I've recently installed XP again over windows 7 because i fucked up my harddrives etc and i made a huge discovery whilst using Windows 7 with lowest performance for windows, i had FOUR (4) HB bots running AV and they would ALWAYS crash when leaving due to the lag of loading screen Well, i just noticed this now but atm i have 8 bots running {1 GB} {1 Profile maker} and SIX (6) HB running with mixed AV i just witnessed all 6 come out of AV without having HB crash and i even have FIREFOX on! so if you just switched to windows 7 from XP SWITCH BACK if your a multi botting asshole like me ;p
Im running 3 bots and i cant do anything else without a bot or 2 crashing due to low memory with Windows 7, although i only have 4GB (3.25 Usable), i am planning on upgrading to 8gb soon though