Do you mean on your Android device? If so, when running the app, click the menu button to see the API key options. I selected the email option and emailed the key to myself. Copy the key from your email and paste it within the BuddyCon plugin settings under Android API Key.
Small Feature Request: Any chance you can have the webpage update the Level, Experience, Gold, etc in real-time without having to hit refresh? It appears you have the architecture for this already with the socket server (maybe I just didn't notice it updating??). Also, some jQuery animation on the Experience bar could be fun to watch when I'm really bored at work. Edit/Update: It seems it is polling the server, but the only data that seems to update is the Last Update timestamp. Is there a way you can update the progress bar as well, maybe put a transition style on the bar too ( .progress .bar )? I'm not kidding, I get really bored at work.
That is already planned Currently its updating Level, latest update(but not the color -.-), Gold, GuildBank Money, Running Time
@Mister: Thanks! @croshim:If its not that please say which BuddyCon Plugin Version and what do you mean with "pm"(whispers?)
There was trouble with my android os, now all good =). And can u make a notify when disconnect or wow error appears ? It will be very useful.
I'm wondering if there is a chance to get hands on source code, so i could upload it and use it from my own hosting?
My honor Buddy crashes now when having this in plugin I am not using the latest one. I am using a release just before the last one And you generate it with the app (will change in the new version)
Hey, danke f?r dein gro?artiges tool! Ich habe ein Featurerequest: Kannst du zus?tzlich zu dem xp/h oder nodes/h anzeigen wieviel Gold er in den letzten 24h std. gemacht hat? Das w?re eine gro?e Hilfe um ein kleines Benchmarking zu haben. lg,