Hey iv been looking into dungeonbuddy for awhile now and i think im gonna try it out. Solo que with my druid Feral DPS is it big risks im taking for the account here to just solo que? anyone care to explain?
Make sure you got good plugins and a good CR, watch it run through a few until you are sure its ok to run AFK.
That bot is for you to control movement while it executes the combat/heal rotation. It's not for AFK.
I've ever only run 1 or 2 dungeons while AFK, It's risky to say the least. However I do use Combat Bot or LazyRaider with auto targetting
I wouldn't use combatbot for dungeons/raiding as it usually performs the movement for you when in combat depending on CR.
I've had no movement problems at all Teveel - I handle all that myself. I used fpswareaio Warlock CR, Then going into class options and disabling movement options.