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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. razzle

      razzle Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      i loaded up the new version today [1818] and my moonkin form on my druid is not automatic anymore. I havent tried other forms since i mainly play balance. Attached is the most current log.

      View attachment 18060 2013-02-23 12.10.txt

      Whenever i started a combat routine in the past it selected which form i needed. Now it does not my main form stays and gets owned since i dont change.
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      razzle, Currently the Balance Pull is simply going into its Combat rotation. Ideally Pulls for Balance (and most casters) want to take advantage of being able to begin a spell with a cast time that uses a missile while you don't have agro yet. For a Balance Druid that would be Wrath or Starsurge (Starfire doesn't have a missile). You follow this immediately with an instant. This takes advantage of being able to cast with no pushback, and leverages the time it takes for the missile to travel to the target to have the cast and instant hit at almost the same time. When an instant is cast as an opener, you agro the mob immediately and they begin attacking or moving towards you before you can get the second spell cast. This ofcourse varies with distance, but its an important aspect of minimizing downtime. In general, pulling with Faerie Fire is not a great idea for questing/grinding as you incur a global cooldown, get immediate agro, cause no damage, and does not slow the enemy. However, if you spec into Faerie Swarm, the 50% slow gained mitigates this if the mob is at a distance. I will add a Pull Behavior for Normal (Solo) that factors in the considerations above. I'll add a setting to use Faerie Swarm in Pull on mobs at a distance.

      The new version is .1887, not .1818. The prior version is left available for download so a user can revert to the old version if they encounter a problem when upgrading. One of the things fixed in .1887 is the issue you mentioned (see the Change History for other changes.)

      I looked at your log and you are correct in that you were using .1818:
      Just download the new version from the first post in this thread and you should no longer have the problem. Thanks for the log and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
    3. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Im lvling a WL with Kickz Profile and get everytime a strange situation at the Quest "in the house of the red crane". If my Toon die, it always try to fight, target the mob want to use abilities but doesnt try to run to his body. At the end of the Log you will see that my Toon is Dead but Singular try to fight.

      Ok did this Quest with FPS Routine, its a bit stronger in the Rotation. Maybe take a look there to implement this into Singulars Warlock Affli.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
    4. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Sometimes it happens if an enemy targets my Toon, my Toon directly start to fire. is there anything to set a sensivity to fight back other players?
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tumbum, Thanks for the log file! Corpse runs are the responsibility of the Bot. I'll pass along to HB Devs, but if you continue to see this you may want to post in HonorBuddy Support Issues thread. This however is not a Combat Routine issue.

      Glad the other routine worked for you. There is a bug present in .1887 which you were using which will greatly impact Affliction Warlocks and other classes/specializations that employ heavy use of DoTs for their damage. A new release with a fix will be posted shortly. Other than that, there isn't enough detail provided. If there is something you would like looked at please see the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post on what information is needed for me to research an issue for you.

      Not enough info for this one either. Please set Debug Logging to true in Class Config settings, run until you get the problem, then following the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Warlock, Bobby53
    6. NewHorizon

      NewHorizon New Member

      Sep 14, 2011
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      Good morning Bobby. Recently I decided to start playing on my shaman again and have noticed something with elemental. Is there any way to turn off the shield swapping from lightening to water? I understand for questing/general use the switch but am having a difficult time trying to understand it for a raid situation. Just wondering and I can provide a log if needed. Wasn't sure if there was any particular reason. Thanks.
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* Singular available for download!

      See Post #4 [CLICK HERE] in this thread for details on posting issues, questions, and requests for support.

      To be sure you saw this, you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      Visit the first post in this thread to download. The prior version is still available there as well in the event you feel the need to downgrade at any time.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      This release contains fixes for a bug introduced in the last release primarily impacting Affliction Warlocks and Shadow Priests (to a lesser extent.) This release also has a lot of tank testing with Protection Paladins and Blood DKs. Finally, a round of Balance Druid testing both Questing and Battlegrounds resulting in some refinements (Pull, Cycloning, Entangling Roots, etc.)

      If you encounter an issue, the log file and This is primarily a bug fix release addressing various issues raised across several classes.

