Ugh...I hate small bugs like that...I won't be able to clear it til this afternoon (EST) though sorry. no access at work.
Dominance Offensive is awaiting its overhaul. Shieldwall just got its last night. DomOff I want to do carefully as there's even more "workarounds" and "messy code slapdashes" I had to do to get it working without a mesh. Now that there is one, it will work beautifully...once I can get to it...after work...
As i haven't had the time yet to check out this isle, what changes between the phases except more of the isle is available and more quests are offered there? Are the old npcs moved and their quests disabled, does the terrain change , or just doors open?
Still having problems with Laosy Scouting. Goes to Position 1 and stays there. Log: View attachment 1340 2013-03-14 09.52.txt Maybe changing the radius from 50 feet to something that will cover the whole area will produce better results?
Are you using the HB quest behavior or mine? Mine lowers the flight height which was fairly high. Trouble is I can extend the search radius to 10000 yds it won't change the fact that about 70 yds out they disappear until you're closer.
Lao Scouting quest doesn't work. The character arrives on a point and hangs in it in the sky. I looked that on a quest there is a separate script, in this script of only 2 locations of NPC. But it even on the 2nd doesn't fly. On one all hangs also. Thanks
Isle of Thunder Horde has the wrong portal id on the way to the isle, should be 218462 in line 87. (Phase 2, dunno whether the portal changes). Thank you very much for these nice profiles
I can't understand that I have to make for its part? I do everything as earlier. Earlier the quest worked
My issue is everytime I test, Lao is in the same spot, right under loc 1. I know it's a pathing issue from being in the air, so I'm trying to find a happy medium of being in the air, but not too low as to trigger the cage grab early.
Lmao, Lao is NEVER in that spot when im monitoring the bot. He's always near the behemoth or that spot to the right of the behemoth.
Having an issue after it finishes the animated warrior daily quest. Profile gets stuck in an endless loop then ends. First time posting on the forums and havent' seen anyone raise this issue. I think this is how you upload logs hehe.
Oh I know what's wrong. Diremoor returns to base to turn in but it's 2nd on the list. I had it wait but I know why it's doing that. I'll fix tonight.
cant load [Rep] Thunder Boss [Brodie].xml I am having difficulty loading the final quest in Phase 2 I wont load Scripts\[Rep] Thunder Boss [Brodie].xml attached is the log