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  • HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fhlhwow, Aug 17, 2010.

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    1. echelon17

      echelon17 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      In Jade Forest, level 85 (Horde Side) after turning in the quest "If These Stones Could Speak" the bot fails with the following:

      Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 63217 in database.
      Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      gief his new xyz (for the pickup)

      is it
      X="2066.981" Y="-701.8386" Z="354.5651" />
      X="2134.056" Y="-560.9236" Z="391.5102" />

      or something else ??
    3. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 17, 2013
    4. BaturalNoobs

      BaturalNoobs Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Hi Kick,

      In the "DK Starting revised by Nesox" profile the bot gets stuck on Arthas' black stand when trying to turn in The Scarlet Apocalypse (see log).

      I edited the profile and was able to successfully turn in the quest by editing lines 560-561:

      <PickUp QuestName="The Scarlet Apocalypse" QuestId="12778" GiverName="Highlord Darion Mograine" GiverId="28444" />
      <TurnIn QuestName="The Scarlet Apocalypse" QuestId="12778" TurnInName="The Lich King" TurnInId="29110" />
      ...to this:

      <PickUp QuestName="The Scarlet Apocalypse" QuestId="12778" GiverName="Highlord Darion Mograine" GiverId="28444" />
      <If Condition="HasQuest(12778) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(12778)" >
        <RunTo X="2321.242" Y="-5732.957" Z="153.9213" />
        <RunTo X="2310.946" Y="-5741.625" Z="161.1496" />
      <TurnIn QuestName="The Scarlet Apocalypse" QuestId="12778" TurnInName="The Lich King" TurnInId="29110" />
      The first RunTo goes to the base of the stand and the second runs to the top of it.

      View attachment 5288 2013-02-16 21.30.txt
    5. Nxchxta

      Nxchxta New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      I would like to know the same....
    6. BaturalNoobs

      BaturalNoobs Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      Another bug in the "DK Starting revised by Nesox" profile, more specifically, with the PerformTradeSkillOn quest behavior. Unfortunately, I don't have a solution for this one and hope the pros can look at it. This occurs in lines 195-202:

            <!-- Runeforging: Preparation For Battle - http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12842 -->
            <PickUp QuestName="Runeforging: Preparation For Battle" QuestId="12842" GiverName="Razuvious" GiverId="28357" />
            <If Condition="HasQuest(12842)" >
              <MoveTo QuestId="12842" X="2505.115" Y="-5563.931" Z="420.6445" />
              <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" />
              <CustomBehavior File="PerformTradeskillOn" QuestId="12842" TradeSkillId="53428" TradeSkillItemId="53341" NumOfTimes="1" CastOnItemId="38707" /> <!-- Runeforging = 53428, spell 53341 is Rune of Cinderglacier (the 'item' that we make, essentially), 38707 is our 2h sword -->
            <TurnIn QuestName="Runeforging: Preparation For Battle" QuestId="12842" TurnInName="Razuvious" TurnInId="28357" />
      • The bot accepted Runeforging: Preparation For Battle
      • Ran to the Runeforge
      • Opened the Runeforging window (but didn't runeforge the weapon)
      • The error "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" appeared in the game chat
      • It went to turn the quest in, but couldn't because it wasn't completed
      Checked my game's Logs/taint.og log and it showed this:

      Disabled ArkInventory and ran into the error again. This time the taint.log showed Bartender was causing the error, so I disabled it and ran the profile again. Rinse and repeat with every other addon I had enabled (Chinchilla, Postal, etc.), all were causing an error. Finally I disabled all addons and ran profile again. This time it worked.

      My question is, is there a way for PerformTradeSkillOn to work without having to disable all my addons?

      Here's the relevant section and a full log:

      View attachment 2076 2013-02-16 23.53.txt
    7. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Horde - Uldum
      Undead Hunter (Spider Pet)
      latest Release HB + latest SVN Kickz Profile

      Quest: Camel Tow
      Quest: Unlimited Potential

      You have to use Items this Items before the "Sand Pygmies" or "Wild Camels" are Dead. You need to be infront of the Pygmies or Camels to use the Item.
      With a Hunter at all its impossible to finish this Quest. Most time the needed Object gets Killed by the Pet.
      isnt it possible to force a dismiss on the pet. normaly you join uldum with lvl84/85, so the toon is strong enough to just use melee hits. dont know if its possibl to overturn "Singular" with this kind of things.
      At all the Quest works well with Melee Classes.
    8. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Horde - Uldum
      Undead Hunter (Spider Pet)

      Quest: Shroud of the Makers - Quest - World of Warcraft

      Hunter doesnt dismiss the Pet, so he still wait there and go afk and logout. if you manual dismiss the bet, the quest goes on with using the item to hide and use the powder kegs.

