hmm so i was just playing around on my main acc which i hardly ever bot on... (used kicks questing for the last few days to level an alt.. apart fro that only tyrael for raidfinder.) just got kicked out and i tried to log back in, but it says its temporarily suspended... haven't received an email yet tho ;/ kinda giving me the shakes since that's the only account that got a suspension.
ok got the email its a 3 day ban for using 3rd party programs.. how come its not perm?! and its happened on my alt which im questing.. i found him just walking back and forth in one spot right in front of a quest giver after being afk for roughly 20 mins.. possibly someone reported me i guess?
Hi, How many accounts have you been running from the same WoW installation, PC, MAC address, IP? Can you think of any way the account might have been connected to more severe offenders/fall within the wardens autoban filters/get report-bombed?
i don't know what you mean by all that sorry ;/ i remember being in the last glider banwave back in the day but that was cause i was botting recklessly 24/7 for months!