So its only weak people botting :-(? We are all stuck in a cave and... can.. cant.. caant find the key
I remember the first time i used a bot for world of warcraft....a few friends and i where sitting arround the computer...and i did the setup for the bot. Then finally -> "start" We where sitting in front of the computer...just fascinated...then the comments "wow cool"..."yeah really awesome"...."have you seen it killing the mob"..."yeah..nice"....XD Then my dad came in and he looked at us (he could only see the monitor from behind) and his first impression was "you guys are watching porn!!!!!!!!!" and we instantly answered like "wtf no" XD
I <3 botting made my first gold sale and gave me my base money to start slinging weed xD 235/Oz atm I'm going through 3 oz's a week xD
I often catch myself watching my bot in total fascination. It's just like magic. Something that I think is really boring and frustrating happens from itself and I don't have anything to do for it. Also botting has opened a source for amounts of money a 18 year old german student, who used to work for 5.50€/hour in a veryvery crappy job, had never dreamed of before
Actually it is. I had a 2 year old "real drug" addiction, and i turned that to this. They said at the rehab that you could change the drugaddiction to some other addiction, and that that wasn?t good. I don't trust them. This is good, i also earn money this way win win (It's true actually)
What were you addicted to, if you don't mind me asking? I know a friend who did the exact same thing.
Ofcourse, i'm a human, so it's much more then HB and GB that have made me drugfree, but it has helped me ALOT