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    9. deathart

      deathart New Member

      Jan 31, 2013
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      Hello Kickazz006,

      I can not put the log, because the search works fine, it's just that the elite mob is impossible to kill because it is an elite with a mage can not kill alone is too strong so the bot tries to kill he dies he tries revie encors but it always changes not

      Sorry for my English I use "Google Translate" because I am French

      If I need information available in MP.
    10. Jacan

      Jacan New Member

      Sep 30, 2011
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      there is a nasty mesh waypoint right under the cheifs command board in the valley of strength orgrimmar that causes alot of unstuck manuevers..... need to either remove that waypoint from the mesh thing or make your profiles use the other board in valley of honor to pickup quests, not as many people watching around that one...
    11. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Give him your log with the coords. without this its not possible to do anything. or you think they will try this x times till they now what you mean?
    12. Maggotic

      Maggotic New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      Man whata insane good job with last update 1- 65 was like problem free from start, 65- 85 hade some struggling and Jade Forest was the only problem free mop profile before, but I was going too bed and I put on my Jade forest level 85 priest 2hours before bedtime, then I forget too turn it off and hade it online for like 10 hours in a row. Woke up and I was 87 ½ and I was like WTF ?!?! INSANE. I took 12 hour break and put it on last night again woke up and boom level 89 and 7 bars left too 89. There comes the first problem for me except the combat buggs. She stoped at Sha of Hatred and I dunno why you made it too do soo cuz I mainly just stod still casting dots too kill it with no hard time what soo ever.

      Other problems I have is that If I do 1-90 my toon allways end up with alla quests done and around 89 and some bars left too 90, why isn't Dread Waste a normal questing route? (Req Flying)
    13. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      i think you have to update from SVN. My Paladin hit yesterday Sha the Hatred and its works automaticly, no interact needed. just at learning flying it gets stuck, doesnt learn, have to press the NPC and the flyskill to learn by hand.
    14. franco2790

      franco2790 New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      I think people are kinda scared to try it out .I only used HonorBuddy about 4-5 times and got banned 72 hours so, personally I'm not going to bot in BGs any more unless it's an account I don't care about. Not worth it.
    15. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Horde - Twilight Highlands
      Undead Hunter

      Quest: Twilight Skies

      After the Continent switch, my Toon trys directly to turn in the Quest. But he has to wait till the Drake comes to the ship and kill him. After the kill, he has to jump out of the Boat to finish the Quest.

      Attached Files:

    16. Nummus83

      Nummus83 Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      no log so ignore if you like;

      While doing the GL quest: "Acts of Cruelty"
      Character keeps targeting the victims, and then nothing happens until forced into combat either by hand or by another passing mob.

    17. ccvcc

      ccvcc New Member

      Sep 7, 2012
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      Hi i startet the bot the 1st time now i have a bugg and a question...

      From 1-27 the bot worked bug free the only borring path was where i needed to wait till Lvl 12 to start the next part of the bot...

      My Question: Is it possible to combinate the lvl 1-12 Profil so that the 12-58 Profil will folow automaticly?
      (Perhapps in a automaticly Horde 1-90 Folder)

      To faivour i will report u every bugg of your genial Profiel!

      So now to the bugg anyhow is the screenshot los :/
      The bot bug between lvl 26-27 which i know because of blackrock 3 unknown other boter stucked at the same stick on which the plan is fixed.

