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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      grizzle, Thanks for the post. Yes, support for general purpose cleansing is already in the words. Look for it at a download coming soon! Thanks for the post and good luck with your farming, Bobby53

      - - - Updated - - -

      Nazaruk, Thanks for the post! Yes, but not enough detail provided. The best way to specify when you want something to occur is to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] and identify when something did not occur that your felt should have. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Rogue, Bobby53
    2. hardo

      hardo New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      Hi folks,

      I just started to lvl a frost dk. I chose frost dk because it is well tested. But I can't find which weapeon style ist used for this spec.

      Two Hander or 2 one hander? Thats the question. :)
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hardo, Either is fine and are accounted for in the combat routine. It's simpler to use a 2H while leveling since you only have to acquire one weapon, but ultimately the choice is yours. Thanks for the post and good luck with the DK, Bobby53
    4. SunnyD

      SunnyD New Member

      Aug 14, 2012
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      I have noticed lazy raider and singular routine trying to cast Pandemic on self quite a bit, this results in a huge dps loss and does it in fairly big intervals. This is a affliction thing. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this or not. I raid about 20 hours a week and figured it was a small thing but after going from 70kish dps to 40k on one boss then back to 70ishk, its really jumpy dps wise.

      Between these times pandemic was attempted to be cast on self about 20-30 times

      06:59:43.585 N to 07:00:07.298 D

      and again at

      07:05:42.598 N to 07:06:18.595 N

      Affliction Warlock
      Lazy Raider
      Level 90
      No modifications made to singular.

      Attached Files:

    5. Jandurson

      Jandurson New Member

      Dec 9, 2011
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      warlock lowbie error

      Starting a warlock and seems to have a fatal issue with not having Immolate. The toon is lvl 3 so I'm pretty sure its not supposed to yet.

      Attached Files:

    6. Ligurt

      Ligurt New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Warlock Affliction
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing
      What level are you?: 35
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? [03:48:35.110 N]
      What happened (be specific)? Warlock sometime casts Unstable Affliction twice when engaging new target.
    7. Ligurt

      Ligurt New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Shaman Resto
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Combat bot & Instances.
      What level are you?: 90
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? [01:31:06.888 N]
      What happened (be specific)? Keeps casting "[Singular] Casting Water Shield on Me" & "[Singular] Casting Lightning Shield on Me" in loop. Especially when idle but may also keep doing this instead of healing.
    8. Ligurt

      Ligurt New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Priest Shadow
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing
      What level are you?: 46
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? [11:07:23.480 N]
      What happened (be specific)? Singular keeps "Casting Angelic Feather" when out of combat and not mounted.
    9. grizzle

      grizzle New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      OK after trying some stuff with this routine, I have a few questions :
      -where and how can I edit it so that, for example, my monk will use only Spinning Crane Kick in an area pre-determined by the grind profile
      -will there be more options added in the GUI, that make options such as the above more easier to be set?
      -when will the Detox function be added for Windwalker? I've checked the front page, but I see other changelogs o_O

      Thx in advance.
    10. guard3rd

      guard3rd New Member

      Oct 25, 2012
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      Same exact thing happening to me as well. Just keeps casting water shield then lightning shield in a non stop loop
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* Singular available for download!

      See Post #4 [CLICK HERE] in this thread for details on posting issues, questions, and requests for support.

      To be sure you saw this, you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      Visit the first post in this thread to download. The prior version is still available there as well in the event you feel the need to downgrade at any time.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      This release contains A LOT OF CHANGE going across the Singular framework. If you encounter an issue, the log file and This is primarily a bug fix release addressing various issues raised across several classes. Most time was spent on Feral Druids and Affliction/Demonology Warlocks.

