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The Banwave Mystery


New Member
Feb 19, 2013
I've been an avid lurker of these forums for a while, and decided today to post.
I've been using Honorbuddy for a long time, mixed with Priox, eBot, and many others over my 5 year botting career.
The notion that Blizzard has found us all out, tracks log in patterns, monitors your nodes or even can strait up detect you is ridiculous, this new system is 100% down to player reports, with the new report system and the exposure honorbuddy has gotten recently, My grandma could spot a bot a million miles away.

Let me give you some background. I run upwards 20 sessions a day, all farming, all with my own created profile. I can pull in around 9000 stacks a day if i use every account, on a underpopulated realm whilst using my main accounts as the Xrealm party leader.
I use ARelog to schedule my bot timers, switch profiles every 4 hours, idling for one and then looping the process. I run 24/hrs a day with very little down time. (Depending on this crazy Florida weather)
I sell all my herbs and ores to private buyers, using several Accounts for guild bank systems where the buyer deposits the funds and withdraws his cash. I sell and extreme amount of gold daily on 4 different realms, but the one moral i stick by is never use the AH FOR anything, i dont even buy gems/enchants nothing.

I am honestly confused as to how all these people are getting banned, BGbuddy is evidently unstable due to PLAYER REPORTS, and a shitty stuck system on behalf on HB, if you run BGbuddy and leave your PC unattended for numerous hours whilst running into a wall in Multiple AVS you deserve to be banned.
It's a given that if you choose to BOT Nodes FOR 24 Hours, on a "Full" Realm, you are bound to be reported by angry 12 year olds, play safe be smart, your bans are down to your greed and idiocity.

Don't give up, but don't be an idiot, create a private profile, use a *** and have a good schedule.
I've seen botters just standing and grinding in one area, too many people can't be bothered to make private profiles even though it takes 20 minutes... these are our safety net (the real botters) and there will always be these stupid botters who don't use common sense and then claim banwaves... I also agree on the player reports and have stated it in a few threads, they've definitely "tightened the leash".
I've seen botters just standing and grinding in one area, too many people can't be bothered to make private profiles even though it takes 20 minutes... these are our safety net (the real botters) and there will always be these stupid botters who don't use common sense and then claim banwaves... I also agree on the player reports and have stated it in a few threads, they've definitely "tightened the leash".

I write new profiles, with new Cords/Blacklists every two days, I run Reverse loops every 4 hours.
I dedicate my time to be as efficient and safe as possible, and have never been banned. It is possible to use Honorbuddy 24/7 you just can't be stupid.

I'm tired of these people using profiles with 10000 downloads then whining they got banned!
Then they don't become very private :)

It's honestly so easy, it takes 20 mins... and then your not on the bot train.
Then they don't become very private :)

It's honestly so easy, it takes 20 mins... and then your not on the bot train.

Yet the back-and-the-side unstuck waltz is just as a dead giveaway as a bot train in Valley of the Four Winds.
I don't particularly worry about the waltz on the realms i farm on, the population is so low that I'm rarely noticed, and i am it's by someone i know lol
You simply create a cross realm real ID party to move your bots to a low pop realm to farm? Does the party leader need to be in the zone? Will this work for a multizone profile?
You simply create a cross realm real ID party to move your bots to a low pop realm to farm? Does the party leader need to be in the zone? Will this work for a multizone profile?

Yes. No the leader does not just logged in, i run him on an anti afk bot so he does not log out.

And yes it will work multi zone.
Unfortunately my bots are pulling the inviter to their server. What determines who goes where? It seems to be level? I tried both a level 1 and an 85 inviter. I don't have a 90 :(
It depends on who is creating a party. Someone has to invite you, and then you will go to his realm, otherwise you will pull him to yours.
This is how crossrealm works:

If party lead is 90, you get pulled to his realm, if he's 85, and your other bots are 90, you get pulled to whoever is second in raid. If there is more then 2 people from one server at 90, you get pulled to their server.
I write new profiles, with new Cords/Blacklists every two days, I run Reverse loops every 4 hours.
I dedicate my time to be as efficient and safe as possible, and have never been banned. It is possible to use Honorbuddy 24/7 you just can't be stupid.

I'm tired of these people using profiles with 10000 downloads then whining they got banned!

Give me your time plz! To make a good private profile needs time.And testing.I can do a crapy private in 10 mins with 80-100 nph and i can do a pro private for 180 nph (herbs only).
So to me either have infinite time either use a good stack of private profiles changing areas and stuff 24/7 until ban then start over.
Thats for gatherers.
I got banned 2 days ago from questing.I have work and rl and i want to bot during those times.So the bot stuck,got banned naturally.
You can go to the toilet and get banned if you are unlucky no need to be supersafe,it isn't worth it,unless like i said have infinite time -.-
And people like you deserve to get banned. Learn to make your own like hes talking about.

I do make my own. And ofc I deserve to get banned every botter deserves it. Just don't whine if u despite the efforts got banned. Don't bot anything you don't want to lose
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I do make my own. And ofc I deserve to get banned every botter deserves it. Just don't whine if u despite the efforts got banned. Don't bot anything you don't want to lose

That's not what he was referring to...
Unfortunately my bots are pulling the inviter to their server. What determines who goes where? It seems to be level? I tried both a level 1 and an 85 inviter. I don't have a 90 :(

Im pretty sure the inviter needs to be equal or higher level than the invitee in order for the invitee to go to the inviter's server...if that makes sense. Also, If you have two invitees from one server and the inviter on another server, the inviter will go to the server of the invitees because there are more people from that server.
It is odd indeed. Could it be that HB sold out our credentials? Sounds like consipracy to me :D