      [09:46:35.908 D] Successfully generated path from {-181.4776, -295.0134, 11.51533} to {171.7514, -806.8386, -0.294844} in 230 milliseconds
      [09:46:36.016 D] Activity: Moving to location <171.7514, -806.8386, -0.294844>
      [09:46:39.972 D] Avoiding 'Kalimdor Eagle'
      [09:46:47.459 D] [UseItemOn-v249(debug) @line 3852]: Krom'gar Marauder


      [09:52:18.170 D] Activity: Using item on "Krom'gar Marauder"
      [09:52:18.171 D] [UseItemOn-v249(debug) @line 3852]: Krom'gar Marauder

      View attachment bugg1.txt

      where i clicked manuel....

      please fix it other reports + Screen shots will folow if there are other buggs be out there, but please tell me if it is possible to combinate your profils to a lvl 1-90 Horde profil, a lvl 1-90 Aliance and the two DK profiels from start to 90


      The next bugg is lvl 35 in Desolace..
      I dont know why the bot is still there questing if the quests are green but thats not the matter.
      The problem is, that the bot run to Sageron for picing up an qust from a statur but the real quest ist a bit more in the east, so i waitet few miniuts restartet the bot used the healthstone and still he is bugged and just standing there...


      View attachment bugg2.txt

      Attached Files:

    18. ccvcc

      ccvcc New Member

      Sep 7, 2012
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      Buggs 1-x [Horde]

      Hi i startet the bot the 1st time now i have a bugg and a question...

      From 1-27 the bot worked bug free the only borring path was where i needed to wait till Lvl 12 to start the next part of the bot...

      My Question: Is it possible to combinate the lvl 1-12 Profil so that the 12-58 Profil will folow automaticly?
      (Perhapps in a automaticly Horde 1-90 Folder)

      To faivour i will report u every bugg of your genial Profiel!

      So now to the bugg anyhow is the screenshot los :/
      The bot bug between lvl 26-27 which i know because of blackrock 3 unknown other boter stucked at the same stick on which the plan is fixed.

      [09:46:35.908 D] Successfully generated path from {-181.4776, -295.0134, 11.51533} to {171.7514, -806.8386, -0.294844} in 230 milliseconds
      [09:46:36.016 D] Activity: Moving to location <171.7514, -806.8386, -0.294844>
      [09:46:39.972 D] Avoiding 'Kalimdor Eagle'
      [09:46:47.459 D] [UseItemOn-v249(debug) @line 3852]: Krom'gar Marauder


      [09:52:18.170 D] Activity: Using item on "Krom'gar Marauder"
      [09:52:18.171 D] [UseItemOn-v249(debug) @line 3852]: Krom'gar Marauder

      View attachment 81717

      where i clicked manuel....

      please fix it other reports + Screen shots will folow if there are other buggs be out there, but please tell me if it is possible to combinate your profils to a lvl 1-90 Horde profil, a lvl 1-90 Aliance and the two DK profiels from start to 90


      The next bugg is lvl 35 in Desolace..
      I dont know why the bot is still there questing if the quests are green but thats not the matter.
      The problem is, that the bot run to Sageron for picing up an qust from a statur but the real quest ist a bit more in the east, so i waitet few miniuts restartet the bot used the healthstone and still he is bugged and just standing there...

      View attachment 81719

      View attachment 81720
    19. ZesareX

      ZesareX Banned

      Feb 10, 2013
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      You really have to manage this bug in Zangarmarshs. My Bot was standing there for 7 hours trying to pick up the quest it already completed or something. It is not the first time that it happened. Out of 3 Bots, 3 Bots stucked there so here is the log and please update this.

      Attached Files:

    20. thatwouldbestealing

      thatwouldbestealing Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      Hi Kick, ZesareX

      In Zangarmarsh I believe the profile somehow manages to pick up the quest "Checking Up (ID:29566)" which in turn hangs at Ysiel Windsinger (ID:17841). I checked the profile and notice you left a comment (@line 2917) about "Not picking up Failed Incursion - dungeon quests", but perhaps this is one of them?

      Looking on wowhead (and at the profile) I can't see how (or where) the quest is picked up, other than from the NPC.

      ** Abandoning the quest "Checking Up" and resuming HonorBuddy will fix the issue. **

      I can confirm this has happened to all of my characters botting through Zangarmarsh. On a positive side, with each HonorBuddy and Kick's update the profile gets more and more reliable. In this instance I had honestly left my bot running from 1-65 AFK, with a 25MB log file to show for it. Pretty impressive stuff, Kick's contribution to HonorBuddy should be applauded.

      Hope this helps, thanks
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2013
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