Set up "log me out" with both 3 hours and 2000 conquest points specified. Figured the time would take precedence over the points. Well i was wrong... Woke up and he was still doing bg's honor capped, but with no whispers. Played for 21 hours straight. no ban or dc or anything. Its funny, cuz i got honor caped, disappointing cuz i was at 1500 conquest points and only had 1800 when i logged him off 8 hours later. All i could do was laugh I thought there was a auto ban on how long you were logged in?
logmeout will log you out when any of the criteria are met. heres some sudocode for kinda what i mean: int userspecifiedtime=3hours, userspecifiedconquestpoints=2000; if (timeloggedin > userspecifiedtime){ logthatniggaout; } if (conquestpoints > userspecifiedconquestpoints){ logthatniggaout; } or something to that effect, you hit either userspecified setting youll log essentially, my only thoughts are did you forget to hit recompile before you went to bed? i'm not in front of HB right now but i also recall there being some settings that you can have it do additional things like turn your pc off ect, maybe you had it do one of the non logging functions? On another note, HB seems to be really really buggy lately.