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  • Honorbuddy 2.5.6805.535

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Feb 18, 2013.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Honorbuddy 2.5.6805.535


      * Grindbuddy should be able to skin properly now.
      * Update window now has a 10 second timer that will automatically decline the update if there is no user input. (To avoid issues with relogger getting stuck at update process)

      * Will no longer get stuck running in a straight line after leaving a battleground.
      * New Heatmap system has been implemented to Arathi Basin and Battle for Gilneas. What it does is basicly giving heats to objectives and players around the map, then focusing on hottest area in the map for maximum effiency. The new system is on the works for other maps.
      * Starting bases are now properly randomized in Arathi Basin and Battle for Gilneas which should avoid bot stacking in the same base.
      * Battle logic type is now randomized in Arathi Basin and Battle for Gilneas between aggressive and defensive play. Defensive play will favor more heat to owned bases while offensive play will favor more heat to contested/enemy bases.

      Quest Behaviors
      * Townlong Steppes Hostile Skies QB has been added.
      * Kunlai Prophet Kharzul QB has been added.
      * Townlong Steppes Up In Flames QB has been added.
      * Townlong Steppes The Sha of Hatred QB has been added.
      * NoCombatMoveTo fixed for when you die.
      * AscendInWater will ascend for 1 second before checking IsSwimming

      * General
      change- Temporary Movement Suspend key support temporarily disabled. Current version of HonorBuddy does not support intercepting Hotkeys that are not in combination with Alt or Shift or Control. This will be fixed in an upcoming release of HonorBuddy, but until then users attempting to use this feature will receive a message.
      change- Hotkeys for toggling AOE, COmbat, and Movement require setting up a key combination that includes Alt or Shift or Control. users with a hotkey configured that does not have a modifier will cause a message. This restriction will be removed when addressed in an upcoming HonorBuddy release.
      *new* - added Loss of Control behavior. gets control presently when stunned or feared. prevents failed spell cast spam and enables class specific abilities which can be cast in these circumstances. default also will cast Will of the Forsaken for fear and Every Man for Himself when stunned or feared. both casts can be disabled by disabling the use of Racial abilities in settings
      fixed - Mixed Bot exception occurring when starting HonorBuddy and no Secondary Bot has been configured.
      fixed - GlobalCooldown API in HonorBuddy not working which impacts spell priorities in Singular. implemented local until fix in Release version of HB
      fixed - during Combat, if a Pet or other object summoned by a Player is targeted, it will switch targets to the Player. Should work for Pets, Ghouls, and Totems
      fixed - exception occurring infrequently when checking shapeshift form for classes that don't support this
      *new* - debug statements for troubleshooting Global Cooldown and Casting issues. option is false by default
      *new* - select enemies to monitor for Interupting casts. can specify None, CurrentTarget, or All. will use all abilities in order of max range. includes spells gained via Symbiosis
      change- Ranged DPS should be more predictable in how close they get to enemy when approaching
      fixed - Interrupt support fixed
      *new* - Interrupt setting and support added to selection monitors current target (only option previously) or all targets in range, or none. allows use of Symbiosis granted interrupts/silences
      change- Pet classes will no longer spam Pet [Attack] messages.
      fixed - when targeting a Pet or Minion created by a player, will switch to targeting the player​

      * Death Knight
      *new* - All Specs - support for Glyph of Dark Succor added in Normal and PVP contexts. Will cast free Death Strike if healing needed, curren mob will die in less than 7 seconds, or buff expires in less than 3 seconds
      *new* - All Specs - support for Raise Ally. setting added to disable allowing manual control
      fixed - Frost - spells cast for Frost DK's less than Level 58. If Obliterate not learned, then will cast other abilities on cooldown. Previously was only casting to apply buffs so most damage was being attempted via white swings
      *new* - Frost - will cast Wild Mushroom: Plague on all targets, but prevented if AOE is disabled
      fixed - Unholy - spells cast for Unholy DK's less than Level 58. If Scourge Strike not learned, then will cast other abilities on cooldown. Previously was only casting to apply buffs so most damage was being attempted via white swings
      *new* - Unholy - will cast Wild Mushroom: Plague on all targets, but prevented if AOE is disabled
      change - Unholy - solo (normal) context rotation revised
      fixed - Blood - will now cast Plague Strike on cooldown at lowest priority prior to learning Death Strike at Level 56 to improve kill speed. Previously was not casting an ability consuming Unholy Runes
      *new* - Blood - will cast Might of Ursoc using Vampiric Blood setting
      change- All Specs - temporarily commented out Gorefirend's Graps (except in Battlegrounds.) will enable in next release with setting controlling​