      [B]--- Release ---[/B]
      change- Temporary Movement Suspend key support temporarily disabled.  Current version of HonorBuddy does not support intercepting Hotkeys that are not in combination with Alt or Shift or Control.  This will be fixed in an upcoming release of HonorBuddy, but until then users attempting to use this feature will receive a message.
      change- Hotkeys for toggling AOE, COmbat, and Movement require setting up a key combination that includes Alt or Shift or Control.  users with a hotkey configured that does not have a modifier will cause a message.  This restriction will be removed when addressed in an upcoming HonorBuddy release.
      *new* - added Loss of Control behavior. gets control presently when stunned or feared.  prevents failed spell cast spam and enables class specific abilities which can be cast in these circumstances. default also will cast Will of the Forsaken for fear and Every Man for Himself when stunned or feared.  both casts can be disabled by disabling the use of Racial abilities in settings
      fixed - Mixed Bot exception occurring when starting HonorBuddy and no Secondary Bot has been configured.
      fixed - GlobalCooldown API in HonorBuddy not working which impacts spell priorities in Singular. implemented local until fix in Release version of HB
      fixed - during Combat, if a Pet or other object summoned by a Player is targeted, it will switch targets to the Player.  Should work for Pets, Ghouls, and Totems
      fixed - exception occurring infrequently when checking shapeshift form for classes that don't support this
      *new* - debug statements for troubleshooting Global Cooldown and Casting issues. option is false by default
      *new* - select enemies to monitor for Interupting casts. can specify None, CurrentTarget, or All.  will use all abilities in order of max range.  includes spells gained via Symbiosis
      change- Ranged DPS should be more predictable in how close they get to enemy when approaching
      fixed - Interrupt support fixed
      *new* - Interrupt setting and support added to selection monitors current target (only option previously) or all targets in range, or none.  allows use of Symbiosis granted interrupts/silences
      change- Pet classes will no longer spam Pet [Attack] messages.
      fixed - when targeting a Pet or Minion created by a player, will switch to targeting the player
      [B]Death Knight[/B]
      *new* - All Specs - support for Glyph of Dark Succor added in Normal and PVP contexts. Will cast free Death Strike if healing needed, curren mob will die in less than 7 seconds, or buff expires in less than 3 seconds
      *new* - All Specs - support for Raise Ally. setting added to disable allowing manual control
      fixed - Frost - spells cast for Frost DK's less than Level 58.  If Obliterate not learned, then will cast other abilities on cooldown.  Previously was only casting to apply buffs so most damage was being attempted via white swings
      *new* - Frost - will cast Wild Mushroom: Plague on all targets, but prevented if AOE is disabled
      fixed - Unholy - spells cast for Unholy DK's less than Level 58.  If Scourge Strike not learned, then will cast other abilities on cooldown.  Previously was only casting to apply buffs so most damage was being attempted via white swings
      *new* - Unholy - will cast Wild Mushroom: Plague on all targets, but prevented if AOE is disabled
      change - Unholy - solo (normal) context rotation revised
      fixed - Blood - will now cast Plague Strike on cooldown at lowest priority prior to learning Death Strike at Level 56 to improve kill speed.  Previously was not casting an ability consuming Unholy Runes
      *new* - Blood - will cast Might of Ursoc using Vampiric Blood setting
      change- All Specs - temporarily commented out Gorefirend's Graps (except in Battlegrounds.) will enable in next release with setting controlling
      change- All DPS Specs - if Druid is in Normal form and health < 95% will apply Rejuv.
      *new* - All Specs - will cast Barkskin on loss of control
      fixed - All Specs - Barkskin tests for health % will use value in settings
      change - All Specs - additional checks for enemies nearby are made prior to casting DPS cooldowns to avoid wasting
      fixed - Feral/Guardian - will not leave form to heal in combat unless have not learned Predatory Swiftness yet or Bear is not in Tank role.  only spells allowing healing in form used
      *new* - All Specs - will cast Symbiosis when entering instance or in battleground once it has started.  targets are selected based upon the spell it gives the Druid presently.  will show which spell was gained
      *new* - Feral - when prowling during Pull, will move behind target.  will open with Ravage if behind taraget
      *new* - Feral - added diagnostic output enabled when Debug Logging is true.  provides insight into combat scenario important when supporting Feral users
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior to cast Temporarl Shield when stunned
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior to cast Dematerialize when stunned or feared
      *new* - Windwalker - added support for Bear Hug
      [B]Paladin [/B]
      fixed - Retribution - debug status info was being added to log too quickly. slowed to once per second
      *new* - All Specs - loss of control behavior to cast Hand of Freedom when stunned or feared
      fixed - Holy - Judgement no longer cast while in Healing role
      *new* - Holy - support for Rebirth (symbiosis).  setting to disable use added in Class Specific settings
      *new* - Protection - support for Barkskin (symbiosis).  Cast using Divine Protection Health % and only if DP is on cooldown
      *new* - Retribution - support for Wrath (symbiosis).  cast as lowest priority and only when not within melee range
      [B]Priest [/B]
      *new* - Holy - loss of control behavior added to cast Guardian Spirit when stunned and Glyph of Desperation active
      *new* - Disc - loss of control behavior added to cast Pain SUppression when stunned and Glyph of Desperation active
      *new* - Shadow - will cast Dispersion if swimming and mana below Minimum Mana % setting
      change- Shadow - will re-enter Shadow form more quickly after leaving due to heals, etc.
      change- Shadow - added additional buffs/debuffs to diagnostic output to support users
      *new* - All Specs - added Growl (symbiosis) support in Normal and Battleground contexts if health < 65%.  Not used in instances/raids
      fixed - Restoration - spamming of alternating Water Shield / Lightning SHield
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior casting tremor if feared.  if stunned, Elementals will cast Thunderstorm and Enhancement cast Shamanistic Rage
      fixed - All Specs - Mortal Coil now checks prior to cast if target is Undead
      change- All Specs - will no longer cast Curse of Elements or Curse of Enfeeblement on mobs 6 levels or more lower than you.  This is geared towards low level farming, gathering, etc 
      fixed - Affliction - cast of Soulburn: Health Funnel now suppresses use of Soulburn if Glyph of Health Funnel is equipped
      fixed - Demonology - will correctly cast Wrathstorm when Grimoire of Supremecy selected
      *new* - All Specs - added support for Rejuvenation (symbiosis) 
      fixed - All Specs - will correctly interrupt using Felhound
      fixed - Demonology - will cast Soul Fire in Demon form until learning Touch of Chaos at level 25
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior to cast Berserker Rage when feared
      *new* - Protection - Savage Defense (symbiosis) will be cast using Shield Block Health % in settings and only when shield block is on cooldown
    12. ugly72