      [B]--- Release ---[/B]
      fixed - issue impacting classes which use DoTs for damage.  was causing them to refresh immediately so character would spend time primarily dotting same enemy over and over.  did not affect all classes but did detect on Affliction Warlocks and likely to have impacted Shadow Priests as well
      change- will prevent HonorBuddy from mounting during Battleground Prep phase until last 5 seconds.  
      [B]Death Knight[/B]
      fixed - Blood - Raise Ally ability did not check user setting for this spec
      fixed - Blood - Death Strike cast on cooldown now for active mitigation.  no longer needs the 5 second rule
      fixed - Blood - was not checking if AOE disabled before casting Blood Boil
      change- Blood - added Horn of Winter cast at lowest priority for RP generation
      change- Blood - changed Taunt logic to cast ranged damage abilities if Dark Command and Death Grip are on cooldown
      change- Blood - revised checks for use of Blood Boil in spreading and refreshing diseases.
      fixed - All - recognizes Glyph of Pestilence to increase range
      *new* - Balance - will Cyclone enemy if in need of a heal.  will spam heals until reaching 90% or cyclone breaks
      *new* - Balance - Normal context (solo) Pull specific behavior added.  Will now cast an instant spell if there is another player within 40yds of target since you will be competing for mobs. Otherwise, will cast a bigger hitting spell to maximize damage without instant agro.  
      *new* - Balance - Normal context (solo) added cast of Faerie Swarm (talent) if target is moving and more than 20yds away
      fixed - Balance - DoT clipping in Normal context in AoE situations
      fixed - Balance - Battleground support for Solar Beam - fixed issue with Ursol's Vortex / Entangling Roots not being cast to root in beam
      *new* - Balance - Battleground and Instance - will now cast Astral Communion to enter an eclipse state when no enemies nearby or near end of battleground prep state
      *new* - All - will cast Entangling Roots on adds that are out of range and do not have DoTs if in Normal form, Moonkin form, or have Predatory Swiftness
      *new* - All - log shows what spell is gained via Symbiosis
      [B]Paladin [/B]
      change- Prot - minor revisions to priorities 
      change- Prot - will cast range damage abilities on taunt target if Reckoning on cooldown
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      NewHorizon, Thanks for the post! Yes, if there is something you would like me to research you will want to include a log file with it. See the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] for details on how to do that, or the Standard Response to Incomplete Forum Posts [CLICK HERE] where I discuss why the info is always needed.

      Singular Elemental Shaman doesn't shield twist for mana. It will cast Water Shield only if you have enable allowing your Elemental to off-heal (setting), you aren't in a raid, and it detects that there are no living healers nearby (within 40 yds.) That's checked dynamically throughout the fight. So you should only see that in 5-mans and only if the healer dies. If the healer is brezzed, you'll flip back to Lighting Shield and stop off-healing. If you are seeing this during the course of Heroics, it is likely due to off-healing being allowed and you or the healer drifting out of range. If it is occurring anywhere else, I will need a log file to look into it. Please be sure to set Debug Logging to true in settings first.

      Thanks again for your post and best of luck with your Elemental Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
    9. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Warlock - Demo
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal/Questing
      What level are you?: 60ish atm
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: Yes, see below
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur?: Not an issue per se
      What happened (be specific)?: Doesn't need to cast Doom when leveling
      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) : No but did attach modified class.

      Singular 1903.

      Commented out lines 136-139

      Commented out lines 186 and 187

      Commented out lines 214 and 215

      Changed line 189 from
      else if (CurrentDemonicFury >= WarlockSettings.FurySwitchToDemon && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasKnownAuraExpired("Corruption"))

      if (CurrentDemonicFury >= WarlockSettings.FurySwitchToDemon && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasKnownAuraExpired("Corruption"))
      The reason for the changes is that as it stands atm he will pull and transform into Demon to cast Doom then switch back to normal.
      When your leveling it is a waste of time to transform as the mob is already dead before Doom ticks since it ticks every 15 seconds even at lower levels than mine.


      I would have it only cast Doom if the MOB is an Elite or a Boss. The changes i made work for me but i am sure there is a neater way to do it with IsElite and IsBoss checks.

