Nesox said he would add this to DB Code: public static bool SceneExistsAt(int sceneId, float x, float y, float z, float radius) So that should make things like VoA a lot easier. I made a static VoA also and it works pretty well. In 1.07 we are able to carry NV stacks over Acts but no more details really has been released yet. So I made it in prep of that.
Yeah, but the problem is that the bot still does the quest change without opening the dialog. And it overall looks scatchy, sometimes it doesn't work at all or it gets stuck during it and won't continue properly. So first of all a clean quest / difficulty / mp change should be implemented before thinking about using profiles that run different acts.
I have it set for a large box size which seems to work well most of the time...could be that particular generation didn't like it. You can try reducing the boxSize from 80 to perhaps 60. Trying to balance speed and precision without backtracking too much.
and how do i reduce boxSize from 80 to 60? im really noob ...when u have time to inform me , please do it , thx
If you want to get this going the quick & dirty way this is how it works: - Get the VOA checkpoint, manually if you want - Leave and resume and check that the portal is there Open the profile .xml and change (line 14 in mine) the While inTown line like this Code: <While condition="Me.IsInTown"> <UseObject questId="1" x="308.2124" y="273.393" z="-1.142151" actorId="191492" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="123183" /> </While> Note: This will only work with a portal in town after resuming. Otherwise it will get stuck. This is the quick & dirty way. If you want to be extra sure wait for Magi to release his official version for 1.0.7 here is the code for using TP back to VoA when resuming the game in 1.0.7 I am not sure how dirty it is. But it does the job for me.
Yeah that actually gave me this idea for the change, looks cleaner this way: Code: <If condition="Me.IsInTown"> <If condition="ActorExistsAt(191492, 308.2124, 273.393, -1.142151, 40)"> <UseObject questId="1" x="308.2124" y="273.393" z="-1.142151" actorId="191492" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="123183" /> </If> <UseWaypoint questId="1" actorId="6442" x="324" y="291" z="1.64" waypointNumber="8" /> </If>
Anyone else having an issue with it bugging out by ZK's Archive? It'll just stand there until it times out on some runs, even though it found the entrance to VoA. Running Inigo's route.
I actually noticed that. For some reason, it "thinks" that is the WP when it is not. Not entirely sure why as I am using a marker hash for VotA. I need to update this profile for v1.0.7 as well...obviously once you get the checkpoint it doesn't become an issue so I didn't spend a huge amount of time looking into that issue...I'll get an update out for this in a bit...doing some testing with some other stuff at the moment but will get back to this quick.
It's not getting a checkpoint for me, though. =/ Edit: Yea, I don't know what the deal is...ran it the checkpoint...TP'd out, resumed game...and was back in Hidden Camp @_@
yeah...I'll have to check with rrrix on that exit...that's the only exit I've ever come across that gave me issues with the marker hash
Ah, I feel like an how do I get it to take the TP at the start? Edit: Exceptionally slow I am today. Got it working. -_-
I'll get that programmed in...I believe a few posts back some kind botters posted some code you can quickly copy and paste in. Should be on page 3
Okay, so in the Vaults, and it only happens every now and then, it pretty much afk's to no end...I watched the entire NV buff drop before finally restarting it.
not sure how that's possible. Trinity has a gold inactivity timer set on it for 15 seconds. Also has a pretty huge box radius so if anything it might cut off a bit too early. You got a log?
[09:55:51.140 N] [Trinity]Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #1 of 15 attempts) Act="A2" questId="57337" stepId="26" worldId="123183" [09:56:00.330 N] [Trinity]Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #2 of 15 attempts) Act="A2" questId="57337" stepId="26" worldId="123183" [09:56:15.575 N] [Trinity]Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #3 of 15 attempts) Act="A2" questId="57337" stepId="26" worldId="123183" [09:56:33.939 N] [Trinity]Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #4 of 15 attempts) Act="A2" questId="57337" stepId="26" worldId="123183" [09:56:36.516 N] Stopping the bot. It wasn't actually stuck, it just kind of ran into a corner...stopped...ran out...ran back...rinse repeat. This is just one of the few stuck points. I'll list them as I catch them. I won't be running it while I'm afk as it looks ridiculous atm lol
Yep this happens to me too. It looks like the bot tries to go to some point somewhere off map. It just walks into a corner (always the same) and tries to reach something it cant. Then the Trinity unstucker goes and sends the bot off but it runs tries to reach the same point getting stuck in the corner again. This also affects the Skyhigh Extended in Keeps2. Always at the exact same corner on both Keeps2 and VoA.