tl;dr TuanHA removed some not important code / features for PvE like scans, checks etc which are only used in PvP for example. This stuff slowed the CR by removed i mean: when ever you enter a raid the CR loads "THMistweaverPvE.cs" automatically, which is the tweaked and lightweight version.
I've very happy to see fistweave dedication before 5.2 hits, as I see there will be buffs in that field.
Is there a way to take off Roll from the rotation? It seems to roll when im fighting a boss .. for example DS Deathwing fight .. It rolls off the little platform? Any suggestions?
It keeps picking fights with other players for no reason in Halfhill, and getting killed by guards. Quest preset.
TuanHA/Mosuri, Guys I think we about 95% complete with Fistweaving Did another LFR just for testing and I can now confirm that the 2 x Serpent's Zeal from Blackout kick never drops off, it get's to about 9 or 8 secs left then get re-applied. Very nice work. Now the only thing left that I can see so far is that Tiger Palm does drop off sometimes and does not get put back on all the time. Maybe if you move that up the code and apply the same 9 or 8 secs as Serpent's Zeal that should do it! So far great work guys. The settings Mosuri for your test fistweaving.xml seem fine to me. I had to change it to Chi Wave as this is what I use, maybe Chi Burst is better I will look at that. Did a quick few mob attacks in LFR, screen shot attached.
I'm running the latest version of the Special Edition from the SVN. Movement is no longer working for me, it was working for me a few days ago. I have enabled: Auto Move Auto Face Auto Target Here's my log: View attachment 3612 2013-02-12 18.49.txt Thank you.
is there ANY way to add an option to interrupt only MY target or MY focus and not random interrupts? The character right now will just interrupt anything that is casting from anyone nearby
@fish For tiger palm it could work the same way. but i would say we then use a 7sec left cd for the tiger palm buff because it is applied ~17sec if i remember right now
It's actually the Quest bot issue. Combat Routine do not control the targeting in Questing bot. - - - Updated - - - This is intended. Once you enter raid, Combat Routine will load light weight rotation which remove all unnecessary spell/action in order to get the most dps/healing in raid. - - - Updated - - - The ability to interrupt any unit without targeting/focusing is great in PvP. It may not that great in PvP and I'll have to modify code/GUI for that.