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  • TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Dec 24, 2012.

    1. madaraa

      madaraa New Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      has the current revision full arena support ( Frost DK Special Edition) ? Or is it still in development?
    2. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      that an easy fix, i'll put new rev when I can get back to my pc.

      Thank for reporting.

      - - - Updated - - -

      Special Edition already support it, public release no.
    3. Arthzil

      Arthzil Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      Is Special Edition using this priority list? Also it's very slow, around 3 sec between skill uses...
    4. Mattikins

      Mattikins New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Thanks I will check it out as soon as possible and let you know of my findings. Thank you so much for the quick reply Tuanha!
    5. maxfx

      maxfx New Member

      Jul 20, 2012
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      Tuanha, i have requsted many pages ago a small 'tick' to be implemented saying Do not manage stances [ x ]. That is very essential for pvp, i dont want to be in full blood all day long in arena ( using 100% percentage value ) nor i want the cc to switch to 50% by itself ( as sometimes it essential i am frost on specific moments. Please implement it <3

      Thank you.
      that is the only reason i cannot use the special edition at the moment on arena and i am forced to use singular .
    6. madaraa

      madaraa New Member

      Nov 9, 2012
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      I have the same problem, that it is pretty slow. Especially in the arena, it reacts very slowly. This is also the reason why I had asked for the support in the arena.
    7. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Have you try this yet Maxfx?

    8. zakkwylde

      zakkwylde New Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      Soul Reaper and diseases work, although for multiple mobs a manual pestilence is required most times.

      DnD casting is pretty hit and miss I've found, usually I do it manually to get it up ASAP for trash or even in the single target rotation it rarely occurs.

      As for the rest of the rotation....I think it's pretty good. It certainly seems to give me the most DPS out of any other CR's, so maybe just some tweaking and fine tuning is all that's needed. In my dummy test over 8 minutes I ended up with 79.9K DPS.iLvl 480 and all settings at default.
    9. cpdx

      cpdx New Member

      Feb 7, 2013
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      in my dummy-test ive got after 10 minutes on my bad-geared 460 frostdk:

      Lazyraider (30fps locked): ~44k dps
      Tyrael (no lock): ~44k dps
      Tyrael (15tps locked): ~50k dps

      This result ive got with tyrael is very nice and the rotation is ultra fast with it.
      The only problem with tyrael 15tps is that the entire game get choppy and i cant avoid anything, only dps like a machine.
    10. dirtdog

      dirtdog New Member

      Jun 12, 2011
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      Hello tuanha :)
      Ive been experiencing slow an sluggish behaviour from time to time as dps. Sometimes it feels really fast and blasty and works well....but many times it jsut seem to slow down until it almost doesnt do much at all for some sec...i then move around abit from the move to see if there is some rangeissue or whatnot and also press some spells manuall...then it comes back to speed abit again.

      I started with lazyraider lock 30 as usuall...then tried tyrael with and without lock.

      Here is a log from a lfr toes run i just did , i experienced it alot here....have a look maybe you can find something.


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    11. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      Tuanha, can you make the routine not to stop dpsing when your enemy is placed in an ice block as an example, maybe stop the routine but do NOT stop auto attack, this makes it look suspect or at least stupid
      what maxfx is trying to ask, can you make a switch in the routine to not manage the switching between frost and blood but let the user do this completely himself
      his request makes sense, if i am assigned as flag carrier i want to go to the flag as frost and then go to blood the moment i have it, the way your CR is programmed now i have to go back to settings and put "Blood Presence HP Below" 100 to enable to do that, as a full lazy rider switching out of the game and do that and then switch back is some sort of a hassle

      other than that exelent work :)
      Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
    12. TANK0341

      TANK0341 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi Tuanha

      I would like to donate to this and perhaps get into the beta. If this is anything like the the paladin and monk cc then I am looking foward to squishing things in battle grounds :p

      Let us know if there will be a beta we can donate to :)
    13. evilroad

      evilroad New Member

      May 28, 2012
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      Does this CC support Blood Tap Talent or no? Because currently it's the best talent for DW Frost and Blood.
    14. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      1. CR do not use any spell on target which have invulnerability spell like Divine Shield, Ice Block
      2. Uncheck the swap presence the combat will never chance presence

      That the way it code and I test it work like that. I'll revise my code again to make sure.
    15. TricksAnthem

      TricksAnthem New Member

      Jan 28, 2011
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      Is this CR even viable for Blood Tanking in normal raids? I tried to use it last night to tank in Heart of Fear and my Death Knight was getting wrecked, ended up having to play manually. Anyone who has experience with this CR and has used it with tanking normal raids, I would like to hear your opinions.
    16. TANK0341

      TANK0341 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Where is your donation link. I cant find it anywhere
    17. mocbar

      mocbar New Member

      Sep 14, 2012
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      1. yes i get that but the toon now completely stops doing anything witch looks stupid an no human does that, if you could make the routine still let the toon auto attack instead of stopping completely that would make it a little more human in pvp
      2. yes i did that but the routine still swaps back to frost the moment it gets in to combat
    18. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      i preface this with the disclaimer that if i'm wrong, call me out on it, i instantly defer to professionals on how it's supposed to work vs what i end up doing. EJ's tank rotation priority is deceptively simple i.e.

      for TuanHA DK in Blood spec, it's not really focused on survival from what i've noticed. 98.9 pc of the time, it handles most rotation problems admirably, it's just the crunch times.

