Just what i was looking for!! As we speak i missed a 15min LFR queue on my warlock because i was looking at this website, lol. Will use this! EDIT: used Raid BOT and this plugin accepted the LFR queue, and accepted a readycheck while in the raid. pretty awesome!!!! THX!
atm it follows main tank but has some issues such as when tank leaves (which is quite often in LFR -.-) so I need to compensate for that and for no tanks being there.
This addon is really awesome especially with helping me get to cap so i can cap out my other toons faster. If you can update this it would be so great.
This plugin has not worked for me since day one. Idk why. It accepts the queue just fine, but has never followed anyone. By the time it accepts queue and zones in most of the raid is already running to trash, so the bot just sits at the entrance.
If the autoleave makes the bot leave when everyone has left, i sure hope no one else in my LFR is using the plugin else im stuck
If you are using lazyraider the bot will just accept que and stuff it will not follow or dps. Make sure you are using Combat Bot.
Cant use this with the Dungeon Buddy Bot. Since mine does not Que up or accept the invite too the dungeon?
Can someone with coding knowledge PLEASE fix this plugin? This is a GREAT idea for a plugin!! Error spams HB window and lags out HB:
I have put the auto accept stuff into the plugin AutoReady, so you can combine it with normal LazyRaider. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/uncataloged/108547-plugin-autoready.html
well ... for everyone who is/was using this plugin ... had some trouble with exceptions and fixed it @Giwin: if u want to be so good to commit this to your svn?
So, do we need to delete the old folder and replace it with both of these? or do we need to merge, etc?