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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Daaniel, Mar 21, 2013.

    1. Daaniel

      Daaniel New Member

      Sep 7, 2012
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      Cheers everyone, i'm back after a 4 months pause.

      I just had some questions, what class is now the most OP in this patch and are the profile making still as high as before?.

      Also, what do you think of honorbuddy these days?,

      Been a long time since i've used it but how are the updates?, reguraly, many downs? etc.
    2. icymassacre

      icymassacre New Member

      Mar 27, 2011
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      With all the updates going around, it's tough to determine the "most OP" class at the moment. I could tell you, Mage, Hunter, Warlock are doing good while Rogues, Boomy, Shadowpriest are looking low. You can also check the WoW DPS Rankings (Realistic). This is found at Noxxic, and it has the average damage done by each class with the same item-level, and the best possible rotation.

      Hope this helps.

    3. Daaniel

      Daaniel New Member

      Sep 7, 2012
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      Hello,thanks for your awnser, i forgot to type in PvP :)

      And it seems that this forum ain't as active as be4 ?
    4. icymassacre

      icymassacre New Member

      Mar 27, 2011
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      Oh, well PvP doesn't seem to have had any dramatic changes, (at least that I've noticed), but I only run battle-groundss at the moment, so I wouldn't be too sure with Arenas and such. But, since its still "roughly" early into the expansion, your not finding as many people with extremely good PvP gear. (Don't get me wrong, there's people with some crazy stuff.) But not everyone is walking around with full Season 13 gear. As of rite now. if you could bot your character to having some good PvP gear compared to others, I think you will compete just fine. (As for rite now that is.) But, personally I don't think Rogues, Warlocks, Druids, and such will ever be considered "weak" in PvP. Each class has some PvP specific abilities that others don't. (Ex. Druids can regrowth and Displacer Beast and get away from being attacked by a whole group with full health, while a Warlock or Priest could crowd-control to the point you can't even be within 10 yards from them.) But overall, I think Blizzard does a pretty good job at keeping most classes even enough when it comes to PvP. (PvE may be a different story, but you know.)

      Hope this helps.

    5. icymassacre

      icymassacre New Member

      Mar 27, 2011
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      Also, just because you can play a character like a god when it comes to PvE, that doesn't mean ANYTHING when you get into PvP situations. There is no Noxxic to teach you how to play your PvP Character, (there's guides, but its more something you learn on your own.) Personally, I see PvP is more dependent on how YOU play your character over your characters "OP ness". So overall what I am saying is, skill is the most important factor, sometimes there is no OP class, only OP players.

      Hope this helps.

    6. Daaniel

      Daaniel New Member

      Sep 7, 2012
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      Ofc ofc, it's an personal experience, though i remember the bad(for others) good (for me) days, dinged 90 2 days after the expansion came out and i played a BM hunter, took me 3 - 5 seconds to win an arena in 2vs1 all by myself : )

      I'd just like to know what classes have the most insane burst so to say : )
    7. Dark57

      Dark57 New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      Yeah you played the easiest class in the game that had a broken mechanic. 2v1 when your stampede pets deal 100% damage is not skill. It's why so many noobs got titles last season. Run god comp and you don't have to know what pillar humping is because you won't lose.

      Every class has its role, it's all about the composition you pick to play. I main a warlock, I have mained a warlock in PVP since before I can remember. Even if warlock gets nerfed again and again, I still play my warlock because I understand that class the best. If you want to be good, you have to practice. Even if you're using Lazy Raider in arenas, you need to be familiar with your class still.

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