      * Druid
      change- All DPS Specs - if Druid is in Normal form and health < 95% will apply Rejuv.
      *new* - All Specs - will cast Barkskin on loss of control
      fixed - All Specs - Barkskin tests for health % will use value in settings
      change - All Specs - additional checks for enemies nearby are made prior to casting DPS cooldowns to avoid wasting
      fixed - Feral/Guardian - will not leave form to heal in combat unless have not learned Predatory Swiftness yet or Bear is not in Tank role. only spells allowing healing in form used
      *new* - All Specs - will cast Symbiosis when entering instance or in battleground once it has started. targets are selected based upon the spell it gives the Druid presently. will show which spell was gained
      *new* - Feral - when prowling during Pull, will move behind target. will open with Ravage if behind taraget
      *new* - Feral - added diagnostic output enabled when Debug Logging is true. provides insight into combat scenario important when supporting Feral users​

      * Mage
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior to cast Temporarl Shield when stunned​

      * Monk
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior to cast Dematerialize when stunned or feared
      *new* - Windwalker - added support for Bear Hug​

      * Paladin
      fixed - Retribution - debug status info was being added to log too quickly. slowed to once per second
      *new* - All Specs - loss of control behavior to cast Hand of Freedom when stunned or feared
      fixed - Holy - Judgement no longer cast while in Healing role
      *new* - Holy - support for Rebirth (symbiosis). setting to disable use added in Class Specific settings
      *new* - Protection - support for Barkskin (symbiosis). Cast using Divine Protection Health % and only if DP is on cooldown
      *new* - Retribution - support for Wrath (symbiosis). cast as lowest priority and only when not within melee range​

      * Priest
      *new* - Holy - loss of control behavior added to cast Guardian Spirit when stunned and Glyph of Desperation active
      *new* - Disc - loss of control behavior added to cast Pain SUppression when stunned and Glyph of Desperation active
      *new* - Shadow - will cast Dispersion if swimming and mana below Minimum Mana % setting
      change- Shadow - will re-enter Shadow form more quickly after leaving due to heals, etc.
      change- Shadow - added additional buffs/debuffs to diagnostic output to support users​

      * Rogue
      *new* - All Specs - added Growl (symbiosis) support in Normal and Battleground contexts if health < 65%. Not used in instances/raids​

      * Shaman
      fixed - Restoration - spamming of alternating Water Shield / Lightning SHield
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior casting tremor if feared. if stunned, Elementals will cast Thunderstorm and Enhancement cast Shamanistic Rage​

      * Warlock
      fixed - All Specs - Mortal Coil now checks prior to cast if target is Undead
      change- All Specs - will no longer cast Curse of Elements or Curse of Enfeeblement on mobs 6 levels or more lower than you. This is geared towards low level farming, gathering, etc
      fixed - Affliction - cast of Soulburn: Health Funnel now suppresses use of Soulburn if Glyph of Health Funnel is equipped
      fixed - Demonology - will correctly cast Wrathstorm when Grimoire of Supremecy selected
      *new* - All Specs - added support for Rejuvenation (symbiosis)
      fixed - All Specs - will correctly interrupt using Felhound
      fixed - Demonology - will cast Soul Fire in Demon form until learning Touch of Chaos at level 25​

      * Warrior
      *new* - All Specs - added loss of control behavior to cast Berserker Rage when feared
      *new* - Protection - Savage Defense (symbiosis) will be cast using Shield Block Health % in settings and only when shield block is on cooldown​


      .NET 4.0
      Download: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
      32 Bit version of wow, If you start it from the launcher make sure you go into the game preferences and select "Launch 32-bit client" otherwise just start "Wow.exe" file not the "Wow-64.exe" file

      If you are having issues after installing Honorbuddy please run this tool to verify that you installed everything correctly.
      Problems with a new installation of a buddy product?