      ugly72 New Member

      Jan 8, 2013
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      Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
    13. Svenstar123

      Svenstar123 Member

      Dec 24, 2012
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      The CC seems to have huge problems as Rouge, it tries to use "Redirect" alot when there is a dead target with combo points. And it doesnt work. Which means it just spamms through the logg and nothing happens. Got any idea how to fix it? I tried to edit the .cs to remove Redirect but didnt seem to change anything. Hopefully i get help!
    14. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Please post a log of this along with the rest of the information requested for bug reports :p
      Report Bugs
      Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
    15. GGarcia

      GGarcia Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Anyone else notice their mage casting Evocation all the time even when they dont need it in fights?
    16. Bengan12

      Bengan12 Well-Known Member

      Feb 24, 2011
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      In the mage common.cs file you can se this about ICE Barrier...
      No no no, no sane person uses this spell when standing at the AH, or waiting in a city, or taking a boat ride or flying a zep, no sane only bots do this.

      You should do with this spell like the paladin one, add it in the pull, also a refresh in combat if it runs out.
    17. mactostie

      mactostie New Member

      Feb 12, 2013
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      I have a question as a warlock is it possible to turn off the pet healing in this CC? It's really annoying me a lot.
      [EDIT] Also, why won't my Warlock continue casting spells when I run, I have the talent.
      Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      mactostie, Thanks for the post and welcome to HonorBuddy! No, you currently cannot disable pet healing. As for your post, there isn't enough information provided regarding the combat scenario where it was healing the pet and you felt it should not have. Please see Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] for details on providing the information I will need to incorporate logic to handle the situation. In general however, on/off switches for abilities won't be added to Singular as most of the times you want a spell enabled or disabled and be automatically detected (assuming enough details about when and why are provided.)

      the talent isn't supported in the current release. Kil'jaeden's Cunning will initially be added in the next release to be cast if you are in combat and moving. This matches the implementation for Spiritwalker's Grace for all Shaman and for Resto Druids. This gets some use out of the spell, but falls short of having it cast only when moving and needing to cast a non-instant. Support for that type of behavior will be available in a future release, but some other higher priority items are being worked on at the moment. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Warlock, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
    19. TheScorpionsFan

      TheScorpionsFan New Member

      Sep 16, 2012
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      Hello Mister Bobby! Can you add the Shockwave talent into Protection Warrior rotation? ( when there are 3+ adds) ! Thanks in advance!

      edit : Just downloaded latest singular version from first page. I am going to see if it`s better tomorrow :)
      Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
    20. echelon17

      echelon17 New Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Frost DK. Nothing is being interrupted at all:

      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 751 ms
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 547 ms
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 361 ms
      [Singular] Casting Frost Strike on Ruqin Elder.2C33
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 1861 ms
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 1667 ms
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 1469 ms
      [Singular] Casting Frost Strike on Ruqin Elder.2C33 
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 650 ms
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Lava Burst #129082 for 456 ms
      [Singular] Casting Soul Reaper on Ruqin Elder.2C33
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Healing Wave #129084 for 2860 ms
      [Singular] Casting Frost Strike on Ruqin Elder.2C33 
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Healing Wave #129084 for 2046 ms
      [Singular] Casting Blood Tap on Me
      [Singular-DEBUG] Possible Interrupt Target: Ruqin Elder.2C33 @ 3.7 yds casting Healing Wave #129084 for 1622 ms
      [Singular] Casting Frost Strike on Ruqin Elder.2C33 

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