One of my accounts got perma banned today (no warning) because I exchanged some gold and items via the black market AH with another one of my accounts. I used the BMAH because it's a high pop on Alliance and low pop on Horde server, and I needed equipment sent to my horde toon and money and mats made botting sent to my alliance toon. Blizz apparently marked this as a gold sell and baned my horde account (I got the Exploitative Activity: Abuse of economy email saying that I sold gold). The accounts are on different I*P*s running on V*M*w.a.r.e. and blizz apparently didn't pick up on this or on the fact that both accounts are botting (they only closed one of them). My question is, should I risk an appeal? I planed to do some actual gold selling with these accounts soon and this is a total bummer... meh
yes you can change stuff between horde and alliance on the BMAH but only between two separate accounts (not if the chars are on the same accounts). I have a feeling though that blizz monitors the BMAH very closely for "shady" dealings lol...
BMAH = Black Market Auction House. The Black Market Auction House is the new AH that was added in Pandaria, where you buy rare goods/mounts/ect. from NPCs for insanely high prices. That is not the Neutral Auction house in Booty Bay. - Hope that helps some of the confusion.
yes. the one getting stuff (stuff he needed and used - so it was a fair trade, but try explaining that to the blizzstapo... I bet they go home at night and accuse their mothers of gold selling)
sorry I always confuse those. ) I mean the neutral AH. I think i'm going to appeal the ban today... I'll let you know how it goes.
Just curious, was the amount over 100k gold ? I know from gold BUYING experience there is a 100k limit where you get auto flagged and warned in mail (saying gold buying is bad lol..) but no susp/ban. I could imagine there is a similar one for gold selling that flags you
i had the same thing happen to me on a started account. get on both accounts and put in a ticket.. saying i was sending my brother mats from a different fraction and then get on the other account and put in the same ticket. they will know then it wasnt a gold farmer.. but yet flag both accounts as a possibly threat.. so beware.
I dont know why people arent just clearly telling you this ban usually gets over turned just make a ticket or call up it will be fine.