Code: [11:56:37.010 D] System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at MarkI.Extensions.DpsMeter.GetCombatTimeLeft(WoWUnit u, Int32 time) in c:\Users\ShangHaI\Desktop\HB 2\Routines\Mark%20I\Extensions\DpsMeter.cs:line 113 at MarkI.Main.<HandleSingleTargetSV>b__2ec(Object ret) in c:\Users\ShangHaI\Desktop\HB 2\Routines\Mark%20I\Main.cs:line 906 at MarkI.Extensions.Spell.<>c__DisplayClass64.<Cast>b__5c(Object ret) in c:\Users\ShangHaI\Desktop\HB 2\Routines\Mark%20I\Extensions\Spell.cs:line 772 at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context) Ur having the same issue as the guy 1 page infront of u. Have to wait for Falldown to look at it as I couldnt see where this problem came from. I assumed it was the DPSMeter but I changed that already.
I tried it last night on dummy keep only doing command kill and sending exp trap that is all nothing more
Hey, if you're having problems please post a full log, right now I can't tell what version you're using since its not from the beginning.
In what part do u see the versions? since what ive been posting i just delete the last things in the log, since they are to big to upload.
I was testing BM does it work with BM ? here is the logs I tried it with BM and I have logs 3 MB can't upload it and made it onto today-1.rar but said invalid file
Update coming soon that fixes a bunch of errors. Dps meter should work better now, no more errors and it only counts targets that are below 100% health and are targetting Us (Me, Pet or party/raid member). AddCount wont throw errors anymore in an AoE situation if you dont have a target. UseVirmensPotion wont throw errors if you dont have a target for Survival. Edit: 1.9.5 is up in the SVN, let me know if you get any more errors or find bugs and please post a log I'll probably try to work on optimizing DPS this weekend is that seems to be what most people want.
falldown the ui from your other beastmaster is awesome. can u impolement it into this. also if not the routine for bm on the other one was kick ass. it hasnt been updated
The old UI was a lot harder to maintain and required a lot of work, also the other BM routine is old and I'm not supporting it anymore so no more updates for that but this CR should be able to pull equal if not better numbers, at least if I can get all bugs fixed.
After doing 30 arenas and a few LFR's with no errors that I saw, I released 1.9.6 in both dev and public SVN. In addition to previous fixes I also made it not freezing trap focused units that are already CC'd.
mmh, any idea how i can fix this compiler error? ( sry for german version ) edit: Public Link seems to be broken, Dev Link works.
developer svn not loading in honorbuddy. routine is not using silencing shot in pve like horridon ( is activated ). would love a burst-trigger for questing/grinding/bossfights with adds.