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A boter is reporting you!

What you will do?

  • ignore him also and report him?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ignore him and keep farming?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • fast speak with him and log out for a week?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Jan 17, 2011
What you will do if a boter report you?

i was at Jade forest and farming last night and this person (Kuppikeijo) /w me that he is going to report me for boting.
i instantly /w him back and he just ignored me!
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.
You should whisper this text to him. Or just ignore him. :)
Anyone who voted 'report him' are fucking dick heads. Back in the day of OB and Glider, it was so frowned upon it's unreal. Nowadays, more kids are botting and they feel as if they're entitled to 'their loot'. It's rediculous. They don't realize the damage they're doing. More reports = More chances for Blizz to detect everything....Which could mean an end (or slow down) in bots....

At time of typing its 4 saying 'report them', and 3 (including myself) saying ignore and carry on.

What dicks...
Ignore it as its usually a empty threat, besides if people reading this DO REPORT OTHERS FOR BEING BOTS then bear this in mind, BLIZZARD CHECK YOU OUT TOO FOR REPORTING.
I've had a few instances where it was painfully obvious we were using the same profile, I lol'd and changed the profile I was using. I've also had a random level 1 mage whisper me telling me they were reporting me for botting, only to never be heard from again. I wouldn't report a botter, there should be honor even among thieves. lol
Anyone who voted 'report him' are fucking dick heads. Back in the day of OB and Glider, it was so frowned upon it's unreal. Nowadays, more kids are botting and they feel as if they're entitled to 'their loot'. It's rediculous. They don't realize the damage they're doing. More reports = More chances for Blizz to detect everything....Which could mean an end (or slow down) in bots....

At time of typing its 4 saying 'report them', and 3 (including myself) saying ignore and carry on.

What dicks...

so if someone report you and you loose your acc you will do nothing?
i personaly when i'm farming boting see many other boters running around me even taking my loot when i fight! i dont care at all!
but when someone is reporting me for something that he is also doing i just go mad....
It's possible that your account will be banned if you're botting.
i got that situation too
when i start botting the first time i a guy say to me good bye botter i got a 72h ban but i know his name and a friend is gone to the spot where i botted and watched for that i guy and saw he was a Botter to and used the same profiele so i said report him to than this is a faggot report a botter to self bot the same route

I think that is the best way eye for eye toth for toth
or you can use badboy addon and all badboy addons and never get a whisper of those stupid kidz.
I go by this

"Do to others as you would have them do to you" and "Live by the sword, die by the sword"

and learning how to create your own profiles cant hurt specially if you want to AFK often. I am new to botting but I am learning specially after my first AV where I saw a queue of people on top of each other if front of the Vandar's base :). It was at least 10 people!
Ignore him and keep botting, who gives 2 shits about him

By reporting you, he also shines the light on himself ie blizz gm investigates you, looks at the name of the ticketer, hmm why isn't he replying or why is he flying around jade forest at 2 in morn getting herbs, strange, lets investigate

bam, banned. Its that simple
No its not, if someone report you, then they only look at the reported acc. Ive reported myself on battlechest acc's to test it.
wtf, how is this Thread still active?

The first choice actually means an instant forum ban.

Great poll...
Poll: What you will do?

ignore him also and report him?
ignore him and keep farming?
fast speak with him and log out for a week?

View Poll Results

Talk to him, yell at him and say i am not a botter, I live in the middle of Wisconsin, nothing but woods.. nothing to do besides burning the woods down and getting tickets.
SO i often play wow...

then i log off for a few hours while watching cartoons.. and then get right back to botting.
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