      Download : Honorbuddy

      Reporting Bugs
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug.
    2. AtomicBomb

      AtomicBomb Member

      Jul 31, 2011
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      Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
    3. Smix

      Smix New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      crashbuddy fixed?
    4. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      what got fixed you can see it in changelog
    5. Smix

      Smix New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      thats why i asked, previous version was non usable in virtual env, surpised nothing about it in chaneglog.
      and beta number was even lower than 534 so didnt even tried it
      Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
    6. Gamirsh

      Gamirsh New Member

      Dec 30, 2012
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      Happy to see bgbuddy in the updates gonna try it out
    7. Aroxan

      Aroxan Banned

      Jul 25, 2012
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      It's about time this has been implemented into BGbuddy.
    8. Risien

      Risien Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Looks like this build has fixed the questing bug where it would quest turn in and just stop the bot..running smooth again TY for the update
    9. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      :( No fix for zig-zagging around trees and rocks while using GB2 :(
      Or the ability to use Mammoth to sell/repair.

      Oh well.
    10. Risien

      Risien Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Still getting this its at the bottom of the code....
      [17:44:34.955 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestTurnIn
      [17:44:35.216 D] False 
      [17:44:35.226 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
      [17:44:35.485 D] False 
      [17:44:35.493 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
      [17:44:35.731 D] False 
      [17:44:35.857 D] InteractDebug:1135946476
      [17:44:35.877 D] Interact Done:1135946476
      [17:44:36.353 D] False 
      [17:44:37.383 N] [AutoEquip]: Equipping Chest "Ghost Fox Tunic" instead of "Steppebeast Tunic" - it scored 252436 while the old scored 249724
      [17:44:38.812 D] False 
      [17:44:38.812 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
      [17:44:38.812 D] Cleared POI
      [17:44:39.411 D] False 
      [17:44:39.578 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedQuestTurnIn QuestId: 31181, QuestName: Fresh Pots].
      [17:44:39.584 N] Can not turn in quest You Otter Know (ID: 31182) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
      [17:44:39.584 D] Stop called!
      [17:44:39.584 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
      [17:44:39.647 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
    11. x11r6

      x11r6 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bugs, bugs everywhere.

      Every new release brings a brand new bug with it. Keep going like that buddyteam!
      Here's what my bot does on half of the istances running:

      Log attached, even if it's empty.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
    12. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      thnx for this new release i hope the not spell casting is fixed to that was bugging in the other release:)
    13. Luvs2spludge

      Luvs2spludge New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      When i tried to update i got an error and said I needed to update manualy, then i just deleted and did a fresh install now when its loading i get an error "HOnorbuddy has stoped working"
    14. Keanu

      Keanu Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Did something change that makes the usage of
      event impossible? This event is never fired in my DLL.
    15. Brievenbus

      Brievenbus Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      I get some weird error with Styx.Helpers.CharacterSettings...
      How do I fix this?
    16. Keanu

      Keanu Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I bet bot haven manager is using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve just like Sharp Messenger. This version brakes this totally. The event is never fired so we cannot load other versions of Honorbuddy.exe as dependency.
    17. Luvs2spludge

      Luvs2spludge New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      Here is what i get when i click on View more details

      Files that help describe the problem:

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    18. leeg00

      leeg00 New Member

      Feb 24, 2010
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      so was the queuing issue fixed for bgbuddy? I didn't see it there but Tony said it would be fixed in the next update.
    19. daemon9

      daemon9 New Member

      Feb 11, 2011
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      At first I thought this fixed the problem with hotkeys spamming the toggle on and off with a random outcome, but it didn't. This actually didn't do anything. I tried attaching Alt, Shift, or Ctrl to a key and none of them worked. Then I tried using just Pause, for example, and it's still spamming the toggle on and off with a random outcome. PLEASE!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!! FIX THIS!!!
    20. Slisher

      Slisher New Member

      Jul 8, 2011
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      Getting: This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!Bot Stopped! Reason: This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character! On grindbot now, where can i download earlier version? last version was fine :(
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