      P.s. Thanks for the work your doing on Singular btw :)

      Attached Files:

    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Crowley, Great point regarding the 15 secs per tick! In the next release look for it to use the current behavior if the target is an Elite within 10 levels or an enemy player which will catch bosses too. As a safeguard, will also add a check where it is cast on any enemy we predict to live longer than 30 seconds which will address some outliers where you fight non-elites several levels above you or quest mob with a large amount of health. Since the life expectancy isn't calculated until some initial damage occurs, it will switch and apply Doom a little later but that should be fine for a prolonged fight. The result while questing/grinding is that you should typically only enter Demonic form based upon the demonic fury settings established. While in Demon form, will only have it apply Doom given those same rules. Look for it in the next release. We'll give that a roll for a little while and refine further if needed. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Warlock, Bobby53
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
    11. Kjin

      Kjin New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      Hey mate, GREAT JOB on this routine btw!

      Just a couple of issues on feral druids:

      - Mark of the Wild does not get buffed (Because it enters cat form too early)
      - You should make it so rejuvenation before turning to cat form can be disabled (easy to spot a bot + not needed at all with decent gear)

      The rest works fantasticly!!
      If really needed I will add a log on this.
    12. YaroslavB

      YaroslavB New Member

      Feb 11, 2013
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      Excuse for my English.
      I wanted to learn, Singular-3-1903 it is better standard of new HB r6805 Build 535?
      Or too most?
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      YaroslavB, Singular-3-1903.zip contains Singular v3.0.0.1903 which is the most current version of Singular at the time of this post. The version of Singular downloaded from this thread will be the same or more current than what is included in HonorBuddy. Thanks for the post and good luck, Bobby53
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Kjin, Thanks for taking the time to post! Glad in general it is working well for you. See the post Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] which describes the details you'll need to provide with any change request. That way I know specifically which version, which context, which BotBase, what settings, what combat environment, what profile, and so on you have in effect when I look into the symptom description. Thanks again and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* Singular available for download!

      See Post #4 [CLICK HERE] in this thread for details on posting issues, questions, and requests for support.

      To be sure you saw this, you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      Visit the first post in this thread to download. The prior version is still available there as well in the event you feel the need to downgrade at any time.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      As you can tell, most of the time was spent on general avoidance and disengage like behaviors. Additionally, a lot of time on Balance Druid solo and battleground play.

      If you encounter an issue, the log file and This is primarily a bug fix release addressing various issues raised across several classes.

      [B]--- Release ---[/B]
      *new* - Balance - support for Wild Charge (Moonkin Disengage).  Will attempt to slow/stun mob before hitting the eject button.  Option in settings to disable if needed
      *new* - Balance - support for kiting.  Option in settings to disable if needed
      *new* - Balance - improved support for crowd control including use of Cyclone, Entanbling Roots, Mass Entanglement, Ursol's Vortex, Mighty Bash
      change- Balance - Starfall now enabled by default.  Previous default was from when Starfall hit targets you weren't already in combat with
      fixed - Balance - if numbr of mobs drops below AoE worth priority and mushrooms are left they are detonated
      change- Balance - in normal context (solo), starfall reserve for enemy players or tougher mobs
      fixed - All - wrong spell reported as being gained after Symbiosis cast for Druids in most cases
      *new* - Demonology - added cast of Unbound Will in loss of control behavior
      *new* - Demonology - added support for Warlock Disengage (Demonic Leap).  Option in settings to disable
      change- Demonology - in Normal (solo) context will no longer cast Doom on enemy (they are dying too quick) unless mob is elite, an enemy player, or predicted to live more than 30 seconds.  
    16. the-quality

      the-quality Member

      Feb 25, 2012
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      hi bobby53

      thanks for your feedback, in this moment i want fillout the bug reporting, but the actual release 1916 fix my issue

      thanks for your great work.
    17. Kjin

      Kjin New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      [18:26:49.623 V] [Singular] [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Mark of the Wild#1126 failure: 'Another action is in progress'
      [18:26:50.040 V] [Singular] [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Mark of the Wild#1126 failure: 'Not yet recovered'

      This is what I get when my druid tries to buff.
      Will try to get a full log soonish!
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* Singular available for download!

