New Member Hi there, im new here and to botting in general. First of, for various reasons, i no longer play on Blizz Realms. I Play an a private server with some 50odd friends.. We use Trinity mostly Second.. I multibox ( 5 instances on one pc ) Sometimes i multibox 5 shammies, sometimes a team of locks and priest, and sometimes i solo my druid... I want to start running bots for several functions 1) i need mats, and i need to farm them myself... 2) i want to level all the professions to their max. Some toon have professions merely for the high level buff's/abilities they get rather than for the items you make to sell 3) Our server is a close to standard as possible with 2 exceptions. Run speed is 1.2 times faster and xp gain is 1.2 times faster My questions around HB and GB are 1) what is the difference betweent he two ? The names seem to indicate an obvious difference, but then if i look at the functionality they both seem to do the same stuff ? 2) Can i multibox HB ( ie have it control 5 instances of wow on one pc )? 3) What is a CC ? 4) When buying lifetime version, how many copies am i entitled to run at once ( can i run more than one copy on a machine at a time ) ? Regards BBJ
So CC's are basically a set of "rules" for your character of what to do during combat (spell rotation, when to heal, etc.). If you buy Lifetime HB you can run 3 copies of the bot, so if you want to run 5, you need to purchase two HB lifetimes. HB - Leveling (Grinding/Questing/PvP/Mixed) Mixed is Que up for a BG and grind until the BG que pops. It can collect herbs/ore but not as well as GB. GB - Collects herbs/ore and can collect the clouds (requires engineering). *EDIT* As for the test version, go here for HB - And here for GB - The login info for the test version is Username - Test ||| Pw - T3st