ok so far. this profile only skins with singulair even with skinning selected. and using singulair has movement issues. it runs back and forth alot. i've tried to use clu and kingwow with this profile. kingwow was previously known has kingheal. but it has other combat routines in it as well so they changed the name.
ugggh im usng the 225-275 profile and its passing 90% of the mobs tht are skinable. and now its just sitting there in one spot....
I ran the 83 [Skinning][Questbot][Level 83 skill 425+] Deepsea Scale + Savage Leather.xml for about 30mins and it killed monsters that required 455 skinning, instead of the 425. Mainly King Crabs and some vulture things.
Yea, the required skill on your profiles doesn't match the required skill on the mobs being farmed. Twilight Highlands mobs requires 455. Jade Forest mobs requires 470. Edit: Had to switch to your Outland profile, since all the other ones requires 455. Started it in Orgrimmar and it took the boat from Ratchet to STV, to fly to Blasted Lands. I'm thinking it would have been easier to use the Orgrimmar portal, but maybe thats just me. Edit II: I seem to have overlooked a few profiles. My bad. It's still pretty misleading with the required skills and the way you named the .xml files.
I will look this up and run some 1 - 600 skinning myself again to se what i need to change. Yes the portal is faster, but i run on a PVP realm in i got splattered almost 80% off the time as it took the portal, thats why i changed to the boat as it flies in and misses the gangbang at the portal exit. The skill i entered was calculated mob level x 5, but this seems incorrect when it comes to cata and mop. but up to WoTLK a level 75 mob requires 375 in skill if i am not wrong here?
I have tested this with Sungular, and FPSwares routines. Running the routine should not disable the skilling... hmm.
it mixes settings every time, i set pool distance 40? chtck loot and skin mobs, and in a second bot itself sets to pull distance 1 fnd unchecks looting and skinning. reload wouldn't help..
hmm okay then, just never noticed that before. tnx and + rep, been testing for couple of hours, works fine, no stucks
Thanks a lot for a profile! I will be grateful if you make for a leatherworking something 600+. I to you sacrificed recently 30 dollars for your good affairs! I from Russia.
This one is 600+ "[Skinning][Questbot][Level 90+] The Jade Forest" end game skinning. It skinns on the island in jade forest. Any other place you want it to skin on?