Okay just curious, what is the main reason you guys are using HB for? My main reason is lazyraider (helps me alot) and questing.
mostly for leveling up twinks and farming stuff like heavy junkboxes to make a little amount of gold without a lot of work .
i had an account for over 5 years 10 85+ and 3 90's toons, over 9k achive points, and had the bloodthirsty title. never once boted and got band for boting. so i got a bot for my new account. if there gonna ban me for something i didn't do I'm gonna just do it.
Questing, Grinding, Gathering, Profession Buddy, that's about it. I bot on the account I play on to do all the boring crap that I don't feel like doing anymore ie everything except end game raiding and pvp. On all other bot accounts I bot for profit, I also have a few accounts that are inactive that have some 90's on them just in case. Essentially, I bot to have a life and only enjoy the parts of the game I would like to.
1. Questing - dailies and leveling. 2. Grinding. 3. Battlegrounds for HP and gear. 4. Tyrael for combat automation. 5. Gatherbuddy for gathering.
i use hb for lvling classes to 90 with questing and arena because hb and the custom classes on this forums heals dps better then i could self
I don't really use it for making gold or anything, I just like to use it for when I need to farm a mount, or achievement. I can't stand just running into a dungeon, killing the crap, for something that isn't beneficial.
To do all the time-consuming boring shit. I'm married with a child, I don't have time to farm till exalted to buy that special mount. Also I give all my excess gold to randoms and friends, I'm like robin hood
Because WoW Bores the shit outa me, if I didn't bot I would probably not even play this silly game anymore, takes up way to much of my real life time, and if I were to get a perma ban it would probably be a God send, and I would have my life back again