will be revamped for next release
      *new* - All Specs - setting and support for Time Warp
      fixed - Frost - Water Elemental Freeze spell no longer leaves pending spell on cursor
      * Monk
      change - Brewmaster - fixed exception occurring in checking for need to cast Avert Harm when no group members were within range
      change - Windwalker - will wait slightly after casting Roll or FSK before casting Provoke or *****ling Jade Lightning during Pull.  Previously was detecting being outside of melee range and not in combat too quickly
      change - Windwalker - added melee abilities to Pull checking for any leftover procs from prior fight
      * Priest
      change- Shadow - Normal context correctly casts Vampiric Touch on mobs with more than 10 seconds to live (rather than just elites and bosses.)
      fixed - Shadow - addition of AoE recognition and spell priorities including use of Mind Sear when appropriate (spammed for 5+ mobs, filler spell when 2+)
      change- Shadow - Dispersion now cast for AOE in addition to health % and mana % checks
      * Rogue 
      fixed - All Specs - exception sometimes occurring when selecting Tricks of the Trade target
      change- Subtlelty - changes to Instance rotation increasing Fan of Knives count, Preparation requirements
      fixed - All Specs - movement behind fixed target while stealthed that sometimes left Rogue out of range and standing still
      *new* - All Specs - user setting and support for Pick Pocket as part of opener sequence
      *new* - All Specs - user setting and support for Pick Lock on lockboxes in bags and opening during Rest
      change- All Specs - Feint removed for this release; will be added back in upcoming release
      fixed - All Specs - Redirect was incorrectly being cast on self
      fixed - All Specs - Apply Poisons was sometimes casting same poison a second time
      * Shaman
      change - Resto - Normal context (solo) now applies Water Shield if < 15% mana, Earth Shield if Mana % > 30 and Health % < 65, and Lightning Shield if Mana > 30 and Health > 85
      change - Resto - Battleground context no longer causes Water Shield / Earth Shield / Water Shield / ... spam
      change - Resto - Battleground context now applies Earth Shield to self if mana > 25%, or Water Shield if Mana % < 15
      change - Resto - Instance context now only apply Earth Shield to a non-Tank if in combat even when Tank goes out of range
      change- All Specs - Ghost Wolf is no longer cast if the Bot has not set a POI indicating where it is going.  This will greatly reduce the number of casts occurring while Questing
      fixed - Resto - reference to current tank to stay in range of sometimes threw error
      change- Resto - Earth Shield now cast more quickly when it expires.  More fault tolerant selection of Earth Shield target
      fixed - Resto - Instances: now moves within Healing range of Tank if no group members need heals.  will not move towards DPS target and will only cast damage spells (like LIghtning Bolt for Telluric Currents) if target already in range
      fixed - Resto - Instances/Battlegrounds: was only casting Riptide if glyphed or to buff Tidal Waves.  Now will roll on lowest health % group member without buff if no higher priority heal needed.  This should help tank and group survival when healing at level 25 or lower.  Prior to learning Earth Shield, will favor Tank regardless of group health %
      * Warlock
      fixed - Affliction - no longer casts Agony prior to Soulburn/Soulswap.  
      fixed - Affliction - only casts Soulburn/Soulswap if target has none of the associates DoTs active
      change- Affliction - Haunt now highest priority DoT if target health < 20%
      fixed - Affliction - pending Soulburn when entering Rest is now canceled to avoid accidental Shard usage
      fixed - Demonology - Metamorpohsis when entering Rest is now canceled to save Demonic Fury
      fixed - All Specs - test for Soul Link aura now delayed after Dismounting to ensure it is restored if already active
      fixed - All Specs - Banish crowd control now applied and removed correctly.  was spammed previously in some instances causing it to be applied/removed/applied/...
      fixed - Affliction - now correctly casts Soulburn/Drain Life is health < 25% or no healer nearby and < 70%
      fixed - Affliction - now check for Glyph of Health Funnel which prevents use of Soulburn: Health Funnel
      fixed - Demonology - Felstorm cast for single target so long as AOE spells not disabled
      change- All Specs - will resummon Pet before eating or drinking in case a mob is agroed
      fixed - All Specs - keeps Soul Link buff up if talented
      fixed - Affliction - if pet dies during combat and soulshards available will do instant pet resummon via Soulburn.  
      change- All Specs - resummon during combat is highest priority if it will be instant (due to Demonic Rebirth or Soulburn), otherwise defensive abilities used first
      fixed - All Specs - casts Twilight Ward to help mitigate damage inflicted by Soul Link or Dark Regeneration.  also cast if in PVP and being attacked by either a Warlock or Priest
      change- All Specs - Dark Bargain health % increased from 30 to 50
      fixed - Demonology - SoulFire cast added while in Demon form
      fixed - All Specs - Health Funnel now correctly cancels cast if pet health gets topped off early
      fixed - Demonology - Hand of Gul'dan is now correctly cast. 
      change- Demonology - Class Config settings added to allow specify the Fury % to enter Demon form and the Fury % to leave Demon form
      change- Affliction - now casts Soulburn prior to Drain Life if health < 75%
      change- All Specs - added support for Soul Link during rest
      change- All Specs - now does not cast Fear if targeting Undead
      change- All Specs - some refinement to Health Funnel
      fixed - All Specs - Shadowfury now correctly cast on location rather than left on cursor as pending spell
      * Warrior
      fixed - Fury - now correctly casts selected (configured) Shout as lowest priority to generate rage where needed.  previously cast only Battle Shout overwriting user selection
      change- All Specs - will cast Victory Rush / Impending Victory only when there will be no overheal, the Victorius aura will expire, or the current target has less than 7 seconds to death (which should refresh the aura)
      *new* - All Specs - setting to use Victory Rush / Impending Victory on cooldown (for those that don't care about overhealing and just want it cast)


      If you are having issues after installing Honorbuddy please run this tool to verify that you installed everything correctly.
      Problems with a new installation of a buddy product?