      See Post #4 [CLICK HERE] in this thread for details on posting issues, questions, and requests for support.

      To be sure you saw this, you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      Visit the first post in this thread to download. The prior version is still available there as well in the event you feel the need to downgrade at any time.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      Focus in this release was finding the source of the issue impacting buffing and other spell casts not occurring (fixes, phew....) Most of the time was spent on providing general kiting/disengage support. Changes and testing focused on Battlegrounds for Mages, Priests, and Balance Druid. Additionally, some changes to the Fire Mage rotation for Solo grinding/questing which should result in more kills per hour and fastering leveling/rep.

      If you encounter an issue, the log file and This is primarily a bug fix release addressing various issues raised across several classes.

      [B]--- Release ---[/B]
      fixed - fix a lot of users were looking for!!!!  internal issue causing buffs not to be applied ( Arcane Intelligence, Mark of the Wild, etc. etc. etc.)  There were other behaviors implicated too, but this was the most obvious one.  This was an issue which impacted classes across the board and was due to a change made in a recent prior release.
      change- check for Loss of Control behavior in Rest in case initial attack out of combat is a stun, fear, etc
      *new* - Questing Pull Distance Override setting added for Ranged specs.  Kick's profiles change the Pull Distance setting it to 25 yards for most combat, which gives less distance for ranged classes to kill a mob before it reaches melee range.  Only during Questing, if the Pull Distance is set to 25 (the default for the setting) it will force it to 40 yards for ranged classes.
      fixed - now check if moving prior to trying to heal by applying Bandage
      change- reorganized global class config setting categorizations and provided revised descriptions 
      fixed - Feral - cast of Symbiosis: Feral Spirit
      *new* - Feral - cast of Symbiosis: Classh
      [B]Mage [/B]
      fixed - All - now recognizes Scorch can be cast while moving
      *new* - All - supports the Ice Floes talent for casting while moving
      fixed - All - support for casting/cancelling Ice Block when Cauterize procs
      change- All - support for casting damage absorb/heals when Cauterize procs while Ice Block on cooldown
      change- All - Mirror Image no longer cast on cooldown.  Instead saved for AoE, Elites, Bosses, and enemy players
      change- Goblin Class - support for Rocket Jump when Blink is on cooldown
      fixed - Fire - solo and questing spell priority.  Now more effectively kills mobs casting abilities knowing they won't live long enough for Pyroblast! procs in most cases
      change- All - Frostjaw now included for ranged spell interrupt
      *new* - All - support for Rocket Jump for Goblins as a disengage
      *new* - Shadow - support for kiting with Angelic Feather / Body and Soul in battlegrounds.  Setting added to disable
      fixed - Resto - no longer casts Earth Shield spam in Battlegrounds.  I was not able to duplicate this issue report, but believe the issue to be resolved with change made.  Shaman should now only cast Earth Shield on self in battlegrounds.
      *new* - Resto - Healing Surge % is now a higher amount by default, then when you train Greater Healing Wave is automatically prioritized down to 21% one time.
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2013
    19. tomten

      tomten Banned

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Hi bobby.

      Can you please implement a weapon check condition before/when in combat ?
      Yes, im forgetful to say the least when going between fishing botting and daily quest botting, often cause im at work and stressed.
      And with 2nd wind being so OP i never ever die, i just just stand there looking like a retard.

      If you wanna be beast you'll add an option for specify weapons ID in spec config.
      If not, just equipping any weapon currently in bag(and pref not boe) will suffice. Dual wielding aswell.

      If none of the above is possible, a condition for when singular cant use use a single ability... that it suspends targetting/combat/whatever tbh :p

      Thanks <3 :)
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2013
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tomten, Thanks for the post. Contextually equipping the weapons/fishing pole as needed is useful. I thought that was already handled in AutoAngler, but confess I haven't used that in a very long time. The component that would have the responsibility for the enhancement you described would seem to be either the fishing bot or AutoEquip. In lieu of that functionality being present, you should use Outfitter [CLICK HERE]. It is a WOW Addon that will allow you to equip gear based upon a set of criteria you setup like fishing, combat, battlegrounds, etc. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Warrior, Bobby53

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