      I've mostly been running the dailies in Blood using questing. combat and LazyRaider bots on shadowpan/klaxxi dailies, to nail down the problem of what it does differently.
      i mostly supervised, and noted what happened on the longer rotations when soloing elite mobs and wandering elite "glorious" mobs which often need to move/cover/recover from crit/floor attacks.

      So far,
      i see issues with kiting mobs (related to movement/gripping new mobs. something that the paladin tank CC doesn't have ?), i.e. not moving new mobs, taunting/handling mobs, not strangulate/asphyxiate-pulling casters, weak/inconsistent taunt/pull mechanics that might be fixed with "tanking hacks", i.e. walking backwards when being hit from behind, walking through mobs to avoid cleaves, stepping/strafing to move a mob forward, moving a pack of already in-combat melee mobs closer to a caster so you can AE the group together, etc.

      i think this may be related to a similar movement system in DK/Monk for positioning, but for tanking, it has some peculiarities, which could be improved.

      high/unused blood tap stacks, i.e. it should be around 8-9 when you have full hp, 4-5 when runes are on CD or losing health. the idea of Blood Tap IMO is to use it a bit like runic power & Rune Strikes, keep it just below the threshold of being used for Rune Strike or Death Strike, and to keep it in reserve for the moments when you've run out of runes/rp. which is usually every 20 to 30 seconds.

      not using survival CDs or HP recovery (rune tap/death strike) often enough.

      in a group, threat seems to be okay, survival is a bit rough, but that can be adjusted. maybe it sort of needs a burst / self-healing mode, using all spare runes/ERW and rune-tap, or if specced, to emergency generate blood tap stacks using all available RP/BT saved up, quickly burning rune strikes/heart strike/death strikes, to use for death strikes to recover health when getting 100k + melee strikes.

      it may be that it's a case where it could prioritise Death Strike over others, which is okay, but it needs a bit of a boost in priority for when HP is being lost, or when vengeance falls off, during tank swaps, for instance. i believe the EJ priority is using blood runes for DS above NS HS or BS

      if i'm using "afk" or "raid" settings, kiting mobs is difficult, it doesn't side-strafe or walk mobs back, it closes/returns to melee distance instead of letting the mob move. (perhaps this is something non-obvious ??)
      taunting/pulling with the tendency to close distance to the targeted mob is a little bit rough, dk's can use chains of ice, icy touch, dark command, strangulate, asphyxiate, blood boil, DnD, to taunt mobs etc. not just Death Grip. multi-dotting would be handy, using DnD as a focus for the mid-point between you and the mobs could be handy, so you can close to the mid-point between 2 mobs, and hold them there, then "let go" of the melee range lock-in.

      it tends to not try to self-heal or regen using death strikes s a normal tank would from incoming strikes, it doesn't use DnD quite as much in combat/questing bot with adds, with lazy it does. not sure of differences there.

      overall, it keeps a good rotation, it doesn't use many of the survival CD's as i'd like for a DK tank CC.
      Last edited: Feb 16, 2013
    19. judaquwow2

      judaquwow2 Member

      Nov 5, 2012
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      TuanHA, i was using your CC for my DK for leveling with the Kicks profiles. I didnt want the toon attack monsters if im not in combat.. So i desactivated the checkbox that says: Attack out of combat. Because i only want the toon to attack the neccesary mobs for the quests. But when i desactivated it, the bot doesnt start and get stuck on: "Stop Attack Out of Combat".
      Log attached.

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    20. hyiamcute

      hyiamcute Member

      Oct 25, 2012
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      I see you changed settings for blood tap. Now our DKs always have at least 5 stacks up... so we can strangulate whenever we need. Thx for that!

      "Blood Presence HP Below xx" << this setting is buggy. Sometimes DK switches into that presence but switches back into frost with low HP. I tried all settings... 20% HP 50% or 90%. Its buggy. Even I don't use this setting he always switches back in Frost presence when infight. Thats not when getting fokused in Arena ^^

      Best is to set 99% and switch by urself. :(
      Last edited: Feb 17, 2013

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