      Download : Honorbuddy

      Reporting Bugs
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2013
    2. meistermonty

      meistermonty Member

      Jun 6, 2010
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      Wth is Grindbuddy? A new version of GrindBot?
    3. starl1te

      starl1te New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      Compiler Error: ...\Honorbuddy 2.5.6785.531\Bots\RaidBot\RaidBot.cs(31,13) : error CS0103: The name 'HotkeyManager' does not exist in the current context
      Compiler Error: ...\Honorbuddy 2.5.6785.531\Bots\RaidBot\RaidBot.cs(73,13) : error CS0103: The name 'HotkeyManager' does not exist in the current context

      did you guys start actually HB at least once before releasing this update? the above error is literally the first thing that pops in the log. fresh install right out of the zip file

      EDIT: nevermind.
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2013
    4. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Compiler Error: c:\ for raidbot and charachter settings
    5. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Old copy of RaidBot wound up in our repo. Download a fresh copy (I just sent out a new one). The problem should be fixed.
    6. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      stil the same apoc i redownloaded hb stil the same compile error

      Error trying to save the settings file: Kan geen toegang krijgen tot het bestand C:\\\Desktop\\\\\CharacterSettings.xml
    7. MaxMuster

      MaxMuster Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 30, 2012
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      View attachment 3416 2013-02-07 17.42.txt
    8. starl1te

      starl1te New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      yep. just getting this now:

      Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\...\Honorbuddy 2.5.6786.532\Settings\...\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process.

      not sure if it's important, bot seems to work so far
    9. Rayz

      Rayz New Member

      Nov 30, 2012
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      GrindBuddy [Beta]. What is this? Why are there no notes about it?
    10. starl1te

      starl1te New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      maybe it's a grindbot that ACTUALLY WORKS??? Let's hope! :)

      (I'm referring to the fact that in grindbot mode the bot will not target or attack anything while mounted, didn't attack specified factions, and refuses to farm half the herb/ore nodes)
    11. Dustoff001

      Dustoff001 New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      No Problems. Grindbeta is new Grind bot Fixes some minor issues I take it. But Grind bot worked fine before new patch for me :)
    12. Rayz

      Rayz New Member

      Nov 30, 2012
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      I'd assume so but does it have new features? Does it have flying pathing? I hate that my toon runs to repair and sell while mounted on a flying mount. I just want to see the documentation
    13. x11r6

      x11r6 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I was away to live my life, i came back and found this on all my bots:

      Why on earth you should BLOCK the bot execution until i make a decision?
      What if i just want to stick with the previous version, because it's working just fine?

      Please fix this NOW.
    14. Warmaster18

      Warmaster18 New Member

      Feb 6, 2013
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      I downloaded the new update after i opened up HonorBuddy. But now when I load a profile, and click start this message comes up, spamming me and the bot does nothing. Please help me!
      [Singular] Your Level 90 Human Retribution Paladin Build is
      [Singular] ... running the Gatherbuddy2 bot Solo in The Jade Forest
      [Singular] Your Level 90 Human Retribution Paladin Build is
      [Singular] ... running the Gatherbuddy2 bot Solo in The Jade Forest
    15. Aroxan

      Aroxan Banned

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Dude!!! Gatherbuddy updates look amazing for AFK'ing and less bot like. I'm digging this whole new update, thanks HB staff!
    16. Bengan12

      Bengan12 Well-Known Member

      Feb 24, 2011
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      +If Me.CurrentLikes > 9000
      A Gatherbuddy that dosn?t hump trees and nodes for hours, sounds good :D
    17. MrCer

      MrCer New Member

      Jan 23, 2013
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      I just got the new update, but I don't see anything that talks about BGbuddy updates.

      Will BGBuddy be fixed soon? I'd like to leave him on more often but I feel like I got to constantly reload my game + HB just so he'll keep farming bgs.
    18. shm0

      shm0 New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      thanks for update. works quite good so far (gatherbuddy).

      what about this error?

      Error trying to save the settings file: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "CharacterSettings.xml" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.

      saving seems to work fine.
    19. l337pally

      l337pally New Member

      Jun 24, 2011
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      Just updated couple mins ago and everytime i launch HB i get a error "Styx.Helpers.UISettings" threw an exception
    20. Bounty

      Bounty Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      Bot config seems to be buggy, simply doesn't work an a transparent window pops up when clicking it (once, then nothing when you close that transparent window).

      Can't attach log because it contains my char name and realm and I can't edit it without notepad crashing...

      -It seems to be working for now.
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