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  • Problem while questing "You are too far away" -*temp fix*

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by dankish, Apr 14, 2013.

    1. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      Last night I ran across a thread with this title, the person had the exact problem I did. The bot would stop before arriving within melee range of a mob. The poster did not have a log posted and the only reply pointed that out and also asked what CCs were being used. I fixed my problem and posted in the thread to maybe help others out, although apparently I was so tired at the time I replied in the wrong thread and today it seems to have been deleted. Anyhow I hope this helps some.

      ---- my reply to the original thread

      I am no expert with HB and only been using it about a month myself but I ran into this problem tonight at some point after updating to the new version. What I did to finally fix it was copy the /hb/routines/singular folder from the previous version and replaced the new versions. I completely removed the new one then copied in the old. Now my paladin will run right up like they always have.

      I decided to try this because of bmertler's reply asking what CC was being used. Even without a log some helpful information could be given to point a person into the correct direction so they could possibly figure it out. Anyway this problem seems really new, not easy to spot all the time either because it does not cause problems on most mobs. Most mobs will run right up to you even when you stop, therefor the problem doesn't get noticed. It was most noticeable on my fresh new level 1 paladin, had no range spell to cast yet and the mobs she went after were neutral, she would just stop out of melee range. Another time it causes problems is on any mob that casts a lot, my paladin would stand there and wait for ranged cooldowns to hit the mob with anything.

      Hope this helps anyone until someone can provide a log for it to be looked at. I have yet to run into a problem that I could not resolve by searching the forum or google (which usually takes me to a thread on the forum) so I have not yet bothered to look into the logs and what is needed. It is too late tonight and I need to be at work in the morning, had to get this fixed though. So that's why I'm not providing any logs, sorry.

      Also I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but prior to fixing this problem I was having major issues with another paladin toon doing quests in Borean Tundra at warsong hold. She was not able to get around at all, would get stuck on everything fly into walls, land on ledges dismount and stand there like the wall will open any moment. I had to manually pick up all the starting quests. NOW though after fixing the melee range problem for my new toon, the one having problems navigating in warsong hold is now having no problems getting in and out, if she gets stuck on a wall she eventually backs up and repositions and able to find the quest givers.
    2. gibsondude

      gibsondude Member

      Nov 17, 2010
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      Testing this out now. Thanks for this.
    3. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yes i have that to with lvl 1 on starting area with paladin so i use another cc til a few lvls then switch back to singular again.
    4. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      When I tested the problem on another toon who was higher level, I realized the problem still existed. It's just that the toon has more it can cast at range and the mobs usually run up to the bot (but the bot still was stopping out of range.) It only gets stuck completely if the mob does not agro (neutral mobs) or only stands at a distance and casts on the bot. Even still I don't like the idea that it's still broken and stopping out of range.
    5. Stip

      Stip New Member

      Jan 22, 2013
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      The new singulars and quest behaviors will work only with profiles updated for 557, as many new coding stuff got in. Many people are having problems using new profiles with this new version, and that's because the writters haven't caught up yet.

      What you do is, fresh install (means new blank folder, then unzipping, not using the update tool), and never overwritte quest behaviors and routines folder that come with the bot download with the ones that come from profiles.
    6. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      Yes that is what I attempted when I ran into the problem. Complete fresh unzip/install of HB and closed out wow and loaded them both up fresh. Infact I can't count how many times I've done that this week on both my laptop and desktop. From what you are saying my problem is using Kick's profiles with the new singulars and behaviors. Thanks for the extra info!
    7. Stip

      Stip New Member

      Jan 22, 2013
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      Not exactly. Kick's shouldn't get those problems, as most of the profiles are updated and ready for 557. Also he's one of the persons responsible for writting quest behaviors, and they now come as one. So if you are getting this errors using Kick's profiles, either is an installation problem, or the files are inside QB folder, or some hindering mystery of the twisting nether.
    8. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      Well it happens with 557, complete fresh install. I tested it 4 or 5 times before replacing the folder I named above. With multiple characters. If kick's is updated to 557, then 557 has some bug causing this. Works perfect using the old singular folder within 557.
    9. Stip

      Stip New Member

      Jan 22, 2013
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      Kick's uptodate profiles won't update neither singular folder or quest behaviors folder. They work with the ones provided from a fresh install of 557. That's what I'm saying.
    10. dankish

      dankish New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      Yes I understand that, but I took what you said earlier as that profiles being used need to be updated *for* 557's changes. I'm aware of what kicks profiles include and what is part of HB itself. What I was just saying is, if kicks is updated for 557, then there is some bug out there causing this. For now I'm working around it by using the old